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Singular Dirichlet boundary value problems. II: Resonance case

Donal O'Regan — 1998

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Existence results are established for the resonant problem y ' ' + λ m a y = f ( t , y ) a.e. on [ 0 , 1 ] with y satisfying Dirichlet boundary conditions. The problem is singular since f is a Carathéodory function, a L l o c 1 ( 0 , 1 ) with a > 0 a.e. on [ 0 , 1 ] and 0 1 x ( 1 - x ) a ( x ) d x < .

Fixed point theorems for weakly sequentially closed maps

Donal O'Regan — 2000

Archivum Mathematicum

A number of fixed point theorems are presented for weakly contractive maps which have weakly sequentially closed graph. Our results automatically lead to new existence theorems for differential inclusions in Banach spaces relative to the weak topology.

Differential equations at resonance

Donal O'Regan — 1995

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

New existence results are presented for the two point singular “resonant” boundary value problem 1 p ( p y ' ) ' + r y + λ m q y = f ( t , y , p y ' ) a.eȯn [ 0 , 1 ] with y satisfying Sturm Liouville or Periodic boundary conditions. Here λ m is the ( m + 1 ) s t eigenvalue of 1 p q [ ( p u ' ) ' + r p u ] + λ u = 0 a.eȯn [ 0 , 1 ] with u satisfying Sturm Liouville or Periodic boundary data.

Impulsive boundary value problems for p ( t ) -Laplacian’s via critical point theory

Marek GalewskiDonal O'Regan — 2012

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we investigate the existence of solutions to impulsive problems with a p ( t ) -Laplacian and Dirichlet boundary value conditions. We introduce two types of solutions, namely a weak and a classical one which coincide because of the fundamental lemma of the calculus of variations. Firstly we investigate the existence of solution to the linear problem, i.e. a problem with a fixed rigth hand side. Then we use a direct variational method and next a mountain pass approach in order to get the existence...

Population dynamical behavior of a single-species nonlinear diffusion system with random perturbation

Li ZuDaqing JiangDonal O'Regan — 2017

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider a single-species stochastic logistic model with the population's nonlinear diffusion between two patches. We prove the system is stochastically permanent and persistent in mean, and then we obtain sufficient conditions for stationary distribution and extinction. Finally, we illustrate our conclusions through numerical simulation.

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