Displaying similar documents to “Coalgebras, comodules, pseudocompact algebras and tame comodule type”

The multiplicity problem for indecomposable decompositions of modules over a finite-dimensional algebra. Algorithms and a computer algebra approach

Piotr Dowbor, Andrzej Mróz (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Given a module M over an algebra Λ and a complete set of pairwise nonisomorphic indecomposable Λ-modules, the problem of determining the vector m ( M ) = ( m X ) X such that M X X m X is studied. A general method of finding the vectors m(M) is presented (Corollary 2.1, Theorem 2.2 and Corollary 2.3). It is discussed and applied in practice for two classes of algebras: string algebras of finite representation type and hereditary algebras of type ̃ p , q . In the second case detailed algorithms are given (Algorithms 4.5...

The component quiver of a self-injective artin algebra

Alicja Jaworska, Andrzej Skowroński (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We prove that the component quiver Σ A of a connected self-injective artin algebra A of infinite representation type is fully cyclic, that is, every finite set of components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ A of A lies on a common oriented cycle in Σ A .

The multiplicity problem for indecomposable decompositions of modules over domestic canonical algebras

Piotr Dowbor, Andrzej Mróz (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Given a module M over a domestic canonical algebra Λ and a classifying set X for the indecomposable Λ-modules, the problem of determining the vector m ( M ) = ( m x ) x X X such that M x X X x m x is studied. A precise formula for d i m k H o m Λ ( M , X ) , for any postprojective indecomposable module X, is computed in Theorem 2.3, and interrelations between various structures on the set of all postprojective roots are described in Theorem 2.4. It is proved in Theorem 2.2 that a general method of finding vectors m(M) presented by the authors...

Derived endo-discrete artin algebras

Raymundo Bautista (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let Λ be an artin algebra. We prove that for each sequence ( h i ) i of non-negative integers there are only a finite number of isomorphism classes of indecomposables X b ( Λ ) , the bounded derived category of Λ, with l e n g t h E ( X ) H i ( X ) = h i for all i ∈ ℤ and E(X) the endomorphism ring of X in b ( Λ ) if and only if b ( M o d Λ ) , the bounded derived category of the category M o d Λ of all left Λ-modules, has no generic objects in the sense of [4].

Non-orbicular modules for Galois coverings

Piotr Dowbor (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Given a group G of k-linear automorphisms of a locally bounded k-category R, the problem of existence and construction of non-orbicular indecomposable R/G-modules is studied. For a suitable finite sequence B of G-atoms with a common stabilizer H, a representation embedding Φ B : I - s p r ( H ) m o d ( R / G ) , which yields large families of non-orbicular indecomposable R/G-modules, is constructed (Theorem 3.1). It is proved that if a G-atom B with infinite cyclic stabilizer admits a non-trivial left Kan extension B̃ with...

Category 𝒪 for quantum groups

Henning Haahr Andersen, Volodymyr Mazorchuk (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this paper we study the BGG-categories 𝒪 q associated to quantum groups. We prove that many properties of the ordinary BGG-category 𝒪 for a semisimple complex Lie algebra carry over to the quantum case. Of particular interest is the case when q is a complex root of unity. Here we prove a tensor decomposition for both simple modules, projective modules, and indecomposable tilting modules. Using the known Kazhdan-Lusztig conjectures for 𝒪 and for finite dimensional U q -modules we are able...

Separable functors for the category of Doi Hom-Hopf modules

Shuangjian Guo, Xiaohui Zhang (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let ̃ ( k ) ( H ) A C be the category of Doi Hom-Hopf modules, ̃ ( k ) A be the category of A-Hom-modules, and F be the forgetful functor from ̃ ( k ) ( H ) A C to ̃ ( k ) A . The aim of this paper is to give a necessary and suffcient condition for F to be separable. This leads to a generalized notion of integral. Finally, applications of our results are given. In particular, we prove a Maschke type theorem for Doi Hom-Hopf modules.

