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Global superconvergence of finite element methods for parabolic inverse problems

Hossein AzariShu Hua Zhang — 2009

Applications of Mathematics

In this article we transform a large class of parabolic inverse problems into a nonclassical parabolic equation whose coefficients consist of trace type functionals of the solution and its derivatives subject to some initial and boundary conditions. For this nonclassical problem, we study finite element methods and present an immediate analysis for global superconvergence for these problems, on basis of which we obtain a posteriori error estimators.

Finite element derivative interpolation recovery technique and superconvergence

Tie Zhu ZhangShu Hua Zhang — 2011

Applications of Mathematics

A new finite element derivative recovery technique is proposed by using the polynomial interpolation method. We show that the recovered derivatives possess superconvergence on the recovery domain and ultraconvergence at the interior mesh points for finite element approximations to elliptic boundary problems. Compared with the well-known Z-Z patch recovery technique, the advantage of our method is that it gives an explicit recovery formula and possesses the ultraconvergence for the odd-order finite...

Optimal convergence and a posteriori error analysis of the original DG method for advection-reaction equations

Tie Zhu ZhangShu Hua Zhang — 2015

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the original DG method for solving the advection-reaction equations with arbitrary velocity in d space dimensions. For triangulations satisfying the flow condition, we first prove that the optimal convergence rate is of order k + 1 in the L 2 -norm if the method uses polynomials of order k . Then, a very simple derivative recovery formula is given to produce an approximation to the derivative in the flow direction which superconverges with order k + 1 . Further we consider a residual-based a posteriori...

The gradient superconvergence of the finite volume method for a nonlinear elliptic problem of nonmonotone type

Tie Zhu ZhangShu Hua Zhang — 2015

Applications of Mathematics

We study the superconvergence of the finite volume method for a nonlinear elliptic problem using linear trial functions. Under the condition of C -uniform meshes, we first establish a superclose weak estimate for the bilinear form of the finite volume method. Then, we prove that on the mesh point set S , the gradient approximation possesses the superconvergence: max P S | ( u - ¯ u h ) ( P ) | = O ( h 2 ) | ln h | 3 / 2 , where ¯ denotes the average gradient on elements containing vertex P . Furthermore, by using the interpolation post-processing technique,...

Defect correction and a posteriori error estimation of Petrov-Galerkin methods for nonlinear Volterra integro-differential equations

Shu Hua ZhangTao LinYan Ping LinMing Rao — 2000

Applications of Mathematics

We present two defect correction schemes to accelerate the Petrov-Galerkin finite element methods [19] for nonlinear Volterra integro-differential equations. Using asymptotic expansions of the errors, we show that the defect correction schemes can yield higher order approximations to either the exact solution or its derivative. One of these schemes even does not impose any extra regularity requirement on the exact solution. As by-products, all of these higher order numerical methods can also be...

Numerical solutions for second-kind Volterra integral equations by Galerkin methods

Shu Hua ZhangYan Ping LinMing Rao — 2000

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, we study the global convergence for the numerical solutions of nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind by means of Galerkin finite element methods. Global superconvergence properties are discussed by iterated finite element methods and interpolated finite element methods. Local superconvergence and iterative correction schemes are also considered by iterated finite element methods. We improve the corresponding results obtained by collocation methods in the recent...

Richardson extrapolation and defect correction of mixed finite element methods for integro-differential equations in porous media

Shanghui JiaDeli LiTang LiuShu Hua Zhang — 2008

Applications of Mathematics

Asymptotic error expansions in the sense of L -norm for the Raviart-Thomas mixed finite element approximation by the lowest-order rectangular element associated with a class of parabolic integro-differential equations on a rectangular domain are derived, such that the Richardson extrapolation of two different schemes and an interpolation defect correction can be applied to increase the accuracy of the approximations for both the vector field and the scalar field by the aid of an interpolation postprocessing...

Superconvergence estimates of finite element methods for American options

Qun LinTang LiuShu Hua Zhang — 2009

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we are concerned with finite element approximations to the evaluation of American options. First, following W. Allegretto etc., SIAM J. Numer. Anal. (2001), 834–857, we introduce a novel practical approach to the discussed problem, which involves the exact reformulation of the original problem and the implementation of the numerical solution over a very small region so that this algorithm is very rapid and highly accurate. Secondly by means of a superapproximation and interpolation...

A proximal ANLS algorithm for nonnegative tensor factorization with a periodic enhanced line search

Douglas BunkerLixing HanShu Hua Zhang — 2013

Applications of Mathematics

The Alternating Nonnegative Least Squares (ANLS) method is commonly used for solving nonnegative tensor factorization problems. In this paper, we focus on algorithmic improvement of this method. We present a Proximal ANLS (PANLS) algorithm to enforce convergence. To speed up the PANLS method, we propose to combine it with a periodic enhanced line search strategy. The resulting algorithm, PANLS/PELS, converges to a critical point of the nonnegative tensor factorization problem under mild conditions....

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