Displaying similar documents to “Symplectic critical surfaces in Kähler surfaces”

Rational symplectic field theory over 2 for exact Lagrangian cobordisms

Tobias Ekholm (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We construct a version of rational Symplectic Field Theory for pairs ( X , L ) , where X is an exact symplectic manifold, where L X is an exact Lagrangian submanifold with components subdivided into k subsets, and where both X and L have cylindrical ends. The theory associates to ( X , L ) a -graded chain complex of vector spaces over 2 , filtered with k filtration levels. The corresponding k -level spectral sequence is invariant under deformations of ( X , L ) and has the following property: if ( X , L ) is obtained by...

On surfaces with p 𝑔 = q = 1 and non-ruled bicanonical involution

Carlos Rito (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


This paper classifies surfaces S of general type with p g = q = 1 having an involution i such that S / i has non-negative Kodaira dimension and that the bicanonical map of S factors through the double cover induced by i . It is shown that S / i is regular and either: a) the Albanese fibration of S is of genus 2 or b) S has no genus 2 fibration and S / i is birational to a K 3 surface. For case a) a list of possibilities and examples are given. An example for case b) with K 2 = 6 is also constructed.

The gradient flow of Higgs pairs

Jiayu Li, Xi Zhang (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider the gradient flow of the Yang–Mills–Higgs functional of Higgs pairs on a Hermitian vector bundle ( E , H 0 ) over a Kähler surface ( M , ω ) , and study the asymptotic behavior of the heat flow for Higgs pairs at infinity. The main result is that the gradient flow with initial condition ( A 0 , φ 0 ) converges, in an appropriate sense which takes into account bubbling phenomena, to a critical point ( A , φ ) of this functional. We also prove that the limiting Higgs pair ( A , φ ) can be extended smoothly to a vector bundle...

The Kähler Ricci flow on Fano manifolds (I)

Xiuxiong Chen, Bing Wang (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study the evolution of pluri-anticanonical line bundles K M - ν along the Kähler Ricci flow on a Fano manifold M . Under some special conditions, we show that the convergence of this flow is determined by the properties of the pluri-anticanonical divisors of M . For example, the Kähler Ricci flow on M converges when M is a Fano surface satisfying c 1 2 ( M ) = 1 or c 1 2 ( M ) = 3 . Combined with the works in [CW1] and [CW2], this gives a Ricci flow proof of the Calabi conjecture on Fano surfaces with reductive automorphism...

Natural pseudodistances between closed surfaces

Pietro Donatini, Patrizio Frosini (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let us consider two closed surfaces , 𝒩 of class C 1 and two functions ϕ : , ψ : 𝒩 of class C 1 , called measuring functions. The natural pseudodistance d between the pairs ( , ) , ( 𝒩 , ψ ) is defined as the infimum of Θ ( f ) : = max P | ϕ ( P ) ψ ( f ( P ) ) | as f varies in the set of all homeomorphisms from onto 𝒩 . In this paper we prove that the natural pseudodistance equals either | c 1 c 2 | , 1 2 | c 1 c 2 | , or 1 3 | c 1 c 2 | , where c 1 and c 2 are two suitable critical values of the measuring functions. This shows that a previous relation between the natural pseudodistance and...

Pointed k -surfaces

Graham Smith (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let S be a Riemann surface. Let 3 be the 3 -dimensional hyperbolic space and let 3 be its ideal boundary. In our context, a Plateau problem is a locally holomorphic mapping ϕ : S 3 = ^ . If i : S 3 is a convex immersion, and if N is its exterior normal vector field, we define the Gauss lifting, ı ^ , of i by ı ^ = N . Let n : U 3 3 be the Gauss-Minkowski mapping. A solution to the Plateau problem ( S , ϕ ) is a convex immersion i of constant Gaussian curvature equal to k ( 0 , 1 ) such that the Gauss lifting ( S , ı ^ ) is complete and n ı ^ = ϕ . In this...

On the Picard number of divisors in Fano manifolds

Cinzia Casagrande (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let  X be a complex Fano manifold of arbitrary dimension, and D a prime divisor in  X . We consider the image 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) of  𝒩 1 ( D ) in  𝒩 1 ( X ) under the natural push-forward of 1 -cycles. We show that ρ X - ρ D codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 8 . Moreover if codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 3 , then either X S × T where S is a Del Pezzo surface, or codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) = 3 and X has a fibration in Del Pezzo surfaces onto a Fano manifold T such that ρ X - ρ T = 4 .

