Orderings of Fuzzy Sets Based on Fuzzy Orderings. Part I: The Basic Approach.
Let ω denote the set of natural numbers. We prove: for every mod-finite ascending chain of infinite subsets of ω, there exists , an infinite maximal almost disjoint family (MADF) of infinite subsets of the natural numbers, such that the Stone-Čech remainder βψ∖ψ of the associated ψ-space, ψ = ψ(ω,ℳ ), is homeomorphic to λ + 1 with the order topology. We also prove that for every λ < ⁺, where is the tower number, there exists a mod-finite ascending chain , hence a ψ-space with Stone-Čech remainder...
An earlier paper [Starosolski A., P-hierarchy on βω, J. Symbolic Logic, 2008, 73(4), 1202–1214] investigated the relations between ordinal ultrafilters and the so-called P-hierarchy. The present paper focuses on the aspects of characterization of classes of ultrafilters of finite index, existence, generic existence and the Rudin-Keisler-order.
We study some natural sets arising in the theory of ordinary differential equations in one variable from the point of view of descriptive set theory and in particular classify them within the Borel hierarchy. We prove that the set of Cauchy problems for ordinary differential equations which have a unique solution is -complete and that the set of Cauchy problems which locally have a unique solution is -complete. We prove that the set of Cauchy problems which have a global solution is -complete...
In [6] an approach to the representation of synonyms and antonyms via the automorphisms of the De Morgan Algebra [0,1]X was suggested. In [3], Ovchinnikov established a representation theorem for automorphisms of the function's complete and completely distributive lattice [0,1]X with the pointwise extension of Min and Max operations in [0,1]. Ovchinnikov results are now inmediately generalized by using a positive t-norm T and its dual eta-dual t-conorm T*. These results are applied to study the...
The class of overtaker binary relations associated with the order in a lattice is defined and used to generalize the representations of L-fuzzy sets by means of level sets or fuzzy points.
A new concept in fuzzy sets theory, namely that of gradual element, was introduced recently. It is known that the set of gradual real numbers is not ordered linearly. We restrict our attention to a discrete case and propose a class of linear orders for discrete gradual real numbers. Then, using idea of the so-called admissible order of intervals, we present a class of linear orders for discrete gradual intervals. Once we have the linear orders it is possible to define OWA operator for discrete gradual...