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Kaprekar triples.

Iannucci, Douglas E., Foster, Bertrum (2005)

Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]

Kneser’s theorem for upper Banach density

Prerna Bihani, Renling Jin (2006)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Suppose A is a set of non-negative integers with upper Banach density α (see definition below) and the upper Banach density of A + A is less than 2 α . We characterize the structure of A + A by showing the following: There is a positive integer g and a set W , which is the union of 2 α g - 1 arithmetic sequences [We call a set of the form a + d an arithmetic sequence of difference d and call a set of the form { a , a + d , a + 2 d , ... , a + k d } an arithmetic progression of difference d . So an arithmetic progression is finite and an arithmetic sequence...

Kolam indiens, dessins sur le sable aux îles Vanuatu, courbe de Sierpinski et morphismes de monoïde

Gabrielle Allouche, Jean-Paul Allouche, Jeffrey Shallit (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Nous montrons que le tracé d’un kolam indien classique, que l’on retrouve aussi dans la tradition des dessins sur le sable aux îles Vanuatu, peut être engendré par un morphisme de monoïde. La suite infinie morphique ainsi obtenue est reliée à la célèbre suite de Prouhet-Thue-Morse, mais elle n’est k -automatique pour aucun entier k 1 .

Kummer congruences for expressions involving generalized Bernoulli polynomials

Glenn J. Fox (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We illustrate how a particular expression, involving the generalized Bernoulli polynomials, satisfies systems of congruence relations if and only if a similar expression, involving the generalized Bernoulli numbers, satisfies the same congruence relations. These congruence relations include the Kummer congruences, and recent extensions of the Kummer congruences provided by Gunaratne.

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