Displaying 241 – 260 of 1850

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An epidemic model with a time delay in transmission

Q. J. A. Khan, E. V. Krishnan (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

We study a mathematical model which was originally suggested by Greenhalgh and Das and takes into account the delay in the recruitment of infected persons. The stability of the equilibria are also discussed. In addition, we show that the introduction of a time delay in the transmission term can destabilize the system and periodic solutions can arise by Hopf bifurcation.

An Epidemic Model With Post-Contact Prophylaxis of Distributed Length II. Stability and Oscillations if Treatment is Fully Effective

H. R. Thieme, A. Tridane, Y. Kuang (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A possible control strategy against the spread of an infectious disease is the treatment with antimicrobials that are given prophylactically to those that had contact with an infective person. The treatment continues until recovery or until it becomes obvious that there was no infection in the first place. The model considers susceptible, treated uninfected exposed, treated infected, (untreated) infectious, and recovered individuals. The overly optimistic assumptions are made that treated uninfected...

An Extension of 3D Zernike Moments for Shape Description and Retrieval of Maps Defined in Rectangular Solids

Atilla Sit, Julie C Mitchell, George N Phillips, Stephen J Wright (2013)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

Zernike polynomials have been widely used in the description and shape retrieval of 3D objects. These orthonormal polynomials allow for efficient description and reconstruction of objects that can be scaled to fit within the unit ball. However, maps defined within box-shaped regions ¶ for example, rectangular prisms or cubes ¶ are not well suited to representation by Zernike polynomials, because these functions are not orthogonal over such regions. In particular, the representations require many...

An Intracellular Delay-Differential Equation Model of the HIV Infection and Immune Control

T. Dumrongpokaphan, Y. Lenbury, R. Ouncharoen, Y. Xu (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Previous work has shown that intracellular delay needs to be taken into account to accurately determine the half-life of free virus from drug perturbation experiments [1]. The delay also effects the estimated value for the infected T-cell loss rate when we assume that the drug is not completely effective [19]. Models of virus infection that include intracellular delay are more accurate representations of the biological data.
We analyze a non-linear model of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)...

An optimal control approach to cancer treatment under immunological activity

Urszula Ledzewicz, Mohammad Naghnaeian, Heinz Schättler (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Mathematical models for cancer treatment that include immunological activity are considered as an optimal control problem with an objective that is motivated by a separatrix of the uncontrolled system. For various growth models on the cancer cells the existence and optimality of singular controls is investigated. For a Gompertzian growth function a synthesis of controls that move the state into the region of attraction of a benign equilibrium point is developed.

An Optimal Control Problem for a Predator-Prey Reaction-Diffusion System

N. C. Apreutesei (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

An optimal control problem is studied for a predator-prey system of PDE, with a logistic growth rate of the prey and a general functional response of the predator. The control function has two components. The purpose is to maximize a mean density of the two species in their habitat. The existence of the optimal solution is analyzed and some necessary optimality conditions are established. The form of the optimal control is found in some particular...

An unconditionally positive and global stability preserving NSFD scheme for an epidemic model with vaccination

Deqiong Ding, Qiang Ma, Xiaohua Ding (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, a NonStandard Finite Difference (NSFD) scheme is constructed, which can be used to determine numerical solutions for an epidemic model with vaccination. Here the NSFD method is employed to derive a set of difference equations for the epidemic model with vaccination. We show that difference equations have the same dynamics as the original differential system, such as the positivity of the solutions and the stability of the equilibria, without being restricted by the time step. Our...

An unconditionally stable nonstandard finite difference method applied to a mathematical model of HIV infection

Hasim A. Obaid, Rachid Ouifki, Kailash C. Patidar (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We formulate and analyze an unconditionally stable nonstandard finite difference method for a mathematical model of HIV transmission dynamics. The dynamics of this model are studied using the qualitative theory of dynamical systems. These qualitative features of the continuous model are preserved by the numerical method that we propose in this paper. This method also preserves the positivity of the solution, which is one of the essential requirements when modeling epidemic diseases. Robust numerical...

An unscented Kalman filter in designing dynamic GMDH neural networks for robust fault detection

Marcin Mrugalski (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper presents an identification method of dynamic systems based on a group method of data handling approach. In particular, a new structure of the dynamic multi-input multi-output neuron in a state-space representation is proposed. Moreover, a new training algorithm of the neural network based on the unscented Kalman filter is presented. The final part of the work contains an illustrative example regarding the application of the proposed approach to robust fault detection of a tunnel furnace....

Analysis and numerical solution of a nonlinear cross-diffusion system arising in population dynamics.

Gonzalo Galiano, María Luisa Garzón, Ansgar Jüngel (2001)


En este trabajo se estudia de modo analítico y numérico un problema en ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales que modela la dinámica de dos poblaciones afectadas por la presión poblacional inter e intraespecíficas y por un potencial medioambiental. Debido a los términos de difusión cruzada, el problema es fuertemente no lineal por lo que el principio del máximo y los métodos relacionados con el mismo no pueden ser aplicados. En primer lugar demostramos la existencia de soluciones débiles...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 1850