Displaying similar documents to “The Strong Anick Conjecture is true”

Automorphisms of ( λ ) / κ

Paul Larson, Paul McKenney (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study conditions on automorphisms of Boolean algebras of the form ( λ ) / κ (where λ is an uncountable cardinal and κ is the ideal of sets of cardinality less than κ ) which allow one to conclude that a given automorphism is trivial. We show (among other things) that every automorphism of ( 2 κ ) / κ which is trivial on all sets of cardinality κ⁺ is trivial, and that M A implies both that every automorphism of (ℝ)/Fin is trivial on a cocountable set and that every automorphism of (ℝ)/Ctble is trivial. ...

On Automorphisms of the Affine Cremona Group

Hanspeter Kraft, Immanuel Stampfli (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We show that every automorphism of the group 𝒢 n : = A u t ( 𝔸 n ) of polynomial automorphisms of complex affine n -space 𝔸 n = n is inner up to field automorphisms when restricted to the subgroup T 𝒢 n of tame automorphisms. This generalizes a result of Julie Deserti who proved this in dimension n = 2 where all automorphisms are tame: T 𝒢 2 = 𝒢 2 . The methods are different, based on arguments from algebraic group actions.

Discretized C * -Algebras

Carla Farsi, Neil Watling (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We define discretized canonical commutation relations associated to finite order automorphisms of discrete abelian groups. This generalizes the situation for rotation algebras and their finite order automorphisms. We also consider the almost Schrödinger operator associated to the given commutation relations.

Non-standard automorphisms of branched coverings of a disk and a sphere

Bronisław Wajnryb, Agnieszka Wiśniowska-Wajnryb (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let Y be a closed 2-dimensional disk or a 2-sphere. We consider a simple, d-sheeted branched covering π: X → Y. We fix a base point A₀ in Y (A₀ ∈ ∂Y if Y is a disk). We consider the homeomorphisms h of Y which fix ∂Y pointwise and lift to homeomorphisms ϕ of X-the automorphisms of π. We prove that if Y is a sphere then every such ϕ is isotopic by a fiber-preserving isotopy to an automorphism which fixes the fiber π - 1 ( A ) pointwise. If Y is a disk, we describe explicitly a small set of automorphisms...

Automorphisms of central extensions of type I von Neumann algebras

Sergio Albeverio, Shavkat Ayupov, Karimbergen Kudaybergenov, Rauaj Djumamuratov (2011)

Studia Mathematica


Given a von Neumann algebra M we consider its central extension E(M). For type I von Neumann algebras, E(M) coincides with the algebra LS(M) of all locally measurable operators affiliated with M. In this case we show that an arbitrary automorphism T of E(M) can be decomposed as T = T a T ϕ , where T a ( x ) = a x a - 1 is an inner automorphism implemented by an element a ∈ E(M), and T ϕ is a special automorphism generated by an automorphism ϕ of the center of E(M). In particular if M is of type I then every band preserving...

The group of automorphisms of L is algebraically reflexive

Félix Cabello Sánchez (2004)

Studia Mathematica


We study the reflexivity of the automorphism (and the isometry) group of the Banach algebras L ( μ ) for various measures μ. We prove that if μ is a non-atomic σ-finite measure, then the automorphism group (or the isometry group) of L ( μ ) is [algebraically] reflexive if and only if L ( μ ) is *-isomorphic to L [ 0 , 1 ] . For purely atomic measures, we show that the group of automorphisms (or isometries) of ( Γ ) is reflexive if and only if Γ has non-measurable cardinal. So, for most “practical” purposes, the automorphism...

Artinian automorphisms of infinite groups

Antonella Leone (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


An automorphism a of a group G is called an artinian automorphism if for every strictly descending chain H 1 > H 2 > > H n > of subgroups of G there exists a positive integer m such that ( H n ) a = H n for every n m . In this paper we show that in many cases the group of all artinian automorphisms of G coincides with the group of all power automorphisms of G .

Combinatorial mapping-torus, branched surfaces and free group automorphisms

François Gautero (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


We give a characterization of the geometric automorphisms in a certain class of (not necessarily irreducible) free group automorphisms. When the automorphism is geometric, then it is induced by a pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism without interior singularities. An outer free group automorphism is given by a 1 -cocycle of a 2 -complex (a standard dynamical branched surface, see [7] and [9]) the fundamental group of which is the mapping-torus group of the automorphism. A combinatorial construction...

Automorphisms of Spacetime Manifold with Torsion

Vladimir Ivanovich Pan’Zhenskii, Olga Petrovna Surina (2016)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica


In this paper we prove that the maximum dimension of the Lie group of automorphisms of the Riemann–Cartan 4-dimensional manifold does not exceed 8, and if the Cartan connection is skew-symmetric or semisymmetric, the maximum dimension is equal to 7. In addition, in the case of the Riemann–Cartan n -dimensional manifolds with semisymmetric connection the maximum dimension of the Lie group of automorphisms is equal to n ( n - 1 ) / 2 + 1 for any n > 2 .

Automorphisms and derivations of a Fréchet algebra of locally integrable functions

F. Ghahramani, J. McClure (1992)

Studia Mathematica


We find representations for the automorphisms, derivations and multipliers of the Fréchet algebra L ¹ l o c of locally integrable functions on the half-line + . We show, among other things, that every automorphism θ of L ¹ l o c is of the form θ = φ a e λ X e D , where D is a derivation, X is the operator of multiplication by coordinate, λ is a complex number, a > 0, and φ a is the dilation operator ( φ a f ) ( x ) = a f ( a x ) ( f L ¹ l o c , x + ). It is also shown that the automorphism group is a topological group with the topology of uniform convergence...

