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Weak Formulations and Solution Multiplicity of Equilibrium Configurations with Coulomb Friction

M. Bostan, P. Hild (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

This work is concerned with the equilibrium configurations of elastic structures in contact with Coulomb friction. We obtain a variational formulation of this equilibrium problem. Then we propose sufficient conditions for the existence of an infinity of equilibrium configurations with arbitrary small friction coefficients. We illustrate the result in two space dimensions with a simple example.

Weak solutions for a fluid-elastic structure interaction model.

Benoit Desjardins, María J. Esteban, Céline Grandmont, Patrick Le Tallec (2001)

Revista Matemática Complutense

The purpose of this paper is to study a model coupling an incompressible viscous fiuid with an elastic structure in a bounded container. We prove the existence of weak solutions à la Leray as long as no collisions occur.

Weak solvability and numerical analysis of a class of time-fractional hemivariational inequalities with application to frictional contact problems

Mustapha Bouallala (2024)

Applications of Mathematics

We investigate a generalized class of fractional hemivariational inequalities involving the time-fractional aspect. The existence result is established by employing the Rothe method in conjunction with the surjectivity of multivalued pseudomonotone operators and the properties of the Clarke generalized gradient. We are also exploring a numerical approach to address the problem, utilizing both spatially semi-discrete and fully discrete finite elements, along with a discrete approximation of the fractional...

Weak uniqueness and partial regularity for the composite membrane problem

Sagun Chanillo, Carlos E. Kenig (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the composite membrane problem in all dimensions. We prove that the minimizing solutions exhibit a weak uniqueness property which under certain conditions can be turned into a full uniqueness result. Next we study the partial regularity of the solutions to the Euler–Lagrange equation associated to the composite problem and also the regularity of the free boundary for solutions to the Euler–Lagrange equations.

Weight minimization of an elastic plate with a unilateral inner obstacle by a mixed finite element method

Ivan Hlaváček (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

Unilateral deflection problem of a clamped plate above a rigid inner obstacle is considered. The variable thickness of the plate is to be optimized to reach minimal weight under some constraints for maximal stresses. Since the constraints are expressed in terms of the bending moments only, Herrmann-Hellan finite element scheme is employed. The existence of an optimal thickness is proved and some convergence analysis for approximate penalized optimal design problem is presented.

Weight minimization of elastic bodies weakly supporting tension. I. Domains with one curved side

Ivan Hlaváček, Michal Křížek (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

Shape optimization of a two-dimensional elastic body is considered, provided the material is weakly supporting tension. The problem generalizes that of a masonry dam subjected to its own weight and to the hydrostatic presure. Existence of an optimal shape is proved. Using a penalty method and finite element technique, approximate solutions are proposed and their convergence is analyzed.

Weight minimization of elastic bodies weakly supporting tension. II. Domains with two curved sides

Ivan Hlaváček, Michal Křížek (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

Extending the results of the previous paper [1], the authors consider elastic bodies with two design variables, i.e. "curved trapezoids" with two curved variable sides. The left side is loaded by a hydrostatic pressure. Approximations of the boundary are defined by cubic Hermite splines and piecewise linear finite elements are used for the displacements. Both existence and some convergence analysis is presented for approximate penalized optimal design problems.

Weight minimization of elastic plates using Reissner-Mindlin model and mixed-interpolated elements

Ivan Hlaváček (1996)

Applications of Mathematics

The problem to find an optimal thickness of the plate in a set of bounded Lipschitz continuous functions is considered. Mean values of the intensity of shear stresses must not exceed a given value. Using a penalty method and finite element spaces with interpolation to overcome the “locking” effect, an approximate optimization problem is proposed. We prove its solvability and present some convergence analysis.

Well-posedness of a thermo-mechanical model for shape memory alloys under tension

Pavel Krejčí, Ulisse Stefanelli (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a model of the full thermo-mechanical evolution of a shape memory body undergoing a uniaxial tensile stress. The well-posedness of the related quasi-static thermo-inelastic problem is addressed by means of hysteresis operators techniques. As a by-product, details on a time-discretization of the problem are provided.

Wetting on rough surfaces and contact angle hysteresis: numerical experiments based on a phase field model

Alessandro Turco, François Alouges, Antonio DeSimone (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a phase field approach to wetting problems, related to the minimization of capillary energy. We discuss in detail both the Γ-convergence results on which our numerical algorithm are based, and numerical implementation. Two possible choices of boundary conditions, needed to recover Young's law for the contact angle, are presented. We also consider an extension of the classical theory of capillarity, in which the introduction of a dissipation mechanism can explain and predict the hysteresis...

Weyl formula with optimal remainder estimate of some elastic networks and applications

Kaïs Ammari, Mouez Dimassi (2010)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We consider a network of vibrating elastic strings and Euler-Bernoulli beams. Using a generalized Poisson formula and some Tauberian theorem, we give a Weyl formula with optimal remainder estimate. As a consequence we prove some observability and stabilization results.

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