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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica




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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica



Teoretyczne podstawy dzielenia z resztą liczb naturalnych wraz z uwagami o dzieleniu z resztą liczb całkowitych, wymiernych i rzeczywistych

Antoni Chronowski (2019)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In this article, I analyze the theoretical foundations of the division with remainder in the arithmetic of natural numbers. As a result of this analysis I justify that the notation a:b=c r s, where a, b, c, s are natural numbers and r denotes, is correct at school mathematics level and does not lead to a contrediction suggested by the author of the article (Semadeni, 1978). As a generalization of the division with remainder of natural numbers, I consider the division with remainder of...

Waloryzacja środowiska geograficznego Nadleśnictwa Rymanów pod kątem atrakcyjności turystycznej

Piotr Skóra, Wanda Wilczyńska-Michalik, Maciej Szpiech (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


A sudden increase in various tourism forms in Poland in the second half of the twentieth century brought development of natural environment evaluation methods for tourist purposes. Natural and cultural environment values and slight anthropogenic transformations of the Forestry Rymanów created tourists’ interest in this region. The paper presents the scope and ways of evaluating individual components of the natural environment in connection with historical and political changes. Evaluating...

Uporządkowane struktury liczbowe

Antoni Chronowski (2013)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In this article we consider the ordered algebraic structures of thesystems of natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers. We presentthe ordered algebra of natural numbers, the ordered ring of integers, and theordered fields of rational and real numbers. The main problem considered forordered number structures is the categoricity of these systems determined bya suitable isomorphism. First of all, this article is addressed at Mathematicsstudents of pedagogical studies and at...

Co słychać?

Renata Jurasińska (2018)

Matematyka Poglądowa



Co słychać?

Renata Jurasińska (2017)

Matematyka Poglądowa



Tourism development in small cities on the example of Pistoia in Tuscany

Małgorzata Bajgier-Kowalska, Renata Rettinger (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The dynamic development of tourism in many regions of the world causes competition boost which, in turn, leads to a variety of changes in tourist offers. Tourism is an alternative for other types of economic activity, this relates to spatial units of diverse area, including cities. The tourist function can become the mechanism of local development for cities and the protection of the cultural and natural heritage. The main goal of the article is to present the tourist potential of a...

Geography in Russia: education and public interest

Valery Solomin, Viaczeslaw Suchorukov (2013)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


In the article, the terms of the public interest in Russia are discussed, among which are the natural resources and the humanitarian component, including the geographic entity, the state plays an important role.

O nieskończonych ciągach liczb naturalnych, parami względnie pierwszych

Jan Górowski, Adam Łomnicki (2009)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In the first part of the paper the authors, using general formulas, determine and describe a class of infinite series of natural numbers pairs of which are relatively prime. The second part of the paper contains - as a proposition - a set of problems concerning prime numbers and pairs of relatively prime numbers suggested for use during the process of work with Mathematics students, as well as some didactic comments concerning these problems.

Wokół twierdzenia Picka

Joanna Major, Maciej Major (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia



O nieskończonych ciągach liczb parami względnie pierwszych raz jeszcze

Jan Górowski, Adam Łomnicki (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In the paper the authors, using general formulas, determine and describe a class of infinite sequences of natural numbers, pairs of which are relatively prime. This result was obtained using the theory of Lucas sequences and recurrent equations of the second degree.

The concept of geographical space

Zbigniew Zioło (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


In the process of shaping the geography as a science there appeared two research trends. One of them is reflected in ongoing scientific specialization and isolation of new disciplines, while the other is characterized by making attempts to synthesize the results achieved by the specialized disciplines. Against this background, this paper is trying to find a frame to synthesize the phenomena through the relations between the natural, socio-economic and cultural elements of geographical...

Ski and spa tourism as local development strategy – the case of Krynica Zdrój (Poland)

Sławomir Dorocki, Paweł Brzegowy (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The socio-economic, cultural and technological transformations, characteristic features of the globalization era, result in altering the ways in which tourist and recreational services are rendered, leading to the formation of the so-called mega-tourism trends. At present, tourism has become one of the fastest developing economic branches in many countries around the world. This dynamic development includes, among others, SPA and wellness and outdoor physical activity sectors. Slowly...

Przyrodnicze i antropogeniczne uwarunkowania rozwoju systemów wąwozowych w okolicy Rogowa (Wyżyna Lubelska)

Józef Superson, Renata Kołodyńska-Gawrysiak, Piotr Pajdowski (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The study describes the gully system in the Rogów area (Lublin Upland). Based on field researchand available literature, four stages of gully erosion and three stages of alluvial sediment deposition were identified. The first erosion stage occurred towards the end of the last glacial period and was determined by natural factors. The other three erosion stages occurred in the Holocene and were impacted by man’s agricultural activity.

Walory turystyczne wybranych regionów Spitsbergenu

Piotr Dolnicki, Łukasz Gawor (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The paper presents different attractions of Spitsbergen: geological, geomorphological and glaciological objects and processes, as well as industrial sites especially connected with coalmining, which constitute the group of geotourist attractions in Hornsund, Isfjorden and North East Land. It also describes logistic and infrastructure conditions in Svalbard. The evaluation of possibilities to develop geotourism in Spitsbergen is included as well.

