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A short philosophical note on the origin of smoothed aggregations

Fraňková, Pavla, Hanuš, Milan, Kopincová, Hana, Kužel, Roman, Vaněk, Petr, Vastl, Zbyněk (2013)

Applications of Mathematics 2013

We derive the smoothed aggregation two-level method from the variational objective to minimize the final error after finishing the entire iteration. This contrasts to a standard variational two-level method, where the coarse-grid correction vector is chosen to minimize the error after coarse-grid correction procedure, which represents merely an intermediate stage of computing. Thus, we enforce the global minimization of the error. The method with smoothed prolongator is thus interpreted as a qualitatively...

A strengthening of the Poincaré recurrence theorem on MV-algebras

Riečan, Beloslav (2012)

Applications of Mathematics 2012

The strong version of the Poincaré recurrence theorem states that for any probability space ( Ω , 𝒮 , P ) , any P -measure preserving transformation T : Ω Ω and any A 𝒮 almost every point of A returns to A infinitely many times. In [8] (see also [4]) the theorem has been proved for MV-algebras of some type. The present paper contains a remarkable strengthening of the result stated in [8].

Abelova cena v roce 2017 udělena za teorii waveletů

Michal Křížek (2017)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Abelovu cenu za matematiku získal v roce 2017 francouzský matematik Yves Meyer za rozvoj teorie waveletů. V článku se seznámíme s jeho vědeckým životopisem, hlavní myšlenkou teorie waveletů a jejich použitím v praxi.

Abstracts of CSc. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Pham, Huu Uyen: Semilinear structure of a-languages. Havlas, Josef: N-ary semiheaps. Charamza, Pavel: Isotonic regression and stochastic approximation. Koukal, Stanislav: Piecewise rational interpolations in the use for solving elliptic boundary value problems. Dontová, Eva: Reflexion function and the Dirichlet and Neumann problems. Kopincová, Edita: Methods of geometrical modelling with the reference to the ruled surfaces of revolution. Slovák, Jan: Natural bundles and operators on some categories. Matouček,...

Abstracts of CSc. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Bajáková, Pavla: Surfaces with constant curvatures in 𝒮 4 ( 1 ) S 5 . Pech, Pavel: The inequalities of space curves. Repický, Miroslav: Cardinal characteristics of the real line and boolean-valued models. Šiňajová, Edita: Representations of graphs in Euclidean space. Frolíková, Ivana: Stochastic approximation with delayed observations. Pyrih, Pavel: Fine topology and unique extension in complex plane. Růžička, Michael: Mathematical and physical theory of multipolar elasticity. Veselý, Libor: Topological properties...

Abstracts of CSc. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Procházka, Bohumír: Trimmed estimates in the nonlinear regression model. Nong, Quoc CHinh: Sheaves of contact forms and acyclic resolutions on finite jet prolongations of fibre bundles. Zahrádka, Ivan: Solution of the heat-conduction problem for concrete blocks. Skalák, Zdeněk: Slow viscous incompressible flow with free surface. Mizera, Ivan: Weak continuity and identifiability of m -functionals. Zindulka, Ondřej: Measures in metric spaces.

Abstracts of CSc. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Veselý, Petr: Reliability of binary systems. Horák, Jiří: Solution of the problem in linear theory of coupled thermoelasticity. Klazar, Martin: Combinatorial aspects of Davenport-Schinzel sequences. Kučera, Petr: Navier-Stokes equations with different boundary conditions.

Abstracts of CSc. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Zelený, Miroslav: On sigma-ideals of exceptional sets. Mayer, Petr: Convergence analysis of some multilevel methods. Blaška, Jaroslav: Local numerical analysis of symmetry-breaking bifurcation. Heisler, Martin: Some aspects of differentiability in geometry on Banach spaces. Kalenda, Ondřej: Continuity-like properties of mappings. Pelant, Martin: An approximated solutions of generalized differential equations. Radovanská, Helena: Algebras determined by their endomorphism monoid.

Abstracts of CSc. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Kaiser, Tomáš: Piercing problems and topological methods. El Bashir, Robert: Modules commuting in functor Hom with limits. Eisner, Jan: Bifurcations for reaction-diffusion systems conditions given by inclusions. Tharwat, Asem: Solution of optimization problem on attainable of extremal separable operators. Fašangová, Eva: Long-time behaviour of solutions of evolution problems. Kovářová, Marie: Multiple state models of permanent health insurance estimating per capita expenses. Lávička, Roman: Laplacians...

Abstracts of CSc. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Malý, Marek: Studentized m -estimators and their k -step. Tran, Quoc Viet: Some adaptive estimators in regression models. Petkevič, Vladimír: An extended dependency based specification of underlying representations of sentences. Plecháč, Petr: Numerical analysis of Takens-Bogdanov points. Brzezina, Miroslav: Bases, essential bases and Wiener’s criterion in balayage spaces. Kastrová, Jela: 10-vertices coloured 3-configurations and some quasigroup identities. Kottas, Jiří: On the regularity of weak...

Abstracts of CSc. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Bosák, Miroslav: Bifurcation of periodic solutions of differential variational inequalities and of stationary solutions of quasi variational inequalities. Hudec, Otto: Mix and max objective functions in location problems. Sobotíková, Veronika: The finite element method for nonlinear elliptic problems. Kirchheim, Bernd: Hausdorff measure and real analysis. Tesková, Libuše: Strongly rectifable and homogeneous modul of type 𝒮 .

Abstracts of Ph.D. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Stolín, Radek: Teaching of financial and insurance mathematics at secondary and higher professional schools – coinsurance in bonus-malus systems in automobile insurance. Olejníèková, Jana: Scientific work of Bohumil Bydžovský. Flašková, Jana: Ultrafilters and small sets. Pražák, Pavel: Differential equations and their applications in economics. Bartl, David: Theorems of the alternative and linear programming in infinite-dimensional spaces. Smetana, Petr: Some problems of the private health insurance. Kosinka,...

Abstracts of Ph.D. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Leischner, Pavel: Spatial imagination development of the secondary school pupils. Mašíček, Libor: Diagnostics and sensitivity of robust models. Duintjer Tebbens, Erik Jurjen: Modern methods for solving linear problems. Matonoha, Ctirad: Numerical realization of trust region methods. Duda, Jakub: Delta convexity, metric projection and negligible sets. Smrčka, Michael: Choquet's theory in function spaces. Hanika, Jiří: Search problems and bounded arithmetic. Pawlas, Zbyněk: Asymptotics in stochastic...

Abstracts of Ph.D. theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Čihák, Michael: Teaching probability at secondary schools using computers. Pavlíková, Pavla: Life and work of Miloš Kössler. Bárta, Tomáš: Integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces Beneš, Michal: Asymptotic behavior of the regular orbits of strongly continuous semigroup Pavlica, David: On convex functions, dc-functions and boundary structure of convex sets. Henclová, Alena: Duality in multistage stochastic programming and its application to arbitrage theory. Polívka, Jan: Stochastic programming...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 74