Displaying 921 – 940 of 1376

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Propagation of chaos for the 2D viscous vortex model

Nicolas Fournier, Maxime Hauray, Stéphane Mischler (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider a stochastic system of N particles, usually called vortices in that setting, approximating the 2D Navier-Stokes equation written in vorticity. Assuming that the initial distribution of the position and circulation of the vortices has finite (partial) entropy and a finite moment of positive order, we show that the empirical measure of the particle system converges in law to the unique (under suitable a priori estimates) solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes equation. We actually prove a slightly...

Propriétés dispersives pour des équations cinétiques et applications à l’équation de Vlasov-Poisson

Delphine Salort (2008/2009)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

On considère l’équation de Vlasov-Poisson en dimension 3. On montre des résultats d’existence et d’unicité de solutions faibles de l’équation de Vlasov-Poisson avec densité bornée pour des données initiales ayant strictement moins de six moments dans L x , ξ 1 . La preuve est basée sur une nouvelle approche qui consiste à établir des effets de moments a priori pour des équations de transport avec des termes de force peu réguliers.

Quantitative analysis of metastability in reversible diffusion processes via a Witten complex approach.

Francis Nier (2004)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We present here a simplified version of recent results obtained with B. Helffer and M. Klein. They are concerned with the exponentally small eigenvalues of the Witten Laplacian on 0 -forms. We show how the Witten complex structure is better taken into account by working with singular values. This provides a convenient framework to derive accurate approximations of the first eigenvalues of Δ f , h ( 0 ) and solves efficiently the question of weakly resonant wells.

Quantitative concentration inequalities on sample path space for mean field interaction

François Bolley (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the approximation of a mean field stochastic process by a large interacting particle system. We derive non-asymptotic large deviation bounds measuring the concentration of the empirical measure of the paths of the particles around the law of the process. The method is based on a coupling argument, strong integrability estimates on the paths in Hölder norm, and a general concentration result for the empirical measure of identically distributed independent paths.

Quantum detailed balance conditions with time reversal: the finite-dimensional case

Franco Fagnola, Veronica Umanità (2011)

Banach Center Publications

We classify generators of quantum Markov semigroups on (h), with h finite-dimensional and with a faithful normal invariant state ρ satisfying the standard quantum detailed balance condition with an anti-unitary time reversal θ commuting with ρ, namely t r ( ρ 1 / 2 x ρ t 1 / 2 ( y ) ) = t r ( ρ 1 / 2 θ y * θ ρ t 1 / 2 ( θ x * θ ) ) for all x,y ∈ and t ≥ 0. Our results also show that it is possible to find a standard form for the operators in the Lindblad representation of the generators extending the standard form of generators of quantum Markov semigroups satisfying the usual...

Quantum Dynamics and generalized fractal dimensions: an introduction

François Germinet (2002/2003)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

We review some recent results on quantum motion analysis, and in particular lower bounds for moments in quantum dynamics. The goal of the present exposition is to stress the role played by quantities we shall call Transport Integrals and by the so called generalized dimensions of the spectral measure in the analysis of quantum motion. We start with very simple derivations that illustrate how these quantities naturally enter the game. Then, gradually, we present successive improvements, up to most...

Quantum Euler-Poisson systems: Existence of stationary states

Ansgar Jüngel, Hailiang Li (2004)

Archivum Mathematicum

A one-dimensional quantum Euler-Poisson system for semiconductors for the electron density and the electrostatic potential in bounded intervals is considered. The existence and uniqueness of strong solutions with positive electron density is shown for quite general (possibly non-convex or non-monotone) pressure-density functions under a “subsonic” condition, i.e. assuming sufficiently small current densities. The proof is based on a reformulation of the dispersive third-order equation for the electron...

Quantum graph spectra of a graphyne structure

Ngoc T. Do, Peter Kuchment (2013)

Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications

We study the dispersion relations and spectra of invariant Schrödinger operators on a graphyne structure (lithographite). In particular, description of different parts of the spectrum, band-gap structure, and Dirac points are provided.

Currently displaying 921 – 940 of 1376