The circle method and pairs of quadratic forms
We give non-trivial upper bounds for the number of integral solutions, of given size, of a system of two quadratic form equations in five variables