Displaying similar documents to “Some results on semi-stratifiable spaces”

On ( n , m ) - A -normal and ( n , m ) - A -quasinormal semi-Hilbertian space operators

Samir Al Mohammady, Sid Ahmed Ould Beinane, Sid Ahmed Ould Ahmed Mahmoud (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica


The purpose of the paper is to introduce and study a new class of operators on semi-Hilbertian spaces, i.e. spaces generated by positive semi-definite sesquilinear forms. Let be a Hilbert space and let A be a positive bounded operator on . The semi-inner product h k A : = A h k , h , k , induces a semi-norm · A . This makes into a semi-Hilbertian space. An operator T A ( ) is said to be ( n , m ) - A -normal if [ T n , ( T A ) m ] : = T n ( T A ) m - ( T A ) m T n = 0 for some positive integers n and m .

Migrativity properties of 2-uninorms over semi-t-operators

Ying Li-Jun, Qin Feng (2022)



In this paper, we analyze and characterize all solutions about α -migrativity properties of the five subclasses of 2-uninorms, i. e. C k , C k 0 , C k 1 , C 1 0 , C 0 1 , over semi-t-operators. We give the sufficient and necessary conditions that make these α -migrativity equations hold for all possible combinations of 2-uninorms over semi-t-operators. The results obtained show that for G C k , the α -migrativity of G over a semi-t-operator F μ , ν is closely related to the α -section of F μ , ν or the ordinal sum representation...

A note on spaces with countable extent

Yan-Kui Song (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let P be a topological property. A space X is said to be star P if whenever 𝒰 is an open cover of X , there exists a subspace A X with property P such that X = S t ( A , 𝒰 ) . In this note, we construct a Tychonoff pseudocompact SCE-space which is not star Lindelöf, which gives a negative answer to a question of Rojas-Sánchez and Tamariz-Mascarúa.

Spaces with property ( D C ( ω 1 ) )

Wei-Feng Xuan, Wei-Xue Shi (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove that if X is a first countable space with property ( D C ( ω 1 ) ) and with a G δ -diagonal then the cardinality of X is at most 𝔠 . We also show that if X is a first countable, DCCC, normal space then the extent of X is at most 𝔠 .

Locally functionally countable subalgebra of ( L )

M. Elyasi, A. A. Estaji, M. Robat Sarpoushi (2020)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let L c ( X ) = { f C ( X ) : C f ¯ = X } , where C f is the union of all open subsets U X such that | f ( U ) | 0 . In this paper, we present a pointfree topology version of L c ( X ) , named c ( L ) . We observe that c ( L ) enjoys most of the important properties shared by ( L ) and c ( L ) , where c ( L ) is the pointfree version of all continuous functions of C ( X ) with countable image. The interrelation between ( L ) , c ( L ) , and c ( L ) is examined. We show that L c ( X ) c ( 𝔒 ( X ) ) for any space X . Frames L for which c ( L ) = ( L ) are characterized.

Functionally countable subalgebras and some properties of the Banaschewski compactification

A. R. Olfati (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let X be a zero-dimensional space and C c ( X ) be the set of all continuous real valued functions on X with countable image. In this article we denote by C c K ( X ) (resp., C c ψ ( X ) ) the set of all functions in C c ( X ) with compact (resp., pseudocompact) support. First, we observe that C c K ( X ) = O c β 0 X X (resp., C c ψ ( X ) = M c β 0 X υ 0 X ), where β 0 X is the Banaschewski compactification of X and υ 0 X is the -compactification of X . This implies that for an -compact space X , the intersection of all free maximal ideals in C c ( X ) is equal to C c K ( X ) , i.e., M c β 0 X X = C c K ( X ) . By applying...

Infinite-Dimensionality modulo Absolute Borel Classes

Vitalij Chatyrko, Yasunao Hattori (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


For each ordinal 1 ≤ α < ω₁ we present separable metrizable spaces X α , Y α and Z α such that (i) f X α , f Y α , f Z α = ω , where f is either trdef or ₀-trsur, (ii) A ( α ) - t r i n d X α = and M ( α ) - t r i n d X α = - 1 , (iii) A ( α ) - t r i n d Y α = - 1 and M ( α ) - t r i n d Y α = , and (iv) A ( α ) - t r i n d Z α = M ( α ) - t r i n d Z α = and A ( α + 1 ) M ( α + 1 ) - t r i n d Z α = - 1 . We also show that there exists no separable metrizable space W α with A ( α ) - t r i n d W α , M ( α ) - t r i n d W α and A ( α ) M ( α ) - t r i n d W α = , where A(α) (resp. M(α)) is the absolutely additive (resp. multiplicative) Borel class.