Automorphisms of the algebra of operators in p preserving conditioning

Ryszard Jajte (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let α be an isometric automorphism of the algebra p of bounded linear operators in p [ 0 , 1 ] (p ≥ 1). Then α transforms conditional expectations into conditional expectations if and only if α is induced by a measure preserving isomorphism of [0, 1].

The groups of automorphisms of the Witt W n and Virasoro Lie algebras

Vladimir V. Bavula (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let L n = K [ x 1 ± 1 , ... , x n ± 1 ] be a Laurent polynomial algebra over a field K of characteristic zero, W n : = Der K ( L n ) the Lie algebra of K -derivations of the algebra L n , the so-called Witt Lie algebra, and let Vir be the Virasoro Lie algebra which is a 1 -dimensional central extension of the Witt Lie algebra. The Lie algebras W n and Vir are infinite dimensional Lie algebras. We prove that the following isomorphisms of the groups of Lie algebra automorphisms hold: Aut Lie ( Vir ) Aut Lie ( W 1 ) { ± 1 } K * , and give a short proof that Aut Lie ( W n ) Aut K - alg ( L n ) GL n ( ) K * n .

The Banach-Lie Group of Lie Automorphisms of an H * -Algebra

Antonio J. Calderón Martín, Candido Martín González (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We study the Banach-Lie group Aut ( A - ) of Lie automorphisms of a complex associative H * -algebra. Also some consequences about its Lie algebra, the algebra of Lie derivations of A , are obtained. For a topologically simple A , in the infinite-dimensional case we have Aut ( A - ) 0 = Aut ( A ) implying Der ( A ) = Der ( A - ) . In the finite dimensional case Aut ( A - ) 0 is a direct product of Aut ( A ) and a certain subgroup of Lie derivations δ from A to its center, annihilating commutators.

On automorphisms of the Banach space / c

Piotr Koszmider, Cristóbal Rodríguez-Porras (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We investigate Banach space automorphisms T : / c / c focusing on the possibility of representing their fragments of the form T B , A : ( A ) / c ( A ) ( B ) / c ( B ) for A,B ⊆ ℕ infinite by means of linear operators from ( A ) into ( B ) , infinite A×B-matrices, continuous maps from B* = βB∖B into A*, or bijections from B to A. This leads to the analysis of general bounded linear operators on / c . We present many examples, introduce and investigate several classes of operators, for some of them we obtain satisfactory representations and for...

On automorphisms fixing subnormal subgroups of soluble groups

Silvana Franciosi, Francesco de Giovanni (1988)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


The group A u t s n G of all automorphisms leaving invariant every subnormal subgroup of the group G is studied. In particular it is proved that A u t s n G is metabelian if G is soluble, and that A u t s n G is either finite or abelian if G is polycyclic.

A representation theorem for tense n × m -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras

Aldo Victorio Figallo, Gustavo Pelaitay (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica


In 2000, Figallo and Sanza introduced n × m -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras which are both particular cases of matrix Łukasiewicz algebras and a generalization of n -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras. Here we initiate an investigation into the class n × m of tense n × m -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras (or tense LM n × m -algebras), namely n × m -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras endowed with two unary operations called tense operators. These algebras constitute a generalization of tense...

The tame automorphism group of an affine quadric threefold acting on a square complex

Cinzia Bisi, Jean-Philippe Furter, Stéphane Lamy (2014)

Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques


We study the group Tame ( SL 2 ) of tame automorphisms of a smooth affine 3 -dimensional quadric, which we can view as the underlying variety of SL 2 ( ) . We construct a square complex on which the group admits a natural cocompact action, and we prove that the complex is CAT ( 0 ) and hyperbolic. We propose two applications of this construction: We show that any finite subgroup in Tame ( SL 2 ) is linearizable, and that Tame ( SL 2 ) satisfies the Tits alternative.

The Jacobian Conjecture in case of "non-negative coefficients"

Ludwik M. Drużkowski (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


It is known that it is sufficient to consider in the Jacobian Conjecture only polynomial mappings of the form F ( x , . . . , x n ) = x - H ( x ) : = ( x - H ( x , . . . , x n ) , . . . , x n - H n ( x , . . . , x n ) ) , where H j are homogeneous polynomials of degree 3 with real coefficients (or H j = 0 ), j = 1,...,n and H’(x) is a nilpotent matrix for each x = ( x , . . . , x n ) n . We give another proof of Yu’s theorem that in the case of non-negative coefficients of H the mapping F is a polynomial automorphism, and we moreover prove that in that case d e g F - 1 ( d e g F ) i n d F - 1 , where i n d F : = m a x i n d H ' ( x ) : x n . Note that the above inequality is not true when the coefficients...

On automorphisms fixing subnormal subgroups of soluble groups

Silvana Franciosi, Francesco de Giovanni (1988)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


The group A u t s n G of all automorphisms leaving invariant every subnormal subgroup of the group G is studied. In particular it is proved that A u t s n G is metabelian if G is soluble, and that A u t s n G is either finite or abelian if G is polycyclic.