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Finite-time synchronization of chaotic systems with noise perturbation

Jie WuZhi-cai MaYong-zheng SunFeng Liu — 2015


In this paper, we investigate the finite-time stochastic synchronization problem of two chaotic systems with noise perturbation. We propose new adaptive controllers, with which we can synchronize two chaotic systems in finite time. Sufficient conditions for the finite-time stochastic synchronization are derived based on the finite-time stability theory of stochastic differential equations. Finally, some numerical examples are examined to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the theoretical...

Finite-time adaptive outer synchronization between two complex dynamical networks with nonidentical topological structures

Jie WuYong-zheng SunDong-hua Zhao — 2015


In this paper, we investigate the finite-time adaptive outer synchronization between two complex dynamical networks with nonidentical topological structures. We propose new adaptive controllers, with which we can synchronize two complex dynamical networks within finite time. Sufficient conditions for the finite-time adaptive outer synchronization are derived based on the finite-time stability theory. Finally, numerical examples are examined to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the...

Finite-time outer synchronization between two complex dynamical networks with time delay and noise perturbation

Zhi-cai MaYong-zheng SunHong-jun Shi — 2016


In this paper, the finite-time stochastic outer synchronization and generalized outer synchronization between two complex dynamic networks with time delay and noise perturbation are studied. Based on the finite-time stability theory, sufficient conditions for the finite-time outer synchronization are obtained. Numerical examples are examined to illustrate the effectiveness of the analytical results. The effect of time delay and noise perturbation on the convergence time are also numerically demonstrated....

Adaptive finite-time generalized outer synchronization between two different dimensional chaotic systems with noise perturbation

Zhi-cai MaJie WuYong-zheng Sun — 2017


This paper is further concerned with the finite-time generalized outer synchronization between two different dimensional chaotic systems with noise perturbation via an adaptive controller. First of all, we introduce the definition of finite-time generalized outer synchronization between two different dimensional chaotic systems. Then, employing the finite-time stability theory, we design an adaptive feedback controller to realize the generalized outer synchronization between two different dimensional...

Synchronization of time-delayed systems with discontinuous coupling

Hong-jun ShiLian-ying MiaoYong-zheng Sun — 2017


This paper concerns the synchronization of time-delayed systems with periodic on-off coupling. Based on the stability theory and the comparison theorem of time-delayed differential equations, sufficient conditions for complete synchronization of systems with constant delay and time-varying delay are established. Compared with the results based on the Krasovskii-Lyapunov method, the sufficient conditions established in this paper are less restrictive. The theoretical results show that two time-delayed...

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