Boolean spectra and model completions
We introduce a bounded lattice L = (L;∧,∨,0,1), where for each p ∈ L there exists an antitone involution on the interval [p,1]. We show that there exists a binary operation · on L such that L is term equivalent to an algebra A(L) = (L;·,0) (the assigned algebra to L) and we characterize A(L) by simple axioms similar to that of Abbott's implication algebra. We define new operations ⊕ and ¬ on A(L) which satisfy some of the axioms of MV-algebra. Finally we show what properties must be satisfied by...
Bounded commutative residuated lattice ordered monoids (-monoids) are a common generalization of -algebras and Heyting algebras, i.e. algebras of basic fuzzy logic and intuitionistic logic, respectively. In the paper we develop the theory of filters of bounded commutative -monoids.
The logical foundations of processes handling uncertainty in information use some classes of algebras as algebraic semantics. Bounded residuated lattice ordered monoids (monoids) are common generalizations of -algebras, i.e., algebras of the propositional basic fuzzy logic, and Heyting algebras, i.e., algebras of the propositional intuitionistic logic. From the point of view of uncertain information, sets of provable formulas in inference systems could be described by fuzzy filters of the corresponding...
In this paper, the variety of closure n-valued Łukasiewicz algebras, that is, Łukasiewicz algebras of order n endowed with a closure operator, is investigated. The lattice of subvarieties in the particular case in which the open elements form a three-valued Heyting algebra is obtained.
Coalgebras for endofunctors can be used to model classes of object-oriented languages. However, binary methods do not fit directly into this approach. This paper proposes an extension of the coalgebraic framework, namely the use of extended polynomial functors . This extension allows the incorporation of binary methods into coalgebraic class specifications. The paper also discusses how to define bisimulation and invariants for coalgebras of extended polynomial functors and proves many standard...
Coalgebras for endofunctors can be used to model classes of object-oriented languages. However, binary methods do not fit directly into this approach. This paper proposes an extension of the coalgebraic framework, namely the use of extended polynomial functors. This extension allows the incorporation of binary methods into coalgebraic class specifications. The paper also discusses how to define bisimulation and invariants for coalgebras of extended polynomial functors and proves many...