On indecomposable projective representations of finite groups over fields of characteristic p > 0

Leonid F. Barannyk, Kamila Sobolewska (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let G be a finite group, F a field of characteristic p with p||G|, and F λ G the twisted group algebra of the group G and the field F with a 2-cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,F*). We give necessary and sufficient conditions for F λ G to be of finite representation type. We also introduce the concept of projective F-representation type for the group G (finite, infinite, mixed) and we exhibit finite groups of each type.

On twisted group algebras of OTP representation type

Leonid F. Barannyk, Dariusz Klein (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Assume that S is a commutative complete discrete valuation domain of characteristic p, S* is the unit group of S and G = G p × B is a finite group, where G p is a p-group and B is a p’-group. Denote by S λ G the twisted group algebra of G over S with a 2-cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,S*). We give necessary and sufficient conditions for S λ G to be of OTP representation type, in the sense that every indecomposable S λ G -module is isomorphic to the outer tensor product V W of an indecomposable S λ G p -module V and an irreducible...

Base change for Picard-Vessiot closures

Andy R. Magid (2011)

Banach Center Publications


The differential automorphism group, over F, Π₁(F₁) of the Picard-Vessiot closure F₁ of a differential field F is a proalgebraic group over the field C F of constants of F, which is assumed to be algebraically closed of characteristic zero, and its category of C F modules is equivalent to the category of differential modules over F. We show how this group and the category equivalence behave under a differential extension E ⊃ F, where C E is also algebraically closed.

Top-stable and layer-stable degenerations and hom-order

S. O. Smalø, A. Valenta (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Using geometrical methods, Huisgen-Zimmermann showed that if M is a module with simple top, then M has no proper degeneration M < d e g N such that t M / t + 1 M t N / t + 1 N for all t. Given a module M with square-free top and a projective cover P, she showed that d i m k H o m ( M , M ) = d i m k H o m ( P , M ) if and only if M has no proper degeneration M < d e g N where M/M ≃ N/N. We prove here these results in a more general form, for hom-order instead of degeneration-order, and we prove them algebraically. The results of Huisgen-Zimmermann follow as consequences from...

A representation theorem for tense n × m -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras

Aldo Victorio Figallo, Gustavo Pelaitay (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica


In 2000, Figallo and Sanza introduced n × m -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras which are both particular cases of matrix Łukasiewicz algebras and a generalization of n -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras. Here we initiate an investigation into the class n × m of tense n × m -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras (or tense LM n × m -algebras), namely n × m -valued Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras endowed with two unary operations called tense operators. These algebras constitute a generalization of tense...

Singularity categories of skewed-gentle algebras

Xinhong Chen, Ming Lu (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let K be an algebraically closed field. Let (Q,Sp,I) be a skewed-gentle triple, and let ( Q s g , I s g ) and ( Q g , I g ) be the corresponding skewed-gentle pair and the associated gentle pair, respectively. We prove that the skewed-gentle algebra K Q s g / I s g is singularity equivalent to KQ/⟨I⟩. Moreover, we use (Q,Sp,I) to describe the singularity category of K Q g / I g . As a corollary, we find that g l d i m K Q s g / I s g < if and only if g l d i m K Q / I < if and only if g l d i m K Q g / I g < .

A F -algebras and topology of mapping tori

Igor Nikolaev (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The paper studies applications of C * -algebras in geometric topology. Namely, a covariant functor from the category of mapping tori to a category of A F -algebras is constructed; the functor takes continuous maps between such manifolds to stable homomorphisms between the corresponding A F -algebras. We use this functor to develop an obstruction theory for the torus bundles of dimension 2 , 3 and 4 . In conclusion, we consider two numerical examples illustrating our main results.

Path coalgebras of profinite bound quivers, cotensor coalgebras of bound species and locally nilpotent representations

Daniel Simson (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We prove that the study of the category C-Comod of left comodules over a K-coalgebra C reduces to the study of K-linear representations of a quiver with relations if K is an algebraically closed field, and to the study of K-linear representations of a K-species with relations if K is a perfect field. Given a field K and a quiver Q = (Q₀,Q₁), we show that any subcoalgebra C of the path K-coalgebra K◻Q containing K Q K Q is the path coalgebra K ( Q , ) of a profinite bound quiver (Q,), and the category...

