Displaying similar documents to “A note on the torsion of the Jacobians of superelliptic curves y q = x p + a

On the torsion of the Jacobians of the hyperelliptic curves y² = xⁿ + a and y² = x(xⁿ+a)

Tomasz Jędrzejak (2016)

Acta Arithmetica


Consider two families of hyperelliptic curves (over ℚ), C n , a : y ² = x + a and C n , a : y ² = x ( x + a ) , and their respective Jacobians J n , a , J n , a . We give a partial characterization of the torsion part of J n , a ( ) and J n , a ( ) . More precisely, we show that the only prime factors of the orders of such groups are 2 and prime divisors of n (we also give upper bounds for the exponents). Moreover, we give a complete description of the torsion part of J 8 , a ( ) . Namely, we show that J 8 , a ( ) t o r s = J 8 , a ( ) [ 2 ] . In addition, we characterize the torsion parts of J p , a ( ) , where p is an odd...

Characterization of the torsion of the Jacobians of two families of hyperelliptic curves

Tomasz Jędrzejak (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


Consider the families of curves C n , A : y ² = x + A x and C n , A : y ² = x + A where A is a nonzero rational. Let J n , A and J n , A denote their respective Jacobian varieties. The torsion points of C 3 , A ( ) and C 3 , A ( ) are well known. We show that for any nonzero rational A the torsion subgroup of J 7 , A ( ) is a 2-group, and for A ≠ 4a⁴,-1728,-1259712 this subgroup is equal to J 7 , A ( ) [ 2 ] (for a excluded values of A, with the possible exception of A = -1728, this group has a point of order 4). This is a variant of the corresponding results for J 3 , A (A ≠ 4) and J 5 , A . We...

The importance of rational extensions

Frans Loonstra (1988)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


The rational completion M ¯ of an R -module M can be characterized as a τ M -injective hull of M with respect to a (hereditary) torsion functor τ M depending on M . Properties of a torsion functor depending on an R -module M are studied.

An effective proof of the hyperelliptic Shafarevich conjecture

Rafael von Känel (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let C be a hyperelliptic curve of genus g 1 over a number field K with good reduction outside a finite set of places S of K . We prove that C has a Weierstrass model over the ring of integers of K with height effectively bounded only in terms of g , S and K . In particular, we obtain that for any given number field K , finite set of places S of K and integer g 1 one can in principle determine the set of K -isomorphism classes of hyperelliptic curves over K of genus g with good reduction outside...

Invariance of the parity conjecture for p -Selmer groups of elliptic curves in a D 2 p n -extension

Thomas de La Rochefoucauld (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We show a p -parity result in a D 2 p n -extension of number fields L / K ( p 5 ) for the twist 1 η τ : W ( E / K , 1 η τ ) = ( - 1 ) 1 η τ , X p ( E / L ) , where E is an elliptic curve over K , η and τ are respectively the quadratic character and an irreductible representation of degree 2 of Gal ( L / K ) = D 2 p n , and X p ( E / L ) is the p -Selmer group. The main novelty is that we use a congruence result between ε 0 -factors (due to Deligne) for the determination of local root numbers in bad cases (places of additive reduction above 2 and 3). We also give applications to the p -parity conjecture...

Elliptic curves with ( [ 3 ] ) = ( ζ 3 ) and counterexamples to local-global divisibility by 9

Laura Paladino (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


We give a family h , β of elliptic curves, depending on two nonzero rational parameters β and h , such that the following statement holds: let be an elliptic curve and let [ 3 ] be its 3-torsion subgroup. This group verifies ( [ 3 ] ) = ( ζ 3 ) if and only if belongs to h , β . Furthermore, we consider the problem of the local-global divisibility by 9 for points of elliptic curves. The number 9 is one of the few exceptional powers of primes, for which an answer...

An arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem for pointed stable curves

Gérard Freixas Montplet (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let ( 𝒪 , Σ , F ) be an arithmetic ring of Krull dimension at most 1, 𝒮 = Spec 𝒪 and ( π : 𝒳 𝒮 ; σ 1 , ... , σ n ) an n -pointed stable curve of genus g . Write 𝒰 = 𝒳 j σ j ( 𝒮 ) . The invertible sheaf ω 𝒳 / 𝒮 ( σ 1 + + σ n ) inherits a hermitian structure · hyp from the dual of the hyperbolic metric on the Riemann surface 𝒰 . In this article we prove an arithmetic Riemann-Roch type theorem that computes the arithmetic self-intersection of ω 𝒳 / 𝒮 ( σ 1 + ... + σ n ) hyp . The theorem is applied to modular curves X ( Γ ) , Γ = Γ 0 ( p ) or Γ 1 ( p ) , p 11 prime, with sections given by the cusps. We show Z ' ( Y ( Γ ) , 1 ) e a π b Γ 2 ( 1 / 2 ) c L ( 0 , Γ ) , with p 11 m o d 12 when Γ = Γ 0 ( p ) . Here Z ( Y ( Γ ) , s ) is the Selberg...

On the birational gonalities of smooth curves

E. Ballico (2014)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


Let C be a smooth curve of genus g . For each positive integer r the birational r -gonality s r ( C ) of C is the minimal integer t such that there is L Pic t ( C ) with h 0 ( C , L ) = r + 1 . Fix an integer r 3 . In this paper we prove the existence of an integer g r such that for every integer g g r there is a smooth curve C of genus g with s r + 1 ( C ) / ( r + 1 ) > s r ( C ) / r , i.e. in the sequence of all birational gonalities of C at least one of the slope inequalities fails.

Purity of level m stratifications

Marc-Hubert Nicole, Adrian Vasiu, Torsten Wedhorn (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0 . Let D m be a BT m over k (i.e., an m -truncated Barsotti–Tate group over k ). Let S be a k -scheme and let X be a BT m over S . Let S D m ( X ) be the subscheme of S which describes the locus where X is locally for the fppf topology isomorphic to D m . If p 5 , we show that S D m ( X ) is pure in S , i.e. the immersion S D m ( X ) S is affine. For p { 2 , 3 } , we prove purity if D m satisfies a certain technical property depending only on its p -torsion D m [ p ] . For p 5 , we apply the developed techniques to show that...

On a system of equations with primes

Paolo Leonetti, Salvatore Tringali (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Given an integer n 3 , let u 1 , ... , u n be pairwise coprime integers 2 , 𝒟 a family of nonempty proper subsets of { 1 , ... , n } with “enough” elements, and ε a function 𝒟 { ± 1 } . Does there exist at least one prime q such that q divides i I u i - ε ( I ) for some I 𝒟 , but it does not divide u 1 u n ? We answer this question in the positive when the u i are prime powers and ε and 𝒟 are subjected to certain restrictions. We use the result to prove that, if ε 0 { ± 1 } and A is a set of three or more primes that contains all prime divisors of any...

The local lifting problem for actions of finite groups on curves

Ted Chinburg, Robert Guralnick, David Harbater (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0 . We study obstructions to lifting to characteristic 0 the faithful continuous action φ of a finite group G on k [ [ t ] ] . To each such  φ a theorem of Katz and Gabber associates an action of G on a smooth projective curve Y over k . We say that the KGB obstruction of φ vanishes if G acts on a smooth projective curve X in characteristic  0 in such a way that X / H and Y / H have the same genus for all subgroups H G . We determine for which G the KGB...