Basic boundary value problems of thermoelasticity for anisotropic bodies with cuts. I.
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Georgian Mathematical Journal
Duduchava, R., Natroshvili, D., Shargorodsky, E. (1995)
Georgian Mathematical Journal
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Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
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Mathematical Problems in Engineering
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Bulletin of TICMI
Franco Pastrone (1991)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni
It is proved that, as in three-dimensional elasticity, Betti's theorem represents a criterion for the existence of a stored-energy function for a Cosserat elastic shell.
R. Lipschitz (1874)
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Joanna Janczewska (2001)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
We investigate bifurcation in the solution set of the von Kármán equations on a disk Ω ⊂ ℝ² with two positive parameters α and β. The equations describe the behaviour of an elastic thin round plate lying on an elastic base under the action of a compressing force. The method of analysis is based on reducing the problem to an operator equation in real Banach spaces with a nonlinear Fredholm map F of index zero (to be defined later) that depends on the parameters α and β. Applying the implicit function...
Igor Brilla (1984)
Aplikace matematiky
In this paper the author studies existence and bifurcation of a nonlinear homogeneous Volterra integral equation, which is derived as the first approximation for the solution of the time dependent generalization of the von Kármán equations. The last system serves as a model for stability (instability) of a thin rectangular visco-elastic plate whose two opposite edges are subjected to a constant loading which depends on the parameters of proportionality of this boundary loading.
Sadovský, Zoltán (1986)
Equadiff 6
Igor Brilla (1990)
Aplikace matematiky
The paper deals with the analysis of generalized von Kármán equations which describe stability of a thin circular clamped viscoelastic plate of constant thickness under a uniform compressive load which is applied along its edge and depends on a real parameter, and gives results for the linearized problem of stability of viscoelastic plates. An exact definition of a bifurcation point for the generalized von Kármán equations is given. Then relations between the critical points of the linearized problem...
A. Makrizi, B. Radi (2010)
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
In topology optimization problems, we are often forced to deal with large-scale numerical problems, so that the domain decomposition method occurs naturally. Consider a typical topology optimization problem, the minimum compliance problem of a linear isotropic elastic continuum structure, in which the constraints are the partial differential equations of linear elasticity. We subdivide the partial differential equations into two subproblems posed...
Bradley, Mary Elizabeth, Lenhart, Suzanne (2001)
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Analyse non linéaire
Sista Sivaji Ganesh, Muthusamy Vanninathan (2005)
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
In this article, the homogenization process of periodic structures is analyzed using Bloch waves in the case of system of linear elasticity in three dimensions. The Bloch wave method for homogenization relies on the regularity of the lower Bloch spectrum. For the three dimensional linear elasticity system, the first eigenvalue is degenerate of multiplicity three and hence existence of such a regular Bloch spectrum is not guaranteed. The aim here is to develop all necessary spectral tools to overcome...
Sista Sivaji Ganesh, Muthusamy Vanninathan (2010)
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
In this article, the homogenization process of periodic structures is analyzed using Bloch waves in the case of system of linear elasticity in three dimensions. The Bloch wave method for homogenization relies on the regularity of the lower Bloch spectrum. For the three dimensional linear elasticity system, the first eigenvalue is degenerate of multiplicity three and hence existence of such a regular Bloch spectrum is not guaranteed. The aim here is to develop all necessary spectral tools to overcome...
Nicole Turbé (1984)
Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques
Messaoudi, Salim A., Said-Houari, Belkacem (2004)
Journal of Applied Mathematics
J. A. Gawinecki, P. Kacprzyk (2008)
Applicationes Mathematicae
We consider the initial value problem for the nonlinear partial differential equations describing the motion of an inhomogeneous and anisotropic hyperelastic medium. We assume that the stored energy function of the hyperelastic material is a function of the point x and the nonlinear Green-St. Venant strain tensor . Moreover, we assume that the stored energy function is with respect to x and . In our description we assume that Piola-Kirchhoff’s stress tensor depends on the tensor . This means...
Denis Mercier, Virginie Régnier (2009)
Collectanea Mathematica
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