Displaying 141 – 160 of 434

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A nonlinear model of a turbine blade by asymptotic analysis

José Rodríguez (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper we obtain a limit model for a turbine blade fixed to a 3D solid. This model is a three-dimensional linear elasticity problem in the 3D part of the piece (the rotor) and a two-dimensional problem (the nonlinear shallow shell equations) in the 2D part (the turbine blade), with junction conditions in the part of the turbine blade fixed to the rotor. To obtain this model, we perform an asymptotic analysis, starting with the nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity equations on all the pieces...

A nonlinear plate control without linearization

Kenan Yildirim, Ismail Kucuk (2017)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, an optimal vibration control problem for a nonlinear plate is considered. In order to obtain the optimal control function, wellposedness and controllability of the nonlinear system is investigated. The performance index functional of the system, to be minimized by minimum level of control, is chosen as the sum of the quadratic 10 functional of the displacement. The velocity of the plate and quadratic functional of the control function is added to the performance index functional as...

A note on convergence of low energy critical points of nonlinear elasticity functionals, for thin shells of arbitrary geometry

Marta Lewicka (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove that the critical points of the 3d nonlinear elasticity functional on shells of small thickness h and around the mid-surface S of arbitrary geometry, converge as h → 0 to the critical points of the von Kármán functional on S, recently proposed in [Lewicka et al., Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (to appear)]. This result extends the statement in [Müller and Pakzad, Comm. Part. Differ. Equ.33 (2008) 1018–1032], derived for the case of plates when S 2 . The convergence holds provided...

A note on convergence of low energy critical points of nonlinear elasticity functionals, for thin shells of arbitrary geometry

Marta Lewicka (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove that the critical points of the 3d nonlinear elasticity functional on shells of small thickness h and around the mid-surface S of arbitrary geometry, converge as h → 0 to the critical points of the von Kármán functional on S, recently proposed in [Lewicka et al., Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (to appear)]. This result extends the statement in [Müller and Pakzad, Comm. Part. Differ. Equ.33 (2008) 1018–1032], derived for the case of plates when S 2 . The convergence holds provided...

A note on prestressed thermoelastic bodies.

Ramón Quintanilla (1991)

Collectanea Mathematica

This note is concerned with the ill-posed problem for prestressed thermoelastic bodies. Under suitable hypotheses for the thermoelastic coefficients, the domain and the behavior of solutions at infinity, we prove uniqueness of the solutions. We also obtain some estimates for the solutions related with the initial condition.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 434