Displaying 621 – 640 of 1948

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A note on contact shape optimization with semicoercive state problems

Jaroslav Haslinger (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

This note deals with contact shape optimization for problems involving “floating” structures. The boundedness of solutions to state problems with respect to admissible domains, which is the basic step in the existence analysis, is a consequence of Korn’s inequality in coercive cases. In semicoercive cases (meaning that floating bodies are admitted), the Korn inequality cannot be directly applied and one has to proceed in another way: to use a decomposition of kinematically admissible functions and...

A note on direct methods for approximations of sparse Hessian matrices

Miroslav Tůma (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

Necessity of computing large sparse Hessian matrices gave birth to many methods for their effective approximation by differences of gradients. We adopt the so-called direct methods for this problem that we faced when developing programs for nonlinear optimization. A new approach used in the frame of symmetric sequential coloring is described. Numerical results illustrate the differences between this method and the popular Powell-Toint method.

A note on nonhomogeneous initial and boundary conditions in parabolic problems solved by the Rothe method

Karel Rektorys, Marie Ludvíková (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

When solving parabolic problems by the so-called Rothe method (see K. Rektorys, Czech. Math. J. 21 (96), 1971, 318-330 and other authors), some difficulties of theoretical nature are encountered in the case of nonhomogeneous initial and boundary conditions. As a rule, these difficulties lead to rather unnatural additional conditions imposed on the corresponding bilinear form and the initial and boundary functions. In the present paper, it is shown how to remove such additional assumptions in the...

Currently displaying 621 – 640 of 1948