Displaying 81 – 100 of 346

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A method for treating a class of non­linear diffusion problems

Stavros Busenberg, Mimmo Iannelli (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si presenta un metodo di soluzione di una classe di problemi di diffusione nonlineare che hanno origine dalla teoria delle popolazioni con struttura di età.

A Minimal Model of Pursuit-Evasion in a Predator-Prey System

Y. Tyutyunov, L. Titova, R. Arditi (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A conceptual minimal model demonstrating spatially heterogeneous wave regimes interpreted as pursuit-evasion in predator-prey system is constructed and investigated. The model is based on the earlier proposed hypothesis that taxis accelerations of prey and predators are proportional to the density gradient of another population playing a role of taxis stimulus. Considering acceleration rather than immediate velocity allows obtaining realistic solutions even while ignoring variations of total...

A model for gene activation.

Oppenheimer, Seth F., Fan, Ruping, Pruett, Stephan (2009)

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]

A model of cardiac tissue as an excitable medium with two interacting pacemakers having refractory time

Alexander Loskutov, Sergei Rybalko, Ekaterina Zhuchkova (2003)

Banach Center Publications

A quite general model of the nonlinear interaction of two impulse systems describing some types of cardiac arrhythmias is developed. Taking into account a refractory time the phase locking phenomena are investigated. Effects of the tongue splitting and their interweaving in the parametric space are found. The results obtained allow us to predict the behavior of excitable systems with two pacemakers depending on the type and intensity of their interaction and the initial phase.

A Model of Large-Scale Evolution of Complex Food Webs

C. Guill (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A simple model of biological evolution of community food webs is introduced. This model is based on the niche model, which is known to generate model food webs that are very similar to empirical food webs. The networks evolve by speciation and extinction. Co-extinctions due to the loss of all prey species are found to play a major role in determining the longterm shape of the food webs. The central aim is to design the model such that the characteristic...

A model of macroscale deformation and microvibration in skeletal muscle tissue

Bernd Simeon, Radu Serban, Linda R. Petzold (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper deals with modeling the passive behavior of skeletal muscle tissue including certain microvibrations at the cell level. Our approach combines a continuum mechanics model with large deformation and incompressibility at the macroscale with chains of coupled nonlinear oscillators. The model verifies that an externally applied vibration at the appropriate frequency is able to synchronize microvibrations in skeletal muscle cells. From the numerical analysis point of view, one faces...

A Modeling Framework For Immune-related Diseases

F. Castiglione, S. Motta, F. Pappalardo, M. Pennisi (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

About twenty five years ago the first discrete mathematical model of the immune system was proposed. It was very simple and stylized. Later, many other computational models have been proposed each one adding a certain level of sophistication and detail to the description of the system. One of these, the Celada-Seiden model published back in 1992, was already mature at its birth, setting apart from the topic-specific nature of the other models. This...

A modified van der Pol equation with delay in a description of the heart action

Beata Zduniak, Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, a modified van der Pol equation is considered as a description of the heart action. This model has a number of interesting properties allowing reconstruction of phenomena observed in physiological experiments as well as in Holter electrocardiographic recordings. Our aim is to study periodic solutions of the modified van der Pol equation and take into consideration the influence of feedback and delay which occur in the normal heart action mode as well as in pathological modes. Usage...

A new application of the homotopy analysis method in solving the fractional Volterra's population system

Mehdi Ghasemi, Mojtaba Fardi, Reza Khoshsiar Ghaziani (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

This paper considers a Volterra's population system of fractional order and describes a bi-parametric homotopy analysis method for solving this system. The homotopy method offers a possibility to increase the convergence region of the series solution. Two examples are presented to illustrate the convergence and accuracy of the method to the solution. Further, we define the averaged residual error to show that the obtained results have reasonable accuracy.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 346