Displaying 81 – 100 of 566

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Colinearité et Instabilité Numérique dans le Modèle Linéaire

Thierry Foucart (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper we give the expression of the multiple correlation coefficient in a linear model according to the coefficients of correlation. This expression makes it possible to analyze from a numerical point of view the instability of estimates in the case of collinear explanatory variables in the linear model or in the autoregressive model. This numerical approach, that we show on two examples, thus supplements the usual approach of the quasi colinearity, founded on the statistical properties...

Colouring polytopic partitions in d

Michal Křížek (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider face-to-face partitions of bounded polytopes into convex polytopes in d for arbitrary d 1 and examine their colourability. In particular, we prove that the chromatic number of any simplicial partition does not exceed d + 1 . Partitions of polyhedra in 3 into pentahedra and hexahedra are 5 - and 6 -colourable, respectively. We show that the above numbers are attainable, i.e., in general, they cannot be reduced.

Combined a posteriori modeling-discretization error estimate for elliptic problems with complicated interfaces

Sergey I. Repin, Tatiana S. Samrowski, Stéfan A. Sauter (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider linear elliptic problems with variable coefficients, which may sharply change values and have a complex behavior in the domain. For these problems, a new combined discretization-modeling strategy is suggested and studied. It uses a sequence of simplified models, approximating the original one with increasing accuracy. Boundary value problems generated by these simplified models are solved numerically, and the approximation and modeling errors are estimated by a posteriori estimates of...

Combined a posteriori modeling-discretization error estimate for elliptic problems with complicated interfaces

Sergey I. Repin, Tatiana S. Samrowski, Stéfan A. Sauter (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider linear elliptic problems with variable coefficients, which may sharply change values and have a complex behavior in the domain. For these problems, a new combined discretization-modeling strategy is suggested and studied. It uses a sequence of simplified models, approximating the original one with increasing accuracy. Boundary value problems generated by these simplified models are solved numerically, and the approximation and modeling errors are estimated by a posteriori estimates of...

Combined a posteriori modeling-discretization error estimate for elliptic problems with complicated interfaces

Sergey I. Repin, Tatiana S. Samrowski, Stéfan A. Sauter (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider linear elliptic problems with variable coefficients, which may sharply change values and have a complex behavior in the domain. For these problems, a new combined discretization-modeling strategy is suggested and studied. It uses a sequence of simplified models, approximating the original one with increasing accuracy. Boundary value problems generated by these simplified models are solved numerically, and the approximation and modeling errors are estimated by a posteriori estimates of...

Combined finite element -- finite volume method (convergence analysis)

Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We present an efficient numerical method for solving viscous compressible fluid flows. The basic idea is to combine finite volume and finite element methods in an appropriate way. Thus nonlinear convective terms are discretized by the finite volume method over a finite volume mesh dual to a triangular grid. Diffusion terms are discretized by the conforming piecewise linear finite element method. In the paper we study theoretical properties of this scheme for the scalar nonlinear convection-diffusion...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 566