A new proof of the -Dixon identity
Victor J. W. Guo (2018)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We give a new and elementary proof of Jackson’s terminating -analogue of Dixon’s identity by using recurrences and induction.
Victor J. W. Guo (2018)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We give a new and elementary proof of Jackson’s terminating -analogue of Dixon’s identity by using recurrences and induction.
Xiaoyuan Wang, Wenchang Chu (2018)
Communications in Mathematics
The -derivative operator approach is illustrated by reviewing several typical summation formulae of terminating basic hypergeometric series.
Bir Kafle, Florian Luca, Alain Togbé (2020)
Mathematica Bohemica
We show that the only Lucas numbers which are factoriangular are and .
Jhon J. Bravo, Jose L. Herrera, Florian Luca (2021)
Mathematica Bohemica
The Pell sequence is the second order linear recurrence defined by with initial conditions and . In this paper, we investigate a generalization of the Pell sequence called the -generalized Pell sequence which is generated by a recurrence relation of a higher order. We present recurrence relations, the generalized Binet formula and different arithmetic properties for the above family of sequences. Some interesting identities involving the Fibonacci and generalized Pell numbers...
Jhon J. Bravo, Jose L. Herrera (2020)
Archivum Mathematicum
For an integer , let be the generalized Pell sequence which starts with ( terms) and each term afterwards is given by the linear recurrence . In this paper, we find all -generalized Pell numbers with only one distinct digit (the so-called repdigits). Some interesting estimations involving generalized Pell numbers, that we believe are of independent interest, are also deduced. This paper continues a previous work that searched for repdigits in the usual Pell sequence . ...
Curtis Cooper (2015)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Melham discovered the Fibonacci identity . He then considered the generalized sequence Wₙ where W₀ = a, W₁ = b, and and a, b, p and q are integers and q ≠ 0. Letting e = pab - qa² - b², he proved the following identity: . There are similar differences of products of Fibonacci numbers, like this one discovered by Fairgrieve and Gould: . We prove similar identities. For example, a generalization of Fairgrieve and Gould’s identity is .
Joseph Kupka
CONTENTS1. Introduction...................................................................................................... 52. Notation and basic terminology........................................................................... 73. Definition and basic properties of the spaces................................. 114. Integral representation of bounded linear functionals on ........ 235. Examples in theory...................................................................................
Sheng-Liang Yang, Yan-Xue Xu, Tian-Xiao He (2017)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
For integers , Brietzke (2008) defined the -central coefficients of an infinite lower triangular matrix as , with , and the -central coefficient triangle of as It is known that the -central coefficient triangles of any Riordan array are also Riordan arrays. In this paper, for a Riordan array with and , we obtain the generating function of its -central coefficients and give an explicit representation for the -central Riordan array in terms of the Riordan array ....
Thomas Ernst (2007)
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
Christian Samuel (2010)
Colloquium Mathematicae
We show that every operator from to is compact when 1 ≤ p,q < s and that every operator from to is compact when 1/p + 1/q > 1 + 1/s.
Hans Triebel (1994)
Studia Mathematica
Let , where the sum is taken over the lattice of all points k in having integer-valued components, j∈ℕ and . Let be either or (s ∈ ℝ, 0 < p < ∞, 0 < q ≤ ∞) on The aim of the paper is to clarify under what conditions is equivalent to .
Reynaldo Rojas-Hernández (2015)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
We show that any -product of at most -many -spaces has the -property. This result generalizes some known results about -spaces. On the other hand, we prove that every -product of monotonically monolithic spaces is monotonically monolithic, and in a similar form, we show that every -product of Collins-Roscoe spaces has the Collins-Roscoe property. These results generalize some known results about the Collins-Roscoe spaces and answer some questions due to Tkachuk [Lifting the Collins-Roscoe...
Refik Keskin, Faticko Erduvan (2021)
Mathematica Bohemica
The sequence of balancing numbers is defined by the recurrence relation for with initial conditions and is called the th balancing number. In this paper, we find all repdigits in the base which are sums of four balancing numbers. As a result of our theorem, we state that if is repdigit in the base and has at least two digits, then . Namely, and
Jorge Martinez, Warren Wm. McGovern (2022)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
In a Tychonoff space , the point is called a -point if every real-valued continuous function on can be extended continuously to . Every point in an extremally disconnected space is a -point. A classic example is the space consisting of the countable ordinals together with . The point is known to be a -point as well as a -point. We supply a characterization of -points in totally ordered spaces. The remainder of our time is aimed at studying when a point in a product space...
Yunyun Qu, Jiwen Zeng (2020)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
In this paper, we find all Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers written in the form , in nonnegative integers , , , with .
Teerapat Srichan (2021)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
A natural number is said to be a -integer if , where and is not divisible by the th power of any prime. We study the distribution of such -integers in the Piatetski-Shapiro sequence with . As a corollary, we also obtain similar results for semi--free integers.