Rabinowitz Floer homology and symplectic homology

Kai Cieliebak, Urs Frauenfelder, Alexandru Oancea (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


The first two authors have recently defined Rabinowitz Floer homology groups R F H * ( M , W ) associated to a separating exact embedding of a contact manifold ( M , ξ ) into a symplectic manifold ( W , ω ) . These depend only on the bounded component V of W M . We construct a long exact sequence in which symplectic cohomology of V maps to symplectic homology of V , which in turn maps to Rabinowitz Floer homology R F H * ( M , W ) , which then maps to symplectic cohomology of V . We compute R F H * ( S T * L , T * L ) , where S T * L is the unit cosphere bundle of a closed...

Approximately Einstein ACH metrics, volume renormalization, and an invariant for contact manifolds

Neil Seshadri (2009)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


To any smooth compact manifold M endowed with a contact structure H and partially integrable almost CR structure J , we prove the existence and uniqueness, modulo high-order error terms and diffeomorphism action, of an approximately Einstein ACH (asymptotically complex hyperbolic) metric g on M × ( - 1 , 0 ) . We consider the asymptotic expansion, in powers of a special defining function, of the volume of M × ( - 1 , 0 ) with respect to g and prove that the log term coefficient is independent of J (and any choice...

Noncommutative del Pezzo surfaces and Calabi-Yau algebras

Pavel Etingof, Victor Ginzburg (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The hypersurface in 3 with an isolated quasi-homogeneous elliptic singularity of type E ˜ r , r = 6 , 7 , 8 , has a natural Poisson structure. We show that the family of del Pezzo surfaces of the corresponding type E r provides a semiuniversal Poisson deformation of that Poisson structure. We also construct a deformation-quantization of the coordinate ring of such a del Pezzo surface. To this end, we first deform the polynomial algebra [ x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ] to a noncommutative algebra with generators x 1 , x 2 , x 3 and the following 3 relations...

Deformations of Kähler manifolds with nonvanishing holomorphic vector fields

Jaume Amorós, Mònica Manjarín, Marcel Nicolau (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study compact Kähler manifolds X admitting nonvanishing holomorphic vector fields, extending the classical birational classification of projective varieties with tangent vector fields to a classification modulo deformation in the Kähler case, and biholomorphic in the projective case. We introduce and analyze a new class of 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 , and show that they form a smooth subspace in the Kuranishi space of deformations of the complex structure of X . We extend Calabi’s theorem on the structure of...

Scaling limit and cube-root fluctuations in SOS surfaces above a wall

Pietro Caputo, Eyal Lubetzky, Fabio Martinelli, Allan Sly, Fabio Lucio Toninelli (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Consider the classical ( 2 + 1 ) -dimensional Solid-On-Solid model above a hard wall on an L × L box of 2 . The model describes a crystal surface by assigning a non-negative integer height η x to each site x in the box and 0 heights to its boundary. The probability of a surface configuration η is proportional to exp ( - β ( η ) ) , where β is the inverse-temperature and ( η ) sums the absolute values of height differences between neighboring sites. We give a full description of the shape of the SOS surface for low enough...

Cluster ensembles, quantization and the dilogarithm

Vladimir V. Fock, Alexander B. Goncharov (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


A cluster ensemble is a pair ( 𝒳 , 𝒜 ) of positive spaces (i.e. varieties equipped with positive atlases), coming with an action of a symmetry group Γ . The space 𝒜 is closely related to the spectrum of a cluster algebra [12]. The two spaces are related by a morphism p : 𝒜 𝒳 . The space 𝒜 is equipped with a closed 2 -form, possibly degenerate, and the space 𝒳 has a Poisson structure. The map p is compatible with these structures. The dilogarithm together with its motivic and quantum avatars plays a central...

Extension of germs of holomorphic isometries up to normalizing constants with respect to the Bergman metric

Ngaiming Mok (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study the extension problem for germs of holomorphic isometries f : ( D ; x 0 ) ( Ω ; f ( x 0 ) ) up to normalizing constants between bounded domains in Euclidean spaces equipped with Bergman metrics d s D 2 on D and d s Ω 2 on Ω . Our main focus is on boundary extension for pairs of bounded domains ( D , Ω ) such that the Bergman kernel K D ( z , w ) extends meromorphically in ( z , w ¯ ) to a neighborhood of D ¯ × D , and such that the analogous statement holds true for the Bergman kernel K Ω ( ς , ξ ) on Ω . Assuming that ( D ; d s D 2 ) and ( Ω ; d s Ω 2 ) are complete Kähler manifolds, we prove that...

Complex structures on product of circle bundles over complex manifolds

Parameswaran Sankaran, Ajay Singh Thakur (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let L ¯ i X i be a holomorphic line bundle over a compact complex manifold for i = 1 , 2 . Let S i denote the associated principal circle-bundle with respect to some hermitian inner product on L ¯ i . We construct complex structures on S = S 1 × S 2 which we refer to as scalar, diagonal, and linear types. While scalar type structures always exist, the more general diagonal but non-scalar type structures are constructed assuming that L ¯ i are equivariant ( * ) n i -bundles satisfying some additional conditions....

