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Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

Criterio para detectar outliers en poblaciones normales bivariantes.

Joaquón Muñoz García (1984)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Damos un procedimiento de detección de outliers para muestras procedentes de poblaciones normales bivariantes, que viene dado por el cuadrado de la distancia entre matrices de sumas de cuadrados y sumas de productos de observaciones muestrales, la cual se ha obtenido a partir de la forma métrica diferencial de Maas.

Cubic splines with minimal norm

Jiří Kobza (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

Natural cubic interpolatory splines are known to have a minimal L 2 -norm of its second derivative on the C 2 (or W 2 2 ) class of interpolants. We consider cubic splines which minimize some other norms (or functionals) on the class of interpolatory cubic splines only. The cases of classical cubic splines with defect one (interpolation of function values) and of Hermite C 1 splines (interpolation of function values and first derivatives) with spline knots different from the points of interpolation are discussed....

Curriculum vita of Prof. Vasil Atanasov Popov

Ivanov, Kamen, Petrushev, Pencho (2002)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

Our primary goal in this preamble is to highlight the best of Vasil Popov’s mathematical achievements and ideas. V. Popov showed his extraordinary talent for mathematics in his early papers in the (typically Bulgarian) area of approximation in the Hausdorff metric. His results in this area are very well presented in the monograph of his advisor Bl. Sendov, “Hausdorff Approximation”.

Curvature and Flow in Digital Space

Atsushi Imiya (2013)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

We first define the curvature indices of vertices of digital objects. Second, using these indices, we define the principal normal vectors of digital curves and surfaces. These definitions allow us to derive the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for digital objects. Third, we introduce curvature flow for isothetic polytopes defined in a digital space.

Curve reconstruction from a set of measured points

Hlavová, Marta (2021)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In this article, a method of cubic spline curve fitting to a set of points passing at a prescribed distance from input points obtained by measurement on a coordinate measuring machine is described. When reconstructing the shape of measured object from the points obtained by real measurements, it is always necessary to consider measurement uncertainty (tenths to tens of micrometres). This uncertainty is not zero, therefore interpolation methods, where the resulting curve passes through the given...

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 566