Kontrasty w użytkowaniu przestrzeni jako wynik wielowiekowej degradacji środowiska przyrodniczego – na przykładzie obszaru miasta Mysłowice (Wyżyna Śląska)

Tomasz Parusel, Dominik Karkosz (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The town Mysłowice is located in the southern mesoregions of the Silesian Upland: Katowice Upland (341.13) and Jaworzno Hills (341.14). Mysłowice terrain has been intensively used by man for centuries and still is nowadays. This process left permanent signs on the natural environment; the mosaic forms of land use are the effect of this activity, among others. In the town area contrasts are frequent – direct proximity of various land use forms is observed. Initial characterization of...

Gry miejskie jako innowacyjne produkty turystyczne

Witold Warcholik, Konrad Leja (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Urban games and other forms of field games, such as Questing, are innovative ideas for presentation, disclosure and interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. The results of the survey presented in the study show that soon urban games can become an alternative to a traditional guided sightseeing of an urban area. There may be several reasons for such a choice: an interesting way of exploring a city, aspects of play and physical activity, better memorization of information, as well...

Studia geograficzne w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w XIX wieku

Mariola Tracz (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


In time of Wacław Nałkowski’s studies in Kraków (1871–1876), the chair of geography at the Jagiellonian University did not exist. Despite this, in addition to mathematics, astronomy and physics, he attended lectures in geography, astronomy and cartography. Geographical learning opportunities within the Faculty of Philosophy were enabled there as early as1765, thanks to the reform of the University made by Hugo Kołłątaj. In late 1811 and 1812among 12 departments in the Faculty of Philosophy...

“Nature of Saint-Petersburg” electronic educational edition as a mean of shaping ecological awareness in schoolchildren

T.V. Vileyto, E.M. Rebko (2014)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


The article discusses in detail the contents of electronic educational edition of “Nature of St. Petersburg”. It shows the scientific and methodological benefits, as well as the principles underlying the publication. Much attention is paid to the analytic section of the manual, especially to enable the development of ecological awareness of schoolchildren.

Актуальные проблемы обучения математике в школе и вузе в свете идей Л. С. Выготского

Людмила Боженкова, Марина Егупова (2016)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The article gives a brief overview of the scientific results of the III  International Conference held in Moscow State Pedagogical University in November 2016. The main directions of the development of ideas of L. S. Vygotsky, presented in the reports of leading Russian and foreign scientists – participants of the conference.

Teoretyczne i dydaktyczne aspekty nauczania o największym wspólnym dzielniku i najmniejszej wspólnej wielokrotności w zbiorze liczb naturalnych

Antoni Chronowski (2006)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


This article contains a collection of didactic ideas concerning teaching the elementary arithmetic. Although they are firmly based on abstract mathematics, they can be realized at different levels of teaching school mathematics. The source of these didactic propositions is the fact that using the set of natural numbers and suitable relations it is possible to construct the models of structures which are called lattices. In this paper we consider the two models of lattices: the lattice...

High School Identities

Katarzyna Słomczyńska (2015)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


In 1969, Polish mathematician and logician, Alfred Tarski asked ifall the identities true in the set of natural numbers involving the constant 1,addition, multiplication, and exponentiation can be derived from the elevenaxioms that are taught at the high school level (High School Identities). In1981 Alex Wilkie negatively solved this problem by constructing an identitythat cannot be proved using these axioms. In this paper we survey resultsconnected with Tarski’s problem.

Main issues concerning drinking water supply in the Angara River watershed

Elena A. Rush (2012)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Main issues concerning drinking water supply in the Angara River watershed. Water supply for drinking and communal-general purposes plays an important role in every economy all over the world as water is not only widely used for people’s everyday purposes, but is also essential for people’s vital functions. The principle concerning the priorities of supplying drinking and communal water, stipulated in relevant norms and regulations, presumes that in the first place people should be provided...

Współczesne cele i metody kształcenia w świetle koncepcji Wacława Nałkowskiego

Magdalena Misztalska (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


An important task of geographical education is thought to be the formulation of teaching objectives, the selection of contents and development of teaching methods. The primary task is then to define teaching objectives since the formulation of objectives is thought to be a decisive factor in the selection of contents and methods. All these topics constitute the subject matter of the special branch of geography distinguished by Nałkowski, namely the „school geography”, which was seen...

O średnich

Jan Górowski, Adam Łomnicki (2010)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia



Nauka i ewolucja w myśli Wacława Nałkowskiego

Mateusz Wierciński (2011)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica


Wacław Nałkowski is certainly an outstanding figure for Polish geography. In many publications he has also been classified as positivist, anti-metaphysician, evolutionist, anticleric and socialist. Perhaps these designations are not always right, since in his works one can also find the ideas that do not quite match the labels conferred. His broad interests, diligence, criticism in selecting arguments, and the ability to see the essence of complex phenomena of different nature (both...