Displaying 81 – 100 of 160

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Large and Moderate Deviations Principles for Recursive Kernel Estimator of a Multivariate Density and its Partial Derivatives

Mokkadem, Abdelkader, Mariane, Pelletier, Baba, Thiam (2006)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62G07, 60F10.In this paper we prove large and moderate deviations principles for the recursive kernel estimator of a probability density function and its partial derivatives. Unlike the density estimator, the derivatives estimators exhibit a quadratic behaviour not only for the moderate deviations scale but also for the large deviations one. We provide results both for the pointwise and the uniform deviations.

Least-squares trigonometric regression estimation

Waldemar Popiński (1999)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The problem of nonparametric function fitting using the complete orthogonal system of trigonometric functions e k , k=0,1,2,..., for the observation model y i = f ( x i n ) + η i , i=1,...,n, is considered, where η i are uncorrelated random variables with zero mean value and finite variance, and the observation points x i n [ 0 , 2 π ] , i=1,...,n, are equidistant. Conditions for convergence of the mean-square prediction error ( 1 / n ) i = 1 n E ( f ( x i n ) - f ^ N ( n ) ( x i n ) ) 2 , the integrated mean-square error E f - f ^ N ( n ) 2 and the pointwise mean-square error E ( f ( x ) - N ( n ) ( x ) ) 2 of the estimator f ^ N ( n ) ( x ) = k = 0 N ( n ) c ^ k e k ( x ) for f ∈ C[0,2π] and...

Local Asymptotic Normality Property for Lacunar Wavelet Series multifractal model

Jean-Michel Loubes, Davy Paindaveine (2011)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider a lacunar wavelet series function observed with an additive Brownian motion. Such functions are statistically characterized by two parameters. The first parameter governs the lacunarity of the wavelet coefficients while the second one governs its intensity. In this paper, we establish the local and asymptotic normality (LAN) of the model, with respect to this couple of parameters. This enables to prove the optimality of an estimator for the lacunarity parameter, and to build optimal...

Local Asymptotic Normality Property for Lacunar Wavelet Series multifractal model*

Jean-Michel Loubes, Davy Paindaveine (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider a lacunar wavelet series function observed with an additive Brownian motion. Such functions are statistically characterized by two parameters. The first parameter governs the lacunarity of the wavelet coefficients while the second one governs its intensity. In this paper, we establish the local and asymptotic normality (LAN) of the model, with respect to this couple of parameters. This enables to prove the optimality of an estimator for the lacunarity parameter, and to build optimal...

Local superefficiency of data-driven projection density estimators in continuous time.

Denis Bosq, Delphine Blanke (2004)


We construct a data-driven projection density estimator for continuous time processes. This estimator reaches superoptimal rates over a class F0 of densities that is dense in the family of all possible densities, and a «reasonable» rate elsewhere. The class F0 may be chosen previously by the analyst. Results apply to Rd-valued processes and to N-valued processes. In the particular case where square-integrable local time does exist, it is shown that our estimator is strictly better than the local...

Marginal problem, statistical estimation, and Möbius formula

Martin Janžura (2007)


A solution to the marginal problem is obtained in a form of parametric exponential (Gibbs–Markov) distribution, where the unknown parameters are obtained by an optimization procedure that agrees with the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate. With respect to a difficult performance of the method we propose also an alternative approach, providing the original basis of marginals can be appropriately extended. Then the (numerically feasible) solution can be obtained either by the maximum pseudo-likelihood...

Model selection for regression on a random design

Yannick Baraud (2002)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the problem of estimating an unknown regression function when the design is random with values in k . Our estimation procedure is based on model selection and does not rely on any prior information on the target function. We start with a collection of linear functional spaces and build, on a data selected space among this collection, the least-squares estimator. We study the performance of an estimator which is obtained by modifying this least-squares estimator on a set of small probability....

Model selection for regression on a random design

Yannick Baraud (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the problem of estimating an unknown regression function when the design is random with values in k . Our estimation procedure is based on model selection and does not rely on any prior information on the target function. We start with a collection of linear functional spaces and build, on a data selected space among this collection, the least-squares estimator. We study the performance of an estimator which is obtained by modifying this least-squares estimator on a set of small...

Non-parametric approximation of non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-based multistage stochastic programming

Jean-Sébastien Roy, Arnaud Lenoir (2008)


We propose two methods to solve multistage stochastic programs when only a (large) finite set of scenarios is available. The usual scenario tree construction to represent non-anticipativity constraints is replaced by alternative discretization schemes coming from non-parametric estimation ideas. In the first method, a penalty term is added to the objective so as to enforce the closeness between decision variables and the Nadaraya–Watson estimation of their conditional expectation. A numerical application...

Nonparametric estimation of the density of the alternative hypothesis in a multiple testing setup. Application to local false discovery rate estimation

Van Hanh Nguyen, Catherine Matias (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In a multiple testing context, we consider a semiparametric mixture model with two components where one component is known and corresponds to the distribution of p-values under the null hypothesis and the other component f is nonparametric and stands for the distribution under the alternative hypothesis. Motivated by the issue of local false discovery rate estimation, we focus here on the estimation of the nonparametric unknown component f in the mixture, relying on a preliminary estimator of the...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 160