Displaying similar documents to “Towards a Mori theory on compact Kähler threefolds III”

The gradient flow of Higgs pairs

Jiayu Li, Xi Zhang (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider the gradient flow of the Yang–Mills–Higgs functional of Higgs pairs on a Hermitian vector bundle ( E , H 0 ) over a Kähler surface ( M , ω ) , and study the asymptotic behavior of the heat flow for Higgs pairs at infinity. The main result is that the gradient flow with initial condition ( A 0 , φ 0 ) converges, in an appropriate sense which takes into account bubbling phenomena, to a critical point ( A , φ ) of this functional. We also prove that the limiting Higgs pair ( A , φ ) can be extended smoothly to a vector bundle...

Deformations of Kähler manifolds with nonvanishing holomorphic vector fields

Jaume Amorós, Mònica Manjarín, Marcel Nicolau (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study compact Kähler manifolds X admitting nonvanishing holomorphic vector fields, extending the classical birational classification of projective varieties with tangent vector fields to a classification modulo deformation in the Kähler case, and biholomorphic in the projective case. We introduce and analyze a new class of 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 , and show that they form a smooth subspace in the Kuranishi space of deformations of the complex structure of X . We extend Calabi’s theorem on the structure of...

The Kähler Ricci flow on Fano manifolds (I)

Xiuxiong Chen, Bing Wang (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study the evolution of pluri-anticanonical line bundles K M - ν along the Kähler Ricci flow on a Fano manifold M . Under some special conditions, we show that the convergence of this flow is determined by the properties of the pluri-anticanonical divisors of M . For example, the Kähler Ricci flow on M converges when M is a Fano surface satisfying c 1 2 ( M ) = 1 or c 1 2 ( M ) = 3 . Combined with the works in [CW1] and [CW2], this gives a Ricci flow proof of the Calabi conjecture on Fano surfaces with reductive automorphism...

About the Calabi problem: a finite-dimensional approach

H.-D. Cao, J. Keller (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let us consider a projective manifold M n and a smooth volume form Ω on M . We define the gradient flow associated to the problem of Ω -balanced metrics in the quantum formalism, the Ω -balancing flow. At the limit of the quantization, we prove that (see Theorem 1) the Ω -balancing flow converges towards a natural flow in Kähler geometry, the Ω -Kähler flow. We also prove the long time existence of the Ω -Kähler flow and its convergence towards Yau’s solution to the Calabi conjecture of prescribing...

Remarks on the balanced metric on Hartogs triangles with integral exponent

Qiannan Zhang, Huan Yang (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


In this paper we study the balanced metrics on some Hartogs triangles of exponent γ + , i.e., Ω n ( γ ) = { z = ( z 1 , , z n ) n : | z 1 | 1 / γ < | z 2 | < < | z n | < 1 } equipped with a natural Kähler form ω g ( μ ) : = 1 2 ( i / π ) ¯ Φ n with Φ n ( z ) = - μ 1 ln ( | z 2 | 2 γ - | z 1 | 2 ) - i = 2 n - 1 μ i ln ( | z i + 1 | 2 - | z i | 2 ) - μ n ln ( 1 - | z n | 2 ) , where μ = ( μ 1 , , μ n ) , μ i > 0 , depending on n parameters. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, we compute the explicit expression for the weighted Bergman kernel function for ( Ω n ( γ ) , g ( μ ) ) and we prove that g ( μ ) is balanced if and only if μ 1 > 1 and γ μ 1 is an integer, μ i are integers such that μ i 2 for all i = 2 , ... , n - 1 , and μ n > 1 . Second, we prove that g ( μ ) is Kähler-Einstein if and only if μ 1 = μ 2 = = μ n = 2 λ , where...

Some results on spaces with 1 -calibre

Wei-Feng Xuan, Wei-Xue Shi (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove that, assuming , if X is a space with 1 -calibre and a zeroset diagonal, then X is submetrizable. This gives a consistent positive answer to the question of Buzyakova in Observations on spaces with zeroset or regular G δ -diagonals, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 46 (2005), no. 3, 469–473. We also make some observations on spaces with 1 -calibre.

Complex structures on product of circle bundles over complex manifolds

Parameswaran Sankaran, Ajay Singh Thakur (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let L ¯ i X i be a holomorphic line bundle over a compact complex manifold for i = 1 , 2 . Let S i denote the associated principal circle-bundle with respect to some hermitian inner product on L ¯ i . We construct complex structures on S = S 1 × S 2 which we refer to as scalar, diagonal, and linear types. While scalar type structures always exist, the more general diagonal but non-scalar type structures are constructed assuming that L ¯ i are equivariant ( * ) n i -bundles satisfying some additional conditions....

Kähler-Einstein metrics with mixed Poincaré and cone singularities along a normal crossing divisor

Henri Guenancia (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let X be a compact Kähler manifold and Δ be a -divisor with simple normal crossing support and coefficients between 1 / 2 and 1 . Assuming that K X + Δ is ample, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a negatively curved Kahler-Einstein metric on X Supp ( Δ ) having mixed Poincaré and cone singularities according to the coefficients of Δ . As an application we prove a vanishing theorem for certain holomorphic tensor fields attached to the pair ( X , Δ ) .

On standard norm varieties

Nikita A. Karpenko, Alexander S. Merkurjev (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let  p be a prime integer and F a field of characteristic 0 . Let  X be theof a symbol in the Galois cohomology group H n + 1 ( F , μ p n ) (for some n 1 ), constructed in the proof of the Bloch-Kato conjecture. The main result of the paper affirms that the function field F ( X ) has the following property: for any equidimensional variety Y , the change of field homomorphism CH ( Y ) CH ( Y F ( X ) ) of Chow groups with coefficients in integers localized at  p is surjective in codimensions &lt; ( dim X ) / ( p - 1 ) . One of the main ingredients of the proof is a computation...

On multiset colorings of generalized corona graphs

Yun Feng, Wensong Lin (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


A vertex k -coloring of a graph G is a if M ( u ) M ( v ) for every edge u v E ( G ) , where M ( u ) and M ( v ) denote the multisets of colors of the neighbors of u and v , respectively. The minimum k for which G has a multiset k -coloring is the χ m ( G ) of G . For an integer 0 , the - of a graph G , cor ( G ) , is the graph obtained from G by adding, for each vertex v in G , new neighbors which are end-vertices. In this paper, the multiset chromatic numbers are determined for - of all complete graphs, the regular complete...

The parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment: Basic properties of the quenched Lyapunov exponent

D. Erhard, F. den Hollander, G. Maillard (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


In this paper we study the parabolic Anderson equation u ( x , t ) / t = κ 𝛥 u ( x , t ) + ξ ( x , t ) u ( x , t ) , x d , t 0 , where the u -field and the ξ -field are -valued, κ [ 0 , ) is the diffusion constant, and 𝛥 is the discrete Laplacian. The ξ -field plays the role of athat drives the equation. The initial condition u ( x , 0 ) = u 0 ( x ) , x d , is taken to be non-negative and bounded. The solution of the parabolic Anderson equation describes the evolution of a field of particles performing independent simple random walks with binary branching: particles jump at rate 2 d κ ,...

Dimers and cluster integrable systems

Alexander B. Goncharov, Richard Kenyon (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


We show that the dimer model on a bipartite graph Γ on a torus gives rise to a quantum integrable system of special type, which we call a. The phase space of the classical system contains, as an open dense subset, the moduli space Ł Γ of line bundles with connections on the graph Γ . The sum of Hamiltonians is essentially the partition function of the dimer model. We say that two such graphs Γ 1 and Γ 2 areif the Newton polygons of the corresponding partition functions coincide up to translation....

Real Monge-Ampère equations and Kähler-Ricci solitons on toric log Fano varieties

Robert J. Berman, Bo Berndtsson (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques


We show, using a direct variational approach, that the second boundary value problem for the Monge-Ampère equation in n with exponential non-linearity and target a convex body P is solvable iff 0 is the barycenter of P . Combined with some toric geometry this confirms, in particular, the (generalized) Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for toric log Fano varieties ( X , Δ ) saying that ( X , Δ ) admits a (singular) Kähler-Einstein metric iff it is K-stable in the algebro-geometric sense. We thus obtain a new...

Coincidence for substitutions of Pisot type

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let ϕ be a substitution of Pisot type on the alphabet 𝒜 = { 1 , 2 , ... , d } ; ϕ satisfies theif for every i , j 𝒜 , there are integers k , n such that ϕ n ( i ) and ϕ n ( j ) have the same k -th letter, and the prefixes of length k - 1 of ϕ n ( i ) and ϕ n ( j ) have the same image under the abelianization map. We prove that the strong coincidence condition is satisfied if d = 2 and provide a partial result for d 2 .

Local-global divisibility of rational points in some commutative algebraic groups

Roberto Dvornicich, Umberto Zannier (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let 𝒜 be a commutative algebraic group defined over a number field  k . We consider the following question:A complete answer for the case of the multiplicative group 𝔾 m is classical. We study other instances and in particular obtain an affirmative answer when r is a prime and  𝒜 is either an elliptic curve or a torus of small dimension with respect to r . Without restriction on the dimension of a torus, we produce an example showing that the answer can be negative even when r is a prime. ...

G-tridiagonal majorization on 𝐌 n , m

Ahmad Mohammadhasani, Yamin Sayyari, Mahdi Sabzvari (2021)

Communications in Mathematics


For X , Y 𝐌 n , m , it is said that X is majorized by Y (and it is denoted by X g t Y ) if there exists a tridiagonal g-doubly stochastic matrix A such that X = A Y . In this paper, the linear preservers and strong linear preservers of g t are characterized on 𝐌 n , m .

Cutting the loss of derivatives for solvability under condition ( Ψ )

Nicolas Lerner (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


For a principal type pseudodifferential operator, we prove that condition  ( ψ ) implies local solvability with a loss of 3/2 derivatives. We use many elements of Dencker’s paper on the proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture and we provide some improvements of the key energy estimates which allows us to cut the loss of derivatives from ϵ + 3 / 2 for any ϵ &gt; 0 (Dencker’s most recent result) to 3/2 (the present paper). It is already known that condition  ( ψ ) doesimply local solvability with a loss of 1...

Hölder continuous solutions to Monge–Ampère equations

Jean-Pierre Demailly, Sławomir Dinew, Vincent Guedj, Pham Hoang Hiep, Sławomir Kołodziej, Ahmed Zeriahi (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let ( X , ω ) be a compact Kähler manifold. We obtain uniform Hölder regularity for solutions to the complex Monge-Ampère equation on X with L p right hand side, p > 1 . The same regularity is furthermore proved on the ample locus in any big cohomology class. We also study the range ( X , ω ) of the complex Monge-Ampère operator acting on ω -plurisubharmonic Hölder continuous functions. We show that this set is convex, by sharpening Kołodziej’s result that measures with L p -density belong to ( X , ω ) and proving that...