Cantor extension of a half lattice ordered group
Cantor extension of a half lineary cyclically ordered group
Convergent and fundamental sequences are studied in a half linearly cyclically ordered group G with the abelian increasing part. The main result is the construction of the Cantor extension of G.
Cantor extension of a mixed product of directed groups
Cantor extension of an Abelian cyclically ordered group
Cantor-Bernstein theorem for lattice ordered groups
Cantor-Bernstein theorem for -algebras
Cardinal properties of lattice ordered groups
Cardinal sums of linearly ordered groups
Cardinality of the system of all sequential convergences on an Abelian lattice ordered group
Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: categories, distributors and functors.
Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid : regular presheaves, regular semicategories
Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: tensored and cotensored categories.
Causal structures in linear spaces.
Certain partial orders on semigroups
Relations introduced by Conrad, Drazin, Hartwig, Mitsch and Nambooripad are discussed on general, regular, completely semisimple and completely regular semigroups. Special properties of these relations as well as possible coincidence of some of them are investigated in some detail. The properties considered are mainly those of being a partial order or compatibility with multiplication. Coincidences of some of these relations are studied mainly on regular and completely regular semigroups.
Characterisations of Semi-Prime Archimedean f-algebras.
Characterization of all order relations in direct sums of ordered groups.
Characterization of matrix types of ultramatricial algebras.
Characterizations of balayages.
Characterizing ordered quasi-ideals of ordered -semigroups