Symmetry of minimizers with a level surface parallel to the boundary

Giulio Ciraolo, Rolando Magnanini, Shigeru Sakaguchi (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider the functional Ω ( v ) = Ω [ f ( | D v | ) - v ] d x , where Ω is a bounded domain and f is a convex function. Under general assumptions on f , Crasta [Cr1] has shown that if Ω admits a minimizer in W 0 1 , 1 ( Ω ) depending only on the distance from the boundary of Ω , then Ω must be a ball. With some restrictions on f , we prove that spherical symmetry can be obtained only by assuming that the minimizer has one level surface parallel to the boundary (i.e. it has only a level surface in common with the distance). We then discuss...

η -Ricci Solitons on η -Einstein ( L C S ) n -Manifolds

Shyamal Kumar Hui, Debabrata Chakraborty (2016)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica


The object of the present paper is to study η -Ricci solitons on η -Einstein ( L C S ) n -manifolds. It is shown that if ξ is a recurrent torse forming η -Ricci soliton on an η -Einstein ( L C S ) n -manifold then ξ is (i) concurrent and (ii) Killing vector field.

A class of non-rational surface singularities with bijective Nash map

Camille Plénat, Patrick Popescu-Pampu (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let ( 𝒮 , 0 ) be a germ of complex analytic normal surface. On its minimal resolution, we consider the reduced exceptional divisor E and its irreducible components E i , i I . The Nash map associates to each irreducible component C k of the space of arcs through 0 on 𝒮 the unique component of E cut by the strict transform of the generic arc in C k . Nash proved its injectivity and asked if it was bijective. As a particular case of our main theorem, we prove that this is the case if E · E i < 0 for any  i I . ...

Spaces of geometrically generic configurations

Yoel Feler (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let X denote either ℂℙ m or m . We study certain analytic properties of the space n ( X , g p ) of ordered geometrically generic n -point configurations in X . This space consists of all q = ( q 1 , , q n ) X n such that no m + 1 of the points q 1 , , q n belong to a hyperplane in X . In particular, we show that for a big enough n any holomorphic map f : n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) commuting with the natural action of the symmetric group 𝐒 ( n ) in n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) is of the form f ( q ) = τ ( q ) q = ( τ ( q ) q 1 , , τ ( q ) q n ) , q n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) , where τ : n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) 𝐏𝐒𝐋 ( m + 1 , ) is an 𝐒 ( n ) -invariant holomorphic map. A similar result holds true for mappings of the configuration...

Sharp bounds for the intersection of nodal lines with certain curves

Junehyuk Jung (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let Y be a hyperbolic surface and let φ be a Laplacian eigenfunction having eigenvalue - 1 / 4 - τ 2 with τ > 0 . Let N ( φ ) be the set of nodal lines of φ . For a fixed analytic curve γ of finite length, we study the number of intersections between N ( φ ) and γ in terms of τ . When Y is compact and γ a geodesic circle, or when Y has finite volume and γ is a closed horocycle, we prove that γ is “good” in the sense of [TZ]. As a result, we obtain that the number of intersections between N ( φ ) and γ is O ( τ ) . This bound is...

Twistor transforms of quaternionic functions and orthogonal complex structures

Graziano Gentili, Simon Salamon, Caterina Stoppato (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The theory of slice-regular functions of a quaternion variable is applied to the study of orthogonal complex structures on domains Ω of 4 . When Ω is a symmetric slice domain, the twistor transform of such a function is a holomorphic curve in the Klein quadric. The case in which Ω is the complement of a parabola is studied in detail and described by a rational quartic surface in the twistor space P 3 .

Infinitesimal Morita homomorphisms and the tree-level of the LMO invariant

Gwénaël Massuyeau (2012)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let Σ be a compact connected oriented surface with one boundary component, and let π be the fundamental group of Σ . The Johnson filtration is a decreasing sequence of subgroups of the Torelli group of Σ , whose k -th term consists of the self-homeomorphisms of Σ that act trivially at the level of the k -th nilpotent quotient of π . Morita defined a homomorphism from the k -th term of the Johnson filtration to the third homology group of the k -th nilpotent quotient of π . In this paper, we...

Linking and the Morse complex

Michael Usher (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques


For a Morse function f on a compact oriented manifold M , we show that f has more critical points than the number required by the Morse inequalities if and only if there exists a certain class of link in M whose components have nontrivial linking number, such that the minimal value of f on one of the components is larger than its maximal value on the other. Indeed we characterize the precise number of critical points of f in terms of the Betti numbers of M and the behavior of f with respect...