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The relation between the number of leaves of a tree and its diameter

Pu Qiao, Xingzhi Zhan (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let L ( n , d ) denote the minimum possible number of leaves in a tree of order n and diameter d . Lesniak (1975) gave the lower bound B ( n , d ) = 2 ( n - 1 ) / d for L ( n , d ) . When d is even, B ( n , d ) = L ( n , d ) . But when d is odd, B ( n , d ) is smaller than L ( n , d ) in general. For example, B ( 21 , 3 ) = 14 while L ( 21 , 3 ) = 19 . In this note, we determine L ( n , d ) using new ideas. We also consider the converse problem and determine the minimum possible diameter of a tree with given order and number of leaves.

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