Displaying similar documents to “Monotonicity of first eigenvalues along the Yamabe flow”

Estimates of the principal eigenvalue of the p -Laplacian and the p -biharmonic operator

Jiří Benedikt (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica


We survey recent results concerning estimates of the principal eigenvalue of the Dirichlet p -Laplacian and the Navier p -biharmonic operator on a ball of radius R in N and its asymptotics for p approaching 1 and . Let p tend to . There is a critical radius R C of the ball such that the principal eigenvalue goes to for 0 < R R C and to 0 for R > R C . The critical radius is R C = 1 for any N for the p -Laplacian and R C = 2 N in the case of the p -biharmonic operator. When p approaches 1 , the principal eigenvalue...

Perturbations of real parts of eigenvalues of bounded linear operators in a Hilbert space

Michael Gil&#039; (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let A be a bounded linear operator in a complex separable Hilbert space , and S be a selfadjoint operator in . Assuming that A - S belongs to the Schatten-von Neumann ideal 𝒮 p ( p > 1 ) , we derive a bound for k | R λ k ( A ) - λ k ( S ) | p , where λ k ( A ) ( k = 1 , 2 , ) are the eigenvalues of A . Our results are formulated in terms of the “extended” eigenvalue sets in the sense introduced by T. Kato. In addition, in the case p = 2 we refine the Weyl inequality between the real parts of the eigenvalues of A and the eigenvalues...

Inequalities for real number sequences with applications in spectral graph theory

Emina Milovanović, Şerife Burcu Bozkurt Altındağ, Marjan Matejić, Igor Milovanović (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let a = ( a 1 , a 2 , ... , a n ) be a nonincreasing sequence of positive real numbers. Denote by S = { 1 , 2 , ... , n } the index set and by J k = { I = { r 1 , r 2 , ... , r k } , 1 r 1 < r 2 < < r k n } the set of all subsets of S of cardinality k , 1 k n - 1 . In addition, denote by a I = a r 1 + a r 2 + + a r k , 1 k n - 1 , 1 r 1 < r 2 < < r k n , the sum of k arbitrary elements of sequence a , where a I 1 = a 1 + a 2 + + a k and a I n = a n - k + 1 + a n - k + 2 + + a n . We consider bounds of the quantities R S k ( a ) = a I 1 / a I n , L S k ( a ) = a I 1 - a I n and S k , α ( a ) = I J k a I α in terms of A = i = 1 n a i and B = i = 1 n a i 2 . Then we use the obtained results to generalize some results regarding Laplacian and normalized Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs.

On the multiplicity of eigenvalues of conformally covariant operators

Yaiza Canzani (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let ( M , g ) be a compact Riemannian manifold and P g an elliptic, formally self-adjoint, conformally covariant operator of order m acting on smooth sections of a bundle over M . We prove that if P g has no rigid eigenspaces (see Definition 2.2), the set of functions f C ( M , ) for which P e f g has only simple non-zero eigenvalues is a residual set in C ( M , ) . As a consequence we prove that if P g has no rigid eigenspaces for a dense set of metrics, then all non-zero eigenvalues are simple for a residual set of metrics...

Lower bounds for the largest eigenvalue of the gcd matrix on { 1 , 2 , , n }

Jorma K. Merikoski (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Consider the n × n matrix with ( i , j ) ’th entry gcd ( i , j ) . Its largest eigenvalue λ n and sum of entries s n satisfy λ n > s n / n . Because s n cannot be expressed algebraically as a function of n , we underestimate it in several ways. In examples, we compare the bounds so obtained with one another and with a bound from S. Hong, R. Loewy (2004). We also conjecture that λ n > 6 π - 2 n log n for all n . If n is large enough, this follows from F. Balatoni (1969).

Comparison between two types of large sample covariance matrices

Guangming Pan (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


Let { X i j } , i , j = , be a double array of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) real random variables with E X 11 = μ , E | X 11 - μ | 2 = 1 and E | X 11 | 4 l t ; . Consider sample covariance matrices (with/without empirical centering) 𝒮 = 1 n j = 1 n ( 𝐬 j - 𝐬 ¯ ) ( 𝐬 j - 𝐬 ¯ ) T and 𝐒 = 1 n j = 1 n 𝐬 j 𝐬 j T , where 𝐬 ¯ = 1 n j = 1 n 𝐬 j and 𝐬 j = 𝐓 n 1 / 2 ( X 1 j , ... , X p j ) T with ( 𝐓 n 1 / 2 ) 2 = 𝐓 n , non-random symmetric non-negative definite matrix. It is proved that central limit theorems of eigenvalue statistics of 𝒮 and 𝐒 are different as n with p / n approaching a positive constant. Moreover, it is also proved that such a different behavior is not observed in the...

