Displaying 1521 – 1540 of 1850

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Simulation of Electrophysiological Waves with an Unstructured Finite Element Method

Yves Bourgault, Marc Ethier, Victor G. LeBlanc (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Bidomain models are commonly used for studying and simulating electrophysiological waves in the cardiac tissue. Most of the time, the associated PDEs are solved using explicit finite difference methods on structured grids. We propose an implicit finite element method using unstructured grids for an anisotropic bidomain model. The impact and numerical requirements of unstructured grid methods is investigated using a test case with re-entrant waves.

Simulation of self-propelled chemotactic bacteria in a stokes flow*

A. Decoene, A. Lorz, S. Martin, B. Maury, M. Tang (2010)

ESAIM: Proceedings

We prescrit a method to simulate the motion of self-propelled rigid particles in a twodimensional Stokesian fluid, taking into account chemotactic behaviour. Self-propulsion is modelled as a point force associated to each particle, placed at a certain distance from its gravity centre. The method for solving the fluid flow and the motion of the bacteria is based on a variational formulation on the whole domain, including fluid and particles: rigid...

Singular Perturbation Analysis of Travelling Waves for a Model in Phytopathology

J. B. Burie, A. Calonnec, A. Ducrot (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We investigate the structure of travelling waves for a model of a fungal disease propagating over a vineyard. This model is based on a set of ODEs of the SIR-type coupled with two reaction-diffusion equations describing the dispersal of the spores produced by the fungus inside and over the vineyard. An estimate of the biological parameters in the model suggests to use a singular perturbation analysis. It allows us to compute the speed and the profile of the travelling waves. The analytical results...

Singular Perturbations For Heart Image Segmentation Tracking

J. Pousin (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this note we give a result of convergence when time goes to infinity for a quasi static linear elastic model, the elastic tensor of which vanishes at infinity. This method is applied to segmentation of medical images, and improves the 'elastic deformable template' model introduced previously.

Skupinové testování – oddělující systémy

A. Jančařík, Tomáš Kepka (2021)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Otázkami spojenými s testováním vzorků se v souvislosti s pandemií covid-19 začala zabývat i širší veřejnost. Jednou z otázek, která byla v souvislosti s testováním diskutována, byla i otázka tzv. poolování. Cílem předkládaného článku je představit jeden z matematických nástrojů -- oddělující systémy, který lze při spojování vzorků a jejich následném testování efektivně využít. Všechna odvození jsou realizována jen s využitím elementární matematiky tak, aby bylo možné dosažené výsledky nejen použít...

Skupinový screening

Christian Genest, Christiane Rousseau (2021)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Skupinový screening je nezbytnou součástí boje proti šíření koronaviru. Jak ale čelit možnému nedostatku činidel a materiálu? Tím, že budeme provádět testy na bázi promíchání vzorků a využijeme přitom matematiku.

Small amplitude homogenization applied to models of non-periodic fibrous materials

David Manceau (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we compare a biomechanics empirical model of the heart fibrous structure to two models obtained by a non-periodic homogenization process. To this end, the two homogenized models are simplified using the small amplitude homogenization procedure of Tartar, both in conduction and in elasticity. A new small amplitude homogenization expansion formula for a mixture of anisotropic elastic materials is also derived and allows us to obtain a third simplified model.

Small positive values for supercritical branching processes in random environment

Vincent Bansaye, Christian Böinghoff (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Branching Processes in Random Environment (BPREs) ( Z n : n 0 ) are the generalization of Galton–Watson processes where in each generation the reproduction law is picked randomly in an i.i.d. manner. In the supercritical case, the process survives with positive probability and then almost surely grows geometrically. This paper focuses on rare events when the process takes positive but small values for large times. We describe the asymptotic behavior of ( 1 Z n k | Z 0 = i ) , k , i as n . More precisely, we characterize the exponential...

Sobre la conveniencia de la existencia de un área de bioestadística.

Antonio Martín Andrés (1996)


La conveniencia de que todos los profesores de Bioestadística en España se encuentren aglutinados en una única Area de Conocimiento ha sido reiteradamente expuesta por este colectivo en más de una ocasión (I Jornadas de Bioestadística, Barcelona, septiembre de 1984; solicitud al Consejo de Universidades de 28-5-87 y, más recientemente, la de 16-3-95).

Solving Maximum Clique Problem for Protein Structure Similarity

Malod-Dognin, Noël, Andonov, Rumen, Yanev, Nicola (2010)

Serdica Journal of Computing

Computing the similarity between two protein structures is a crucial task in molecular biology, and has been extensively investigated. Many protein structure comparison methods can be modeled as maximum weighted clique problems in specific k-partite graphs, referred here as alignment graphs. In this paper we present both a new integer programming formulation for solving such clique problems and a dedicated branch and bound algorithm for solving the maximum cardinality clique problem. Both approaches have...

Solving Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey System with Constant Effort Harvesting using Variational Iteration Method

Barari, A., Ghotbi, Abdoul R., Omidvar, M., Ganji, D. D. (2009)

Serdica Journal of Computing

Due to wide range of interest in use of bio-economic models to gain insight into the scientific management of renewable resources like fisheries and forestry,variational iteration method (VIM) is employed to approximate the solution of the ratio-dependent predator-prey system with constant effort prey harvesting.The results are compared with the results obtained by Adomian decomposition method and reveal that VIM is very effective and convenient for solving nonlinear differential equations.

Currently displaying 1521 – 1540 of 1850