Displaying 41 – 60 of 224

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Biquadratic splines interpolating mean values

Jiří Kobza, Jan Mlčák (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

Continuity conditions for a biquadratic spline interpolating given mean values in terms of proper parameters are given. Boundary conditions determining such a spline and the algorithm for computing local parameters for the given data are studied. The notion of the natural spline and its extremal property is mentioned.

Constructions of interpolation curves from given supporting elements. I

Josef Matušů, Josef Novák (1985)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper deals with the constructions of interpolation curves which pass through given supporting points (nodes) and touch supporting tangent vectors given at only some fo these points or, as the case may be, at all these points. The mathematical kernel of these constructions is based on Lienhard's interpolation method.

Constructions of interpolation curves from given supporting elements. II

Josef Matušů, Josef Novák (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper deals with the constructions of interpolation curves which pass through given supporting points (nodes) and touch supporting tangent vectors given at only some of these points or, as the case may be, at all these points. The mathematical kernel of these constructions is based on the Lienhard's interpolation method. Formulae for the curvature of plane and space interpolation curves are derived.

Cubic splines with minimal norm

Jiří Kobza (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

Natural cubic interpolatory splines are known to have a minimal L 2 -norm of its second derivative on the C 2 (or W 2 2 ) class of interpolants. We consider cubic splines which minimize some other norms (or functionals) on the class of interpolatory cubic splines only. The cases of classical cubic splines with defect one (interpolation of function values) and of Hermite C 1 splines (interpolation of function values and first derivatives) with spline knots different from the points of interpolation are discussed....

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 224