Displaying 41 – 60 of 89

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Compartmental Models of Migratory Dynamics

J. Knisley, T. Schmickl, I. Karsai (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Compartmentalization is a general principle in biological systems which is observable on all size scales, ranging from organelles inside of cells, cells in histology, and up to the level of groups, herds, swarms, meta-populations, and populations. Compartmental models are often used to model such phenomena, but such models can be both highly nonlinear and difficult to work with.Fortunately, there are many significant biological systems that are amenable to linear compartmental models which are often...

Competition of Species with Intra-Specific Competition

N. Apreutesei, A. Ducrot, V. Volpert (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Intra-specific competition in population dynamics can be described by integro-differential equations where the integral term corresponds to nonlocal consumption of resources by individuals of the same population. Already the single integro-differential equation can show the emergence of nonhomogeneous in space stationary structures and can be used to model the process of speciation, in particular, the emergence of biological species during evolution [S. Genieys et al., Math. Model. Nat. Phenom....

Competitive Exclusion in a Discrete Stage-Structured Two Species Model

A. S. Ackleh, P. Zhang (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We develop a stage-structured model that describes the dynamics of two competing species each of which have sexual and clonal reproduction. This is typical of many plants including irises. We first analyze the dynamical behavior of a single species model. We show that when the inherent net reproductive number is smaller than one then the population will go to extinction and if it is larger than one then an interior equilibrium exists and it is globally asymptotically stable. Then we analyze...

Computer Simulation of Protein-Protein Association in Photosynthesis

I.B. Kovalenko, A.M. Abaturova, A.N. Diakonova, O.S. Knyazeva, D.M. Ustinin, S.S. Khruschev, G.Yu. Riznichenko, A.B. Rubin (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The paper is devoted to the method of computer simulation of protein interactions taking part in photosynthetic electron transport reactions. Using this method we have studied kinetic characteristics of protein-protein complex formation for four pairs of proteins involved in photosynthesis at a variety of ionic strength values. Computer simulations describe non-monotonic dependences of complex formation rates on the ionic strength as the result of...

Concentration in the Nonlocal Fisher Equation: the Hamilton-Jacobi Limit

Benoît Perthame, Stephane Génieys (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The nonlocal Fisher equation has been proposed as a simple model exhibiting Turing instability and the interpretation refers to adaptive evolution. By analogy with other formalisms used in adaptive dynamics, it is expected that concentration phenomena (like convergence to a sum of Dirac masses) will happen in the limit of small mutations. In the present work we study this asymptotics by using a change of variables that leads to a constrained Hamilton-Jacobi equation. We prove the convergence analytically...

Conditional differential equations

Celina Rom (2016)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We introduce and study conditional differential equations, a kind of random differential equations. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution of such an equation. We apply our main result to a Malthus type model.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 89