Polynomial functions over finite monoids.
We study several choice principles for systems of finite character and prove their equivalence to the Prime Ideal Theorem in ZF set theory without Axiom of Choice, among them the Intersection Lemma (stating that if is a system of finite character then so is the system of all collections of finite subsets of meeting a common member of ), the Finite Cutset Lemma (a finitary version of the Teichm“uller-Tukey Lemma), and various compactness theorems. Several implications between these statements...
Semiheaps are ternary generalisations of involuted semigroups. The first kind of semiheaps studied were heaps, which correspond closely to groups. We apply the radical theory of varieties of idempotent algebras to varieties of idempotent semiheaps. The class of heaps is shown to be a radical class, as are two larger classes having no involuted semigroup counterparts. Radical decompositions of various classes of idempotent semiheaps are given. The results are applied to involuted I-semigroups, leading...
We describe algebras and varieties for which every ideal is a kernel of a one-block congruence.