Decomposition of the Complete Directed Graph into Two Factors with Given Diameters
Let G = (V,A) be a directed graph. With any subset X of V is associated the directed subgraph G[X] = (X,A ∩ (X×X)) of G induced by X. A subset X of V is an interval of G provided that for a,b ∈ X and x ∈ V∖X, (a,x) ∈ A if and only if (b,x) ∈ A, and similarly for (x,a) and (x,b). For example ∅, V, and {x}, where x ∈ V, are intervals of G which are the trivial intervals. A directed graph is indecomposable if all its intervals are trivial. Given an integer k > 0, a directed graph G = (V,A) is called...
It is proved that a connected multigraph G which is the union of two edge-disjoint paths has another decomposition into two paths with the same set, U, of endvertices provided that the multigraph is neither a path nor cycle. Moreover, then the number of such decompositions is proved to be even unless the number is three, which occurs exactly if G is a tree homeomorphic with graph of either symbol + or ⊥. A multigraph on n vertices with exactly two traceable pairs is constructed for each n ≥ 3. The...
For n ≥ 4, the complete n-vertex multidigraph with arc multiplicity λ is proved to have a decomposition into directed paths of arbitrarily prescribed lengths ≤ n - 1 and different from n - 2, unless n = 5, λ = 1, and all lengths are to be n - 1 = 4. For λ = 1, a more general decomposition exists; namely, up to five paths of length n - 2 can also be prescribed.
Given a family ℱ of multigraphs without isolated vertices, a multigraph M is called ℱ-decomposable if M is an edge disjoint union of multigraphs each of which is isomorphic to a member of ℱ. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of such decompositions if ℱ consists of all multigraphs of size q except for one. Namely, for a multigraph H of size q we find each multigraph M of size kq, such that every partition of the edge set of M into parts of cardinality q contains a part...
Given a family 𝓕 of multigraphs without isolated vertices, a multigraph M is called 𝓕-decomposable if M is an edge disjoint union of multigraphs each of which is isomorphic to a member of 𝓕. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such decompositions if 𝓕 comprises two multigraphs from the set consisting of a 2-cycle, a 2-matching and a path with two edges.
An arc decomposition of the complete digraph Kₙ into t isomorphic subdigraphs is generalized to the case where the numerical divisibility condition is not satisfied. Two sets of nearly tth parts are constructively proved to be nonempty. These are the floor tth class ( Kₙ-R)/t and the ceiling tth class ( Kₙ+S)/t, where R and S comprise (possibly copies of) arcs whose number is the smallest possible. The existence of cyclically 1-generated decompositions of Kₙ into cycles and into paths is characterized....
An edge coloring of a plane graph G is facially proper if no two faceadjacent edges of G receive the same color. A facial (facially proper) parity edge coloring of a plane graph G is an (facially proper) edge coloring with the property that, for each color c and each face f of G, either an odd number of edges incident with f is colored with c, or color c does not occur on the edges of f. In this paper we deal with the following question: For which integers k does there exist a facial (facially proper)...
W. He et al. showed that a planar graph not containing 4-cycles can be decomposed into a forest and a graph with maximum degree at most 7. This degree restriction was improved to 6 by Borodin et al. We further lower this bound to 5 and show that it cannot be improved to 3.
We consider the defect theorem in the context of labelled polyominoes, i.e., two-dimensional figures. The classical version of this property states that if a set of n words is not a code then the words can be expressed as a product of at most n - 1 words, the smaller set being a code. We survey several two-dimensional extensions exhibiting the boundaries where the theorem fails. In particular, we establish the defect property in the case of three dominoes (n × 1 or 1 × n rectangles).
It is known that if G is a graph that can be drawn without edges crossing in a surface with Euler characteristic ε, and k and d are positive integers such that k ≥ 3 and d is sufficiently large in terms of k and ε, then G is (k,d)*-colorable; that is, the vertices of G can be colored with k colors so that each vertex has at most d neighbors with the same color as itself. In this paper, the known lower bound on d that suffices for this is reduced, and an analogous result is proved for list colorings...