Values of linear recurring sequences of vectors over finite fields
In this partly expository paper we study van der Corput sets in , with a focus on connections with harmonic analysis and recurrence properties of measure preserving dynamical systems. We prove multidimensional versions of some classical results obtained for d = 1 by Kamae and M. Mendès France and by Ruzsa, establish new characterizations, introduce and discuss some modifications of van der Corput sets which correspond to various notions of recurrence, provide numerous examples and formulate some...
We obtain an asymptotic formula for the number of visible points (x,y), that is, with gcd(x,y) = 1, which lie in the box [1,U] × [1,V] and also belong to the exponential modular curves . Among other tools, some recent results of additive combinatorics due to J. Bourgain and M. Z. Garaev play a crucial role in our argument.