Positivity and anti-maximum principles for elliptic operators with mixed boundary conditions

Catherine Bandle, Joachim von Below, Wolfgang Reichel (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider linear elliptic equations - Δ u + q ( x ) u = λ u + f in bounded Lipschitz domains D N with mixed boundary conditions u / n = σ ( x ) λ u + g on D . The main feature of this boundary value problem is the appearance of λ both in the equation and in the boundary condition. In general we make no assumption on the sign of the coefficient σ ( x ) . We study positivity principles and anti-maximum principles. One of our main results states that if σ is somewhere negative, q 0 and D q ( x ) d x > 0 then there exist two eigenvalues λ - 1 , λ 1 such the positivity...

Measure-geometric Laplacians for partially atomic measures

Marc Kesseböhmer, Tony Samuel, Hendrik Weyer (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Motivated by the fundamental theorem of calculus, and based on the works of W. Feller as well as M. Kac and M. G. Kreĭn, given an atomless Borel probability measure η supported on a compact subset of U. Freiberg and M. Zähle introduced a measure-geometric approach to define a first order differential operator η and a second order differential operator Δ η , with respect to η . We generalize this approach to measures of the form η : = ν + δ , where ν is non-atomic and δ is finitely supported. We determine...

Sharp bounds for the intersection of nodal lines with certain curves

Junehyuk Jung (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let Y be a hyperbolic surface and let φ be a Laplacian eigenfunction having eigenvalue - 1 / 4 - τ 2 with τ > 0 . Let N ( φ ) be the set of nodal lines of φ . For a fixed analytic curve γ of finite length, we study the number of intersections between N ( φ ) and γ in terms of τ . When Y is compact and γ a geodesic circle, or when Y has finite volume and γ is a closed horocycle, we prove that γ is “good” in the sense of [TZ]. As a result, we obtain that the number of intersections between N ( φ ) and γ is O ( τ ) . This bound is...

Some properties of generalized distance eigenvalues of graphs

Yuzheng Ma, Yan Ling Shao (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let G be a simple connected graph with vertex set V ( G ) = { v 1 , v 2 , , v n } and edge set E ( G ) , and let d v i be the degree of the vertex v i . Let D ( G ) be the distance matrix and let T r ( G ) be the diagonal matrix of the vertex transmissions of G . The generalized distance matrix of G is defined as D α ( G ) = α T r ( G ) + ( 1 - α ) D ( G ) , where 0 α 1 . Let λ 1 ( D α ( G ) ) λ 2 ( D α ( G ) ) ... λ n ( D α ( G ) ) be the generalized distance eigenvalues of G , and let k be an integer with 1 k n . We denote by S k ( D α ( G ) ) = λ 1 ( D α ( G ) ) + λ 2 ( D α ( G ) ) + ... + λ k ( D α ( G ) ) the sum of the k largest generalized distance eigenvalues. The generalized distance spread of a graph G is defined as D α S ( G ) = λ 1 ( D α ( G ) ) - λ n ( D α ( G ) ) ....

A universal bound for lower Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplacian

Wei Lu, Jing Mao, Chuanxi Wu (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let M be an n -dimensional ( n 2 ) simply connected Hadamard manifold. If the radial Ricci curvature of M is bounded from below by ( n - 1 ) k ( t ) with respect to some point p M , where t = d ( · , p ) is the Riemannian distance on M to p , k ( t ) is a nonpositive continuous function on ( 0 , ) , then the first n nonzero Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplacian on the geodesic ball B ( p , l ) , with center p and radius 0 < l < , satisfy 1 μ 1 + 1 μ 2 + + 1 μ n l n + 2 ( n + 2 ) 0 l f n - 1 ( t ) d t , where f ( t ) is the solution to f ' ' ( t ) + k ( t ) f ( t ) = 0 on ( 0 , ) , f ( 0 ) = 0 , f ' ( 0 ) = 1 .

Proximality in Pisot tiling spaces

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A substitution φ is strong Pisot if its abelianization matrix is nonsingular and all eigenvalues except the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue have modulus less than one. For strong Pisot φ that satisfies a no cycle condition and for which the translation flow on the tiling space φ has pure discrete spectrum, we describe the collection φ P of pairs of proximal tilings in φ in a natural way as a substitution tiling space. We show that if ψ is another such substitution, then φ and ψ are homeomorphic...

Computing the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of a matrix in max-min algebra

Ján Plavka (2016)



A vector x is said to be an eigenvector of a square max-min matrix A if A x = x . An eigenvector x of A is called the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of A if x 𝐗 = { x ; x ̲ x x ¯ } and y x for each eigenvector y 𝐗 . A max-min matrix A is called strongly 𝐗 -robust if the orbit x , A x , A 2 x , reaches the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector with any starting vector of 𝐗 . We suggest an O ( n 3 ) algorithm for computing the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of A and study the strong 𝐗 -robustness. The necessary and sufficient conditions for strong 𝐗 -robustness are introduced...