Displaying 141 – 160 of 232

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Parallel approximation to high multiplicity scheduling problems VIA smooth multi-valued quadratic programming

Maria Serna, Fatos Xhafa (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We consider the parallel approximability of two problems arising from high multiplicity scheduling, namely the unweighted model with variable processing requirements and the weighted model with identical processing requirements. These two problems are known to be modelled by a class of quadratic programs that are efficiently solvable in polynomial time. On the parallel setting, both problems are P-complete and hence cannot be efficiently solved in parallel unless P = NC. To deal with the parallel...

Parallel machine scheduling with uncertain communication delays

Aziz Moukrim, Eric Sanlaville, Frédéric Guinand (2003)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This paper is concerned with scheduling when the data are not fully known before the execution. In that case computing a complete schedule off-line with estimated data may lead to poor performances. Some flexibility must be added to the scheduling process. We propose to start from a partial schedule and to postpone the complete scheduling until execution, thus introducing what we call a stabilization scheme. This is applied to the m machine problem with communication delays: in our model an estimation...

Parallel Machine Scheduling with Uncertain Communication Delays

Aziz Moukrim, Eric Sanlaville, Frédéric Guinand (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper is concerned with scheduling when the data are not fully known before the execution. In that case computing a complete schedule off-line with estimated data may lead to poor performances. Some flexibility must be added to the scheduling process. We propose to start from a partial schedule and to postpone the complete scheduling until execution, thus introducing what we call a stabilization scheme. This is applied to the m machine problem with communication delays: in our model an estimation...

Pickup and delivery problem with split demand and transfers

Jan Pelikán (2013)


We deal with a logistic problem motivated by a case study from a company dealing with inland transportation of piece goods in regular cycles. The problem consists in transportation of goods among regional centres – hubs of a network. Demands on transportation are contained in a matrix of flows of goods between pairs of hubs. The transport is performed by vehicles covering the shipping demands and the task is to design a cyclical route and to place a depot for each vehicle. The route depot can be...

Planification des Emplois du Temps et de la Formation au Sein d'une Grande Entreprise

Alain Hertz, Vincent Robert, Vincent Berthod (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We describe an O.R. technique which plans the allotment of time of the collaborators of a big company. The proposed method not only considers the immediate profitability of the company, but also the training of the collaborators in order to guarantee the success of the company's rising generation. The proposed method uses a greedy approach and constitutes therefore a simple and fast tool for decision makers. It has been successfully implemented in an important Swiss bank society.

Polyhedral Reformulation of a Scheduling Problem And Related Theoretical Results

Jean Damay, Alain Quilliot, Eric Sanlaville (2008)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We deal here with a scheduling problem GPPCSP (Generalized Parallelism and Preemption Constrained Scheduling Problem) which is an extension of both the well-known Resource Constrained Scheduling Problem and the Scheduling Problem with Disjunctive Constraints. We first propose a reformulation of GPPCSP: according to it, solving GPPCSP means finding a vertex of the Feasible Vertex Subset of an Antichain Polyhedron. Next, we state several theoretical results related to this reformulation process and...

Problema de contratación de carretilleros para un almacén de productos manufacturados.

Cristina Rocío Delgado, Silvia Casado, Jesús Francisco Alegre (2002)


En este trabajo se analiza un problema planteado recientemente a sus autores por una empresa fabricante de componentes de automóviles. Dicha empresa almacena sus productos manufacturados hasta que los clientes (compradores) pasan a recogerlos. Los clientes solicitan sus productos con una frecuencia conocida. Se trata de determinar, en función de dichas frecuencias, en qué fechas y a qué horas o slots han de pasar los clientes a recoger sus pedidos. Fijado el horizonte temporal objeto de estudio,...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 232