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Abstracts of theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Němečková, Martina: Development of teaching complex numbers at Czech high schools since Exner-Bonitz prospect (1849). Černý, Robert: Some examples from the calculus of variations. Slabý, Aleš: Robust change-point detection in the location model. Hencl, Stanislav: Real analysis methods in function spaces. Bernard, Otto: Formal concept analysis. Vojtěchovský, Petr: Connections between codes, groups and loops. Hanuš, Martin: Optimization in central bank's foreign reserve management. Dostál, Petr: Integral...

Abstracts of theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Krejčíř, Pavel: The theory and applications of spatial statistics and stochastic geometry. Vítek, Tomáš: Detection of changes in econometric models. Hliněný, Petr: Contact representations of graphs. Kliková, Alice: Finite volume -- finite element solution of compressible flow. Hrach, Karel: Bayesian analysis of models with non-negative residuals. Svatoš, Jan: M-estimators in the linear model for nonregular densities. Ševčík, Petr: Extremal martingale measures in finance. Hlávka, Zdeněk: Robust sequential...

Abstracts of theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Pražák, Dalibor: Asymptotic behavior of dissipative equations by the method of trajectories. Zhouf, Jaroslav: Work of the math teacher with talented students in mathematics. Štěpničková, Libuše: Sheaves of solutions to elliptic and parabolic PDE's and their properties. Fialová, Alena: Estimates and tests of the Pareto index. Francová, Ladislava: Life and work of Bohumil Bydžovský. Pilcová, Dagmar: Mathematical and statistical analysis of solvency screening methods. Fialka, Jiří: Life insurance options:...

Abstracts of theses in mathematics


Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Žemlička, Jan: Structure of steady rings. Zemek, Martin: On some aspects of subdifferentiality of functions on Banach spaces. Hlubinka, Daniel: Construction of Markov kernels with application for moment problem solution. Somberg, Petr: Properties of the BGG resolution on the spheres. Krump, Lukáš: Construction of Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand for almost hermitian symmetric structures. Kolář, Jan: Simultaneous extension operators. Porosity.

Adaptive finite element analysis based on perturbation arguments

Dai, Xiaoying, He, Lianhua, Zhou, Aihui (2012)

Applications of Mathematics 2012

We review some numerical analysis of an adaptive finite element method (AFEM) for a class of elliptic partial differential equations based on a perturbation argument. This argument makes use of the relationship between the general problem and a model problem, whose adaptive finite element analysis is existing, from which we get the convergence and the complexity of adaptive finite element methods for a nonsymmetric boundary value problem, an eigenvalue problem, a nonlinear boundary value problem...

Aggregate theory versus set theory

Hartley Slater (2005)

Philosophia Scientiae

Les arguments de Maddy avancés en 1990 contre la théorie des agrégats se trouvent affaiblis par le retournement qu’elle opère en 1997. La présente communication examine cette théorie à la lumière de ce retournement ainsi que des récentes recherches sur les “Nouveaux axiomes pour les mathématiques”. Si la théorie des ensembles est la théorie de la partie–tout des singletons, identifier les singletons à leurs membres singuliers ramène la théorie des ensembles à la théorie des agrégats. Toutefois si...

Algebraic classification of the Weyl tensor

Pravdová, Alena (2012)

Applications of Mathematics 2012

Alignment classification of tensors on Lorentzian manifolds of arbitrary dimension is summarized. This classification scheme is then applied to the case of the Weyl tensor and it is shown that in four dimensions it is equivalent to the well known Petrov classification. The approaches using Bel-Debever criteria and principal null directions of the superenergy tensor are also discussed.

Algebraic classification of the Weyl tensor: selected applications

Pravda, Vojtěch (2012)

Applications of Mathematics 2012

Selected applications of the algebraic classification of tensors on Lorentzian manifolds of arbitrary dimension are discussed. We clarify some aspects of the relationship between invariants of tensors and their algebraic class, discuss generalization of Newman-Penrose and Geroch-Held-Penrose formalisms to arbitrary dimension and study an application of the algebraic classification to the case of quadratic gravity.

An adaptive h p -discontinuous Galerkin approach for nonlinear convection-diffusion problems

Dolejší, Vít (2012)

Applications of Mathematics 2012

We deal with a numerical solution of nonlinear convection-diffusion equations with the aid of the discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM). We propose a new h p -adaptation technique, which is based on a combination of a residuum estimator and a regularity indicator. The residuum estimator as well as the regularity indicator are easily evaluated quantities without the necessity to solve any local problem and/or any reconstruction of the approximate solution. The performance of the proposed h p -DGM is demonstrated....

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 74