Displaying 881 – 900 of 1272

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Sobre las isometrías de los grupos y anillos reticulados.

Josep Grané Manlleu (1980)


El contenido de este trabajo tiene un objetivo fundamental: el estudio, clasificación y caracterización de las isometrías de un grupo reticulado. Se introducen los conceptos de grupo de isometrías M(G) de un grupo reticulado G, grupo de simetrías homogéneas H(G) y traslaciones T(G). Se estudia primero el caso elemental de los grupos totalmente ordenados y utilizando luego las representaciones de los grupos (y f-anillos) en un producto de totalmente ordenados, se introduce el concepto de conjunto...

Some comments and examples on generation of (hyper-)archimedean -groups and f -rings

A. W. Hager, D. G. Johnson (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

This paper systematizes some theory concerning the generation of -groups and reduced f -rings from substructures. We are particularly concerned with archimedean and hyperarchimedean groups and rings. We discuss the process of adjoining a weak order unit to an -group, or an identity to an f -ring and find significant contrasts between these cases. In -groups, hyperarchimedeanness and similar properties fail to pass from generating structures to the structures that they generate, as illustrated by...

Some examples of hyperarchimedean lattice-ordered groups

Anthony W. Hager, Chawne M. Kimber (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

All ℓ-groups shall be abelian. An a-extension of an ℓ-group is an extension preserving the lattice of ideals; an ℓ-group with no proper a-extension is called a-closed. A hyperarchimedean ℓ-group is one for which each quotient is archimedean. This paper examines hyperarchimedean ℓ-groups with unit and their a-extensions by means of the Yosida representation, focussing on several previously open problems. Paul Conrad asked in 1965: If G is a-closed and M is an ideal, is G/M a-closed? And in 1972:...

Some ideas for comparison of Bellman chains

Laurent Truffet (2003)


In this paper we are exploiting some similarities between Markov and Bellman processes and we introduce the main concepts of the paper: comparison of performance measures, and monotonicity of Bellman chains. These concepts are used to establish the main result of this paper dealing with comparison of Bellman chains.

Some properties of Lorenzen ideal systems

Aleka Kalapodi, Angeliki Kontolatou, Jiří Močkoř (2000)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let G be a partially ordered abelian group ( p o -group). The construction of the Lorenzen ideal r a -system in G is investigated and the functorial properties of this construction with respect to the semigroup ( R ( G ) , , ) of all r -ideal systems defined on G are derived, where for r , s R ( G ) and a lower bounded subset X G , X r s = X r X s . It is proved that Lorenzen construction is the natural transformation between two functors from the category of p o -groups with special morphisms into the category of abelian ordered semigroups.

Some properties of residuated lattices

Radim Bělohlávek (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We investigate some (universal algebraic) properties of residuated lattices—algebras which play the role of structures of truth values of various systems of fuzzy logic.

Currently displaying 881 – 900 of 1272