Displaying 61 – 80 of 346

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A mathematical model describing the thyroid-pituitary axis with time delays in hormone transportation

Banibrata Mukhopadhyay, Rakhi Bhattacharyya (2006)

Applications of Mathematics

In the present paper, a mathematical model, originally proposed by Danziger and Elmergreen and describing the thyroid-pituitary homeostatic mechanism, is modified and analyzed for its physiological and clinical significance. The influence of different system parameters on the stability behavior of the system is discussed. The transportation delays of different hormones in the bloodstream, both in the discrete and distributed forms, are considered. Delayed models are analyzed regarding the stability...

A mathematical model for file fragment diffusion and a neural predictor to manage priority queues over BitTorrent

Christian Napoli, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Emiliano Tramontana (2016)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

BitTorrent splits the files that are shared on a P2P network into fragments and then spreads these by giving the highest priority to the rarest fragment. We propose a mathematical model that takes into account several factors such as the peer distance, communication delays, and file fragment availability in a future period also by using a neural network module designed to model the behaviour of the peers. The ensemble comprising the proposed mathematical model and a neural network provides a solution...

A mathematical model for fluid-glucose-albumin transport in peritoneal dialysis

Roman Cherniha, Joanna Stachowska-Piętka, Jacek Waniewski (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A mathematical model for fluid and solute transport in peritoneal dialysis is constructed. The model is based on a threecomponent nonlinear system of two-dimensional partial differential equations for fluid, glucose and albumin transport with the relevant boundary and initial conditions. Our aim is to model ultrafiltration of water combined with inflow of glucose to the tissue and removal of albumin from the body during dialysis, by finding the spatial distributions of glucose and albumin concentrations...

A Mathematical Model of Cancer Stem Cell Lineage Population Dynamics with Mutation Accumulation and Telomere Length Hierarchies

G. Kapitanov (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

There is evidence that cancer develops when cells acquire a sequence of mutations that alter normal cell characteristics. This sequence determines a hierarchy among the cells, based on how many more mutations they need to accumulate in order to become cancerous. When cells divide, they exhibit telomere loss and differentiate, which defines another cell hierarchy, on top of which is the stem cell. We propose a mutation-generation model, which combines...

A mathematical model of HIV-1 infection including the saturation effect of healthy cell proliferation

Mahiéddine Kouche, Bedr'eddine Ainseba (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper we derive a model describing the dynamics of HIV-1 infection in tissue culture where the infection spreads directly from infected cells to healthy cells trough cell-to-cell contact. We assume that the infection rate between healthy and infected cells is a saturating function of cell concentration. Our analysis shows that if the basic reproduction number does not exceed unity then infected cells are cleared and the disease dies out. Otherwise, the infection is persistent with the existence...

A mathematical model of inflammation during ischemic stroke

Cristiana Di Russo, Jean-Baptiste Lagaert, Guillemette Chapuisat, Marie-Aimée Dronne (2010)

ESAIM: Proceedings

In this article we propose a model to describe the inflammatory process which occurs during ischemic stroke. First, an introduction to some basic concepts about the biological phenomenon is given. Then, a detailed derivation of the model and the numerical scheme used are presented. Finally, the studies of the model robustness and sensitivity are showed and some numerical results on the time and space evolution of the process are presented and discussed....

A Maturity-Structured Mathematical Model of Mutation, Acquisition in the Absence of Homeostatic Regulation

S. N. Gentry, R. Ashkenazi, T. L. Jackson (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Most mammalian tissues are organized into a hierarchical structure of stem, progenitor, and differentiated cells. Tumors exhibit similar hierarchy, even if it is abnormal in comparison with healthy tissue. In particular, it is believed that a small population of cancer stem cells drives tumorigenesis in certain malignancies. These cancer stem cells are derived from transformed stem cells or mutated progenitors that have acquired stem-cell qualities, specifically the ability to self-renew. Similar...

A Maximum Resonant Set of Polyomino Graphs

Heping Zhang, Xiangqian Zhou (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A polyomino graph P is a connected finite subgraph of the infinite plane grid such that each finite face is surrounded by a regular square of side length one and each edge belongs to at least one square. A dimer covering of P corresponds to a perfect matching. Different dimer coverings can interact via an alternating cycle (or square) with respect to them. A set of disjoint squares of P is a resonant set if P has a perfect matching M so that each one of those squares is M-alternating. In this paper,...

A mechanochemical model of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis

Daphne Manoussaki (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis are two different mechanisms for blood vessel formation. Angiogenesis occurs when new vessels sprout from pre-existing vasculature in response to external chemical stimuli. Vasculogenesis occurs via the reorganization of randomly distributed cells into a blood vessel network. Experimental models of vasculogenesis have suggested that the cells exert traction forces onto the extracellular matrix and that these forces may play an important role in the network forming...

A mechanochemical model of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis

Daphne Manoussaki (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis are two different mechanisms for blood vessel formation. Angiogenesis occurs when new vessels sprout from pre-existing vasculature in response to external chemical stimuli. Vasculogenesis occurs via the reorganization of randomly distributed cells into a blood vessel network. Experimental models of vasculogenesis have suggested that the cells exert traction forces onto the extracellular matrix and that these forces may play an important role in the network forming...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 346