Displaying similar documents to “The nonexistence of expansive homeomorphisms of chainable continua”

The structure of atoms (hereditarily indecomposable continua)

R. Ball, J. Hagler, Yaki Sternfeld (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X be an atom (= hereditarily indecomposable continuum). Define a metric ϱ on X by letting ϱ ( x , y ) = W ( A x y ) where A x , y is the (unique) minimal subcontinuum of X which contains x and y and W is a Whitney map on the set of subcontinua of X with W(X) = 1. We prove that ϱ is an ultrametric and the topology of (X,ϱ) is stronger than the original topology of X. The ϱ-closed balls C(x,r) = y ∈ X:ϱ ( x,y) ≤ r coincide with the subcontinua of X. (C(x,r) is the unique subcontinuum of X which contains x and has...

The relative coincidence Nielsen number

Jerzy Jezierski (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We define a relative coincidence Nielsen number N r e l ( f , g ) for pairs of maps between manifolds, prove a Wecken type theorem for this invariant and give some formulae expressing N r e l ( f , g ) by the ordinary Nielsen numbers.

Definability within structures related to Pascal’s triangle modulo an integer

Alexis Bès, Ivan Korec (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let Sq denote the set of squares, and let S Q n be the squaring function restricted to powers of n; let ⊥ denote the coprimeness relation. Let B n ( x , y ) = ( x + y x ) M O D n . For every integer n ≥ 2 addition and multiplication are definable in the structures ⟨ℕ; Bn,⊥⟩ and ⟨ℕ; Bn,Sq⟩; thus their elementary theories are undecidable. On the other hand, for every prime p the elementary theory of ⟨ℕ; Bp,SQp⟩ is decidable.

Subcontinua of inverse limit spaces of unimodal maps

Karen Brucks, Henk Bruin (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We discuss the inverse limit spaces of unimodal interval maps as topological spaces. Based on the combinatorial properties of the unimodal maps, properties of the subcontinua of the inverse limit spaces are studied. Among other results, we give combinatorial conditions for an inverse limit space to have only arc+ray subcontinua as proper (non-trivial) subcontinua. Also, maps are constructed whose inverse limit spaces have the inverse limit spaces of a prescribed set of periodic unimodal...

Modules commuting (via Hom) with some limits

Robert El Bashir, Tomáš Kepka (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For every module M we have a natural monomorphism   Φ : i I H o m R ( A i , M ) H o m R ( i I A i , M ) and we focus attention on the case when Φ is also an epimorphism. The corresponding modules M depend on thickness of the cardinal number card(I). Some other limits are also considered.

Endomorphism algebras over large domains

Rüdiger Göbel, Simone Pabst (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The paper deals with realizations of R-algebras A as endomorphism algebras End G ≅ A of suitable R-modules G over a commutative ring R. We are mainly interested in the case of R having "many prime ideals", such as R = ℝ[x], the ring of real polynomials, or R a non-discrete valuation domain

From Newton’s method to exotic basins Part I: The parameter space

Krzysztof Barański (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


This is the first part of the work studying the family 𝔉 of all rational maps of degree three with two superattracting fixed points. We determine the topological type of the moduli space of 𝔉 and give a detailed study of the subfamily 2 consisting of maps with a critical point which is periodic of period 2. In particular, we describe a parabolic bifurcation in 2 from Newton maps to maps with so-called exotic basins.

Topological entropy on zero-dimensional spaces

Jozef Bobok, Ondřej Zindulka (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X be an uncountable compact metrizable space of topological dimension zero. Given any a ∈[0,∞] there is a homeomorphism on X whose topological entropy is a.

The distributivity numbers of finite products of P(ω)/fin

Saharon Shelah, Otmar Spinas (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Generalizing [ShSp], for every n < ω we construct a ZFC-model where ℌ(n), the distributivity number of r.o. ( P ( ω ) / f i n ) n , is greater than ℌ(n+1). This answers an old problem of Balcar, Pelant and Simon (see [BaPeSi]). We also show that both Laver and Miller forcings collapse the continuum to ℌ(n) for every n < ω, hence by the first result, consistently they collapse it below ℌ(n).

Classical-type characterizations of non-metrizable ANE(n)-spaces

Valentin Gutev, Vesko Valov (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The Kuratowski-Dugundji theorem that a metrizable space is an absolute (neighborhood) extensor in dimension n iff it is L C n - 1 C n - 1 (resp., L C n - 1 ) is extended to a class of non-metrizable absolute (neighborhood) extensors in dimension n. On this base, several facts concerning metrizable extensors are established for non-metrizable ones.