On subcompactness and countable subcompactness of metrizable spaces in ZF

Kyriakos Keremedis (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We show in ZF that: (i) Every subcompact metrizable space is completely metrizable, and every completely metrizable space is countably subcompact. (ii) A metrizable space 𝐗 = ( X , T ) is countably compact if and only if it is countably subcompact relative to T . (iii) For every metrizable space 𝐗 = ( X , T ) , the following are equivalent: (a) 𝐗 is compact; (b) for every open filter of 𝐗 , { F ¯ : F } ; (c) 𝐗 is subcompact relative to T . We also show: (iv) The negation of each of the statements, (a) every countably subcompact...

Exponential separability is preserved by some products

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We show that exponential separability is an inverse invariant of closed maps with countably compact exponentially separable fibers. This implies that it is preserved by products with a scattered compact factor and in the products of sequential countably compact spaces. We also provide an example of a σ -compact crowded space in which all countable subspaces are scattered. If X is a Lindelöf space and every Y X with | Y | 2 ω 1 is scattered, then X is functionally countable; if every Y X with | Y | 2 𝔠 is scattered,...

Characterizations of z -Lindelöf spaces

Ahmad Al-Omari, Takashi Noiri (2017)

Archivum Mathematicum


A topological space ( X , τ ) is said to be z -Lindelöf  [1] if every cover of X by cozero sets of ( X , τ ) admits a countable subcover. In this paper, we obtain new characterizations and preservation theorems of z -Lindelöf spaces.

On hereditary normality of ω * , Kunen points and character ω 1

Sergei Logunov (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We show that ω * { p } is not normal, if p is a limit point of some countable subset of ω * , consisting of points of character ω 1 . Moreover, such a point p is a Kunen point and a super Kunen point.

About w c s -covers and w c s * -networks on the Vietoris hyperspace ( X )

Luong Quoc Tuyen, Ong V. Tuyen, Phan D. Tuan, Nguzen X. Truc (2023)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We study some generalized metric properties on the hyperspace ( X ) of finite subsets of a space X endowed with the Vietoris topology. We prove that X has a point-star network consisting of (countable) w c s -covers if and only if so does ( X ) . Moreover, X has a sequence of w c s -covers with property ( P ) which is a point-star network if and only if so does ( X ) , where ( P ) is one of the following properties: point-finite, point-countable, compact-finite, compact-countable, locally finite, locally countable....

On non-normality points, Tychonoff products and Suslin number

Sergei Logunov (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let a space X be Tychonoff product α < τ X α of τ -many Tychonoff nonsingle point spaces X α . Let Suslin number of X be strictly less than the cofinality of τ . Then we show that every point of remainder is a non-normality point of its Čech–Stone compactification β X . In particular, this is true if X is either R τ or ω τ and a cardinal τ is infinite and not countably cofinal.

C * -points vs P -points and P -points

Jorge Martinez, Warren Wm. McGovern (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In a Tychonoff space X , the point p X is called a C * -point if every real-valued continuous function on C { p } can be extended continuously to p . Every point in an extremally disconnected space is a C * -point. A classic example is the space 𝐖 * = ω 1 + 1 consisting of the countable ordinals together with ω 1 . The point ω 1 is known to be a C * -point as well as a P -point. We supply a characterization of C * -points in totally ordered spaces. The remainder of our time is aimed at studying when a point in a product space...

Σ s -products revisited

Reynaldo Rojas-Hernández (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We show that any Σ s -product of at most 𝔠 -many L Σ ( ω ) -spaces has the L Σ ( ω ) -property. This result generalizes some known results about L Σ ( ω ) -spaces. On the other hand, we prove that every Σ s -product of monotonically monolithic spaces is monotonically monolithic, and in a similar form, we show that every Σ s -product of Collins-Roscoe spaces has the Collins-Roscoe property. These results generalize some known results about the Collins-Roscoe spaces and answer some questions due to Tkachuk [Lifting the Collins-Roscoe...