Skew divided difference operators and Schubert polynomials.
In the famous paper [FZ2] Fomin and Zelevinsky obtained Cartan-Killing type classification of all cluster algebras of finite type, i.e. cluster algebras having only finitely many distinct cluster variables. A wider class of cluster algebras is formed by cluster algebras of finite mutation type which have finitely many exchange matrices (but are allowed to have infinitely many cluster variables). In this paper we classify all cluster algebras of finite mutation type with skew-symmetric exchange matrices....
Let be a Noetherian local ring and a finitely generated -module. We say has maximal depth if there is an associated prime of such that depth . In this paper we study squarefree monomial ideals which have maximal depth. Edge ideals of cycle graphs, transversal polymatroidal ideals and high powers of connected bipartite graphs with this property are classified.