A reflection on the construction of mathematical concepts in environments with technology.
We derive the smoothed aggregation two-level method from the variational objective to minimize the final error after finishing the entire iteration. This contrasts to a standard variational two-level method, where the coarse-grid correction vector is chosen to minimize the error after coarse-grid correction procedure, which represents merely an intermediate stage of computing. Thus, we enforce the global minimization of the error. The method with smoothed prolongator is thus interpreted as a qualitatively...
The strong version of the Poincaré recurrence theorem states that for any probability space , any -measure preserving transformation and any almost every point of returns to infinitely many times. In [8] (see also [4]) the theorem has been proved for MV-algebras of some type. The present paper contains a remarkable strengthening of the result stated in [8].
A simple condition sufficient for non-oscillatory behavior of input/output systems is formulated and discussed.
Abelovu cenu za matematiku získal v roce 2017 francouzský matematik Yves Meyer za rozvoj teorie waveletů. V článku se seznámíme s jeho vědeckým životopisem, hlavní myšlenkou teorie waveletů a jejich použitím v praxi.
Pham, Huu Uyen: Semilinear structure of a-languages. Havlas, Josef: N-ary semiheaps. Charamza, Pavel: Isotonic regression and stochastic approximation. Koukal, Stanislav: Piecewise rational interpolations in the use for solving elliptic boundary value problems. Dontová, Eva: Reflexion function and the Dirichlet and Neumann problems. Kopincová, Edita: Methods of geometrical modelling with the reference to the ruled surfaces of revolution. Slovák, Jan: Natural bundles and operators on some categories. Matouček,...
Bajáková, Pavla: Surfaces with constant curvatures in . Pech, Pavel: The inequalities of space curves. Repický, Miroslav: Cardinal characteristics of the real line and boolean-valued models. Šiňajová, Edita: Representations of graphs in Euclidean space. Frolíková, Ivana: Stochastic approximation with delayed observations. Pyrih, Pavel: Fine topology and unique extension in complex plane. Růžička, Michael: Mathematical and physical theory of multipolar elasticity. Veselý, Libor: Topological properties...
Procházka, Bohumír: Trimmed estimates in the nonlinear regression model. Nong, Quoc CHinh: Sheaves of contact forms and acyclic resolutions on finite jet prolongations of fibre bundles. Zahrádka, Ivan: Solution of the heat-conduction problem for concrete blocks. Skalák, Zdeněk: Slow viscous incompressible flow with free surface. Mizera, Ivan: Weak continuity and identifiability of -functionals. Zindulka, Ondřej: Measures in metric spaces.
Veselý, Petr: Reliability of binary systems. Horák, Jiří: Solution of the problem in linear theory of coupled thermoelasticity. Klazar, Martin: Combinatorial aspects of Davenport-Schinzel sequences. Kučera, Petr: Navier-Stokes equations with different boundary conditions.
Zelený, Miroslav: On sigma-ideals of exceptional sets. Mayer, Petr: Convergence analysis of some multilevel methods. Blaška, Jaroslav: Local numerical analysis of symmetry-breaking bifurcation. Heisler, Martin: Some aspects of differentiability in geometry on Banach spaces. Kalenda, Ondřej: Continuity-like properties of mappings. Pelant, Martin: An approximated solutions of generalized differential equations. Radovanská, Helena: Algebras determined by their endomorphism monoid.
Kaiser, Tomáš: Piercing problems and topological methods. El Bashir, Robert: Modules commuting in functor Hom with limits. Eisner, Jan: Bifurcations for reaction-diffusion systems conditions given by inclusions. Tharwat, Asem: Solution of optimization problem on attainable of extremal separable operators. Fašangová, Eva: Long-time behaviour of solutions of evolution problems. Kovářová, Marie: Multiple state models of permanent health insurance estimating per capita expenses. Lávička, Roman: Laplacians...
Malý, Marek: Studentized -estimators and their -step. Tran, Quoc Viet: Some adaptive estimators in regression models. Petkevič, Vladimír: An extended dependency based specification of underlying representations of sentences. Plecháč, Petr: Numerical analysis of Takens-Bogdanov points. Brzezina, Miroslav: Bases, essential bases and Wiener’s criterion in balayage spaces. Kastrová, Jela: 10-vertices coloured 3-configurations and some quasigroup identities. Kottas, Jiří: On the regularity of weak...
Bosák, Miroslav: Bifurcation of periodic solutions of differential variational inequalities and of stationary solutions of quasi variational inequalities. Hudec, Otto: Mix and max objective functions in location problems. Sobotíková, Veronika: The finite element method for nonlinear elliptic problems. Kirchheim, Bernd: Hausdorff measure and real analysis. Tesková, Libuše: Strongly rectifable and homogeneous modul of type .
Stolín, Radek: Teaching of financial and insurance mathematics at secondary and higher professional schools – coinsurance in bonus-malus systems in automobile insurance. Olejníèková, Jana: Scientific work of Bohumil Bydžovský. Flašková, Jana: Ultrafilters and small sets. Pražák, Pavel: Differential equations and their applications in economics. Bartl, David: Theorems of the alternative and linear programming in infinite-dimensional spaces. Smetana, Petr: Some problems of the private health insurance. Kosinka,...
Leischner, Pavel: Spatial imagination development of the secondary school pupils. Mašíček, Libor: Diagnostics and sensitivity of robust models. Duintjer Tebbens, Erik Jurjen: Modern methods for solving linear problems. Matonoha, Ctirad: Numerical realization of trust region methods. Duda, Jakub: Delta convexity, metric projection and negligible sets. Smrčka, Michael: Choquet's theory in function spaces. Hanika, Jiří: Search problems and bounded arithmetic. Pawlas, Zbyněk: Asymptotics in stochastic...
Čihák, Michael: Teaching probability at secondary schools using computers. Pavlíková, Pavla: Life and work of Miloš Kössler. Bárta, Tomáš: Integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces Beneš, Michal: Asymptotic behavior of the regular orbits of strongly continuous semigroup Pavlica, David: On convex functions, dc-functions and boundary structure of convex sets. Henclová, Alena: Duality in multistage stochastic programming and its application to arbitrage theory. Polívka, Jan: Stochastic programming...