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General and physically privileged solutions to certain symmetric systems of linear P.D.E.s with tensor functionals as unknowns

Adriano Montanaro, Diego Pigozzi (2000)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We characterize the general solutions to certain symmetric systems of linear partial differential equations with tensor functionals as unknowns. Then we determine the solutions that are physically meaningful in suitable senses related with the constitutive functionals of two simple thermodynamic bodies with fading memory that are globally equivalent, i.e. roughly speaking that behave in the same way along processes not involving cuts. The domains of the constitutive functionals are nowhere dense...

General method of regularization. I: Functionals defined on BD space

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material) is the lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We find the integral representation of a non-locally coercive functional. In part II, we will show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. Moreover, we will prove the existence theorem for the limit analysis problem.

General method of regularization. II: Relaxation proposed by suquet

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material) is the lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We find the integral representation of a non-locally coercive functional. We show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. Moreover, we prove an existence theorem for the limit analysis problem.

General method of regularization. III: The unilateral contact problem

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material with the Signorini constraints on the boundary) is the weak* lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We consider an elastic-plastic solid endowed with the von Mises (or Tresca) yield condition. Moreover, we show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. We deduce that...

Generalised functions of bounded deformation

Gianni Dal Maso (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We introduce the space G B D of generalized functions of bounded deformation and study the structure properties of these functions: the rectiability and the slicing properties of their jump sets, and the existence of their approximate symmetric gradients. We conclude by proving a compactness results for G B D , which leads to a compactness result for the space G S B D of generalized special functions of bounded deformation. The latter is connected to the existence of solutions to a weak formulation of some variational...

Generalized Newton methods for the 2D-Signorini contact problem with friction in function space

Karl Kunisch, Georg Stadler (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The 2D-Signorini contact problem with Tresca and Coulomb friction is discussed in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. First, the problem with given friction (Tresca friction) is considered. It leads to a constraint non-differentiable minimization problem. By means of the Fenchel duality theorem this problem can be transformed into a constrained minimization involving a smooth functional. A regularization technique for the dual problem motivated by augmented lagrangians allows to apply an infinite-dimensional...

Generalized Newton methods for the 2D-Signorini contact problem with friction in function space

Karl Kunisch, Georg Stadler (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The 2D-Signorini contact problem with Tresca and Coulomb friction is discussed in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. First, the problem with given friction (Tresca friction) is considered. It leads to a constraint non-differentiable minimization problem. By means of the Fenchel duality theorem this problem can be transformed into a constrained minimization involving a smooth functional. A regularization technique for the dual problem motivated by augmented Lagrangians allows to apply an...

Geometrically nonlinear shape-memory polycrystals made from a two-variant material

Robert V. Kohn, Barbara Niethammer (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Bhattacharya and Kohn have used small-strain (geometrically linear) elasticity to analyze the recoverable strains of shape-memory polycrystals. The adequacy of small-strain theory is open to question, however, since some shape-memory materials recover as much as 10 percent strain. This paper provides the first progress toward an analogous geometrically nonlinear theory. We consider a model problem, involving polycrystals made from a two-variant elastic material in two space dimensions. The linear theory...

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