Displaying 101 – 120 of 224

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Interpolation of non-smooth functions on anisotropic finite element meshes

Thomas Apel (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, several modifications of the quasi-interpolation operator of Scott and Zhang [30] are discussed. The modified operators are defined for non-smooth functions and are suited for application on anisotropic meshes. The anisotropy of the elements is reflected in the local stability and approximation error estimates. As an application, an example is considered where anisotropic finite element meshes are appropriate, namely the Poisson problem in domains with edges.

Interpolation operators on the space of holomorphic functions on the unit circle

Josef Kofroň (2001)

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of the paper is to get an estimation of the error of the general interpolation rule for functions which are real valued on the interval [ - a , a ] , a ( 0 , 1 ) , have a holomorphic extension on the unit circle and are quadratic integrable on the boundary of it. The obtained estimate does not depend on the derivatives of the function to be interpolated. The optimal interpolation formula with mutually different nodes is constructed and an error estimate as well as the rate of convergence are obtained. The general...

Interpolation with restrictions -- role of the boundary conditions and individual restrictions

Valášek, Jan, Sváček, Petr (2023)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The contribution deals with the remeshing procedure between two computational finite element meshes. The remeshing represented by the interpolation of an approximate solution onto a new mesh is needed in many applications like e.g. in aeroacoustics, here we are particularly interested in the numerical flow simulation of a gradual channel collapse connected with a~severe deterioration of the computational mesh quality. Since the classical Lagrangian projection from one mesh to another is a dissipative...

L 2 -error estimates for Dirichlet and Neumann problems on anisotropic finite element meshes

Thomas Apel, Dieter Sirch (2011)

Applications of Mathematics

An L 2 -estimate of the finite element error is proved for a Dirichlet and a Neumann boundary value problem on a three-dimensional, prismatic and non-convex domain that is discretized by an anisotropic tetrahedral mesh. To this end, an approximation error estimate for an interpolation operator that is preserving the Dirichlet boundary conditions is given. The challenge for the Neumann problem is the proof of a local interpolation error estimate for functions from a weighted Sobolev space.

Local interpolation by a quadratic Lagrange finite element in 1D

Josef Dalík (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

We analyse the error of interpolation of functions from the space H 3 ( a , c ) in the nodes a < b < c of a regular quadratic Lagrange finite element in 1D by interpolants from the local function space of this finite element. We show that the order of the error depends on the way in which the mutual positions of nodes a , b , c change as the length of interval [ a , c ] approaches zero.

Meshless Polyharmonic Div-Curl Reconstruction

M. N. Benbourhim, A. Bouhamidi (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper, we will discuss the meshless polyharmonic reconstruction of vector fields from scattered data, possibly, contaminated by noise. We give an explicit solution of the problem. After some theoretical framework, we discuss some numerical aspect arising in the problems related to the reconstruction of vector fields

Multivariate smooth interpolation that employs polyharmonic functions

Segeth, Karel (2019)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We study the problem of construction of the smooth interpolation formula presented as the minimizer of suitable functionals subject to interpolation constraints. We present a procedure for determining the interpolation formula that in a natural way leads to a linear combination of polyharmonic splines complemented with lower order polynomial terms. In general, such formulae can be very useful e.g. in geographic information systems or computer aided geometric design. A simple computational example...

Natural and smoothing quadratic spline. (An elementary approach)

Jiří Kobza, Dušan Zápalka (1991)

Applications of Mathematics

For quadratic spine interpolating local integrals (mean-values) on a given mesh the conditions of existence and uniqueness, construction under various boundary conditions and other properties are studied. The extremal property of such's spline allows us to present an elementary construction and an algorithm for computing needed parameters of such quadratic spline smoothing given mean-values. Examples are given illustrating the results.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 224