Finitely generated commutative division semirings
We propose the notion of flocks, which formerly were introduced only in based algebras, for any universal algebra. This generalization keeps the main properties we know from vector spaces, e.g. a closure system that extends the subalgebra one. It comes from the idempotent elementary functions, we call "interpolators", that in case of vector spaces merely are linear functions with normalized coefficients. The main example, we consider outside vector spaces, concerns Boolean algebras,...
This paper deals with some properties of n-fold commutative ideals and n-fold weak commutative ideals in BCK-algebras. Afterwards, we construct some algorithms for studying foldness theory of commutative ideals in BCK-algebras.
Four-part semigroups form a new class of semigroups which became important when sets of Boolean operations which are closed under the binary superposition operation f + g := f(g,...,g), were studied. In this paper we describe the lattice of all subsemigroups of an arbitrary four-part semigroup, determine regular and idempotent elements, regular and idempotent subsemigroups, homomorphic images, Green's relations, and prove a representation theorem for four-part semigroups.
We obtain the construction of free abelian extensions in a congurence-permutable variety V using the construction of a free abelian extension in a variety of algebras with one ternary Mal'cevoperation and a monoid of unary operations. We also use this construction to obtain a free solvable V-algebra.