On the structure theory of the Iwasawa algebra of a p-adic Lie group

Otmar Venjakob (2002)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


This paper is motivated by the question whether there is a nice structure theory of finitely generated modules over the Iwasawa algebra, i.e. the completed group algebra, Λ of a p -adic analytic group G . For G without any p -torsion element we prove that Λ is an Auslander regular ring. This result enables us to give a good definition of the notion of a pseudo-null Λ -module. This is classical when G = p k for some integer k 1 , but was previously unknown in the non-commutative case. Then the category...

Bipartite coalgebras and a reduction functor for coradical square complete coalgebras

Justyna Kosakowska, Daniel Simson (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let C be a coalgebra over an arbitrary field K. We show that the study of the category C-Comod of left C-comodules reduces to the study of the category of (co)representations of a certain bicomodule, in case C is a bipartite coalgebra or a coradical square complete coalgebra, that is, C = C₁, the second term of the coradical filtration of C. If C = C₁, we associate with C a K-linear functor C : C - C o m o d H C - C o m o d that restricts to a representation equivalence C : C - c o m o d H C - c o m o d s p , where H C is a coradical square complete hereditary...

Lifting D -modules from positive to zero characteristic

João Pedro P. dos Santos (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We study liftings or deformations of D -modules ( D is the ring of differential operators from EGA IV) from positive characteristic to characteristic zero using ideas of Matzat and Berthelot’s theory of arithmetic D -modules. We pay special attention to the growth of the differential Galois group of the liftings. We also apply formal deformation theory (following Schlessinger and Mazur) to analyze the space of all liftings of a given D -module in positive characteristic. At the end we compare...

Finite groups of OTP projective representation type over a complete discrete valuation domain of positive characteristic

Leonid F. Barannyk, Dariusz Klein (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let S be a commutative complete discrete valuation domain of positive characteristic p, S* the unit group of S, Ω a subgroup of S* and G = G p × B a finite group, where G p is a p-group and B is a p’-group. Denote by S λ G the twisted group algebra of G over S with a 2-cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,S*). For Ω satisfying a specific condition, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for G to be of OTP projective (S,Ω)-representation type, in the sense that there exists a cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,Ω) such that every indecomposable...

Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules are modules

Daowei Lu, Shuan Hong Wang (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let H be a finite-dimensional bialgebra. In this paper, we prove that the category ℒℛ ( H ) of Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules, introduced by F. Panaite, F. Van Oystaeyen (2008), is isomorphic to the Yetter-Drinfeld category H H * H H * 𝒴𝒟 over the tensor product bialgebra H H * as monoidal categories. Moreover if H is a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra with bijective antipode, the isomorphism is braided. Finally, as an application of this category isomorphism, we give two results.

The categories of presheaves containing any category of algebras

V. Trnková, J. Reiterman


ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................. 5I. Preliminaries........................................................................................................................................... 6II. Main theorem.......................................................................................................................................... 8III. The...

On the structure of triangulated categories with finitely many indecomposables

Claire Amiot (2007)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We study the problem of classifying triangulated categories with finite-dimensional morphism spaces and finitely many indecomposables over an algebraically closed field k . We obtain a new proof of the following result due to Xiao and Zhu: the Auslander-Reiten quiver of such a category 𝒯 is of the form Δ / G where Δ is a disjoint union of simply-laced Dynkin diagrams and G a weakly admissible group of automorphisms of Δ . Then we prove that for ‘most’ groups G , the category 𝒯 is standard, ...

Hall algebras of two equivalent extriangulated categories

Shiquan Ruan, Li Wang, Haicheng Zhang (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For any positive integer n , let A n be a linearly oriented quiver of type A with n vertices. It is well-known that the quotient of an exact category by projective-injectives is an extriangulated category. We show that there exists an extriangulated equivalence between the extriangulated categories n + 1 and n , where n + 1 and n are the two extriangulated categories corresponding to the representation category of A n + 1 and the morphism category of projective representations of A n , respectively. As a...