Displaying 61 – 80 of 150

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Bilevel Approach of a Decomposed Topology Optimization Problem

A. Makrizi, B. Radi (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In topology optimization problems, we are often forced to deal with large-scale numerical problems, so that the domain decomposition method occurs naturally. Consider a typical topology optimization problem, the minimum compliance problem of a linear isotropic elastic continuum structure, in which the constraints are the partial differential equations of linear elasticity. We subdivide the partial differential equations into two subproblems posed...

Binary segmentation and Bonferroni-type bounds

Michal Černý (2011)


We introduce the function Z ( x ; ξ , ν ) : = - x ϕ ( t - ξ ) · Φ ( ν t ) d t , where ϕ and Φ are the pdf and cdf of N ( 0 , 1 ) , respectively. We derive two recurrence formulas for the effective computation of its values. We show that with an algorithm for this function, we can efficiently compute the second-order terms of Bonferroni-type inequalities yielding the upper and lower bounds for the distribution of a max-type binary segmentation statistic in the case of small samples (where asymptotic results do not work), and in general for max-type random variables...

Biochemical network of drug-induced enzyme production: Parameter estimation based on the periodic dosing response measurement

Volodymyr Lynnyk, Štěpán Papáček, Branislav Rehák (2021)


The well-known bottleneck of systems pharmacology, i. e., systems biology applied to pharmacology, refers to the model parameters determination from experimentally measured datasets. This paper represents the development of our earlier studies devoted to inverse (ill-posed) problems of model parameters identification. The key feature of this research is the introduction of control (or periodic forcing by an input signal being a drug intake) of the nonlinear model of drug-induced enzyme production...

Biquadratic splines interpolating mean values

Jiří Kobza, Jan Mlčák (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

Continuity conditions for a biquadratic spline interpolating given mean values in terms of proper parameters are given. Boundary conditions determining such a spline and the algorithm for computing local parameters for the given data are studied. The notion of the natural spline and its extremal property is mentioned.

Block Factorization of Hankel Matrices and Euclidean Algorithm

S. Belhaj (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

It is shown that a real Hankel matrix admits an approximate block diagonalization in which the successive transformation matrices are upper triangular Toeplitz matrices. The structure of this factorization was first fully discussed in [1]. This approach is extended to obtain the quotients and the remainders appearing in the Euclidean algorithm applied to two polynomials u(x) and v(x) of degree n and m, respectively, whith m < ...

Block matrix approximation via entropy loss function

Malwina Janiszewska, Augustyn Markiewicz, Monika Mokrzycka (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of the paper is to present a procedure for the approximation of a symmetric positive definite matrix by symmetric block partitioned matrices with structured off-diagonal blocks. The entropy loss function is chosen as approximation criterion. This procedure is applied in a simulation study of the statistical problem of covariance structure identification.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 150