Displaying similar documents to “Newton’s method over global height fields”

On the Newton partially flat minimal resistance body type problems

M. Comte, Jesus Ildefonso Díaz (2005)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study the flat region of stationary points of the functional Ω F ( | u ( x ) | ) d x under the constraint u M , where Ω is a bounded domain in 2 . Here F ( s ) is a function which is concave for s small and convex for s large, and M > 0 is a given constant. The problem generalizes the classical minimal resistance body problems considered by Newton. We construct a family of partially flat radial solutions to the associated stationary problem when Ω is a ball. We also analyze some other qualitative properties. Moreover,...

The centralizer of a classical group and Bruhat-Tits buildings

Daniel Skodlerack (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let G be a unitary group defined over a non-Archimedean local field of odd residue characteristic and let H be the centralizer of a semisimple rational Lie algebra element of G . We prove that the Bruhat-Tits building 𝔅 1 ( H ) of H can be affinely and G -equivariantly embedded in the Bruhat-Tits building 𝔅 1 ( G ) of G so that the Moy-Prasad filtrations are preserved. The latter property forces uniqueness in the following way. Let j and j be maps from 𝔅 1 ( H ) to 𝔅 1 ( G ) which preserve the Moy–Prasad filtrations....

An effective proof of the hyperelliptic Shafarevich conjecture

Rafael von Känel (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let C be a hyperelliptic curve of genus g 1 over a number field K with good reduction outside a finite set of places S of K . We prove that C has a Weierstrass model over the ring of integers of K with height effectively bounded only in terms of g , S and K . In particular, we obtain that for any given number field K , finite set of places S of K and integer g 1 one can in principle determine the set of K -isomorphism classes of hyperelliptic curves over K of genus g with good reduction outside...

Purity of level m stratifications

Marc-Hubert Nicole, Adrian Vasiu, Torsten Wedhorn (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0 . Let D m be a BT m over k (i.e., an m -truncated Barsotti–Tate group over k ). Let S be a k -scheme and let X be a BT m over S . Let S D m ( X ) be the subscheme of S which describes the locus where X is locally for the fppf topology isomorphic to D m . If p 5 , we show that S D m ( X ) is pure in S , i.e. the immersion S D m ( X ) S is affine. For p { 2 , 3 } , we prove purity if D m satisfies a certain technical property depending only on its p -torsion D m [ p ] . For p 5 , we apply the developed techniques to show that...

A density version of the Carlson–Simpson theorem

Pandelis Dodos, Vassilis Kanellopoulos, Konstantinos Tyros (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We prove a density version of the Carlson–Simpson Theorem. Specifically we show the following. For every integer k 2 and every set A of words over k satisfying lim sup n | A [ k ] n | / k n > 0 there exist a word c over k and a sequence ( w n ) of left variable words over k such that the set c { c w 0 ( a 0 ) . . . w n ( a n ) : n and a 0 , . . . , a n [ k ] } is contained in A . While the result is infinite-dimensional its proof is based on an appropriate finite and quantitative version, also obtained in the paper.

Cardinal invariants for κ-box products: weight, density character and Suslin number

W. W. Comfort, Ivan S. Gotchev


The symbol ( X I ) κ (with κ ≥ ω) denotes the space X I : = i I X i with the κ-box topology; this has as base all sets of the form U = i I U i with U i open in X i and with | i I : U i X i | < κ . The symbols w, d and S denote respectively the weight, density character and Suslin number. Generalizing familiar classical results, the authors show inter alia: Theorem 3.1.10(b). If κ ≤ α⁺, |I| = α and each X i contains the discrete space 0,1 and satisfies w ( X i ) α , then w ( X κ ) = α < κ . Theorem 4.3.2. If ω κ | I | 2 α and X = ( D ( α ) ) I with D(α) discrete, |D(α)| = α, then d ( ( X I ) κ ) = α < κ . Corollaries 5.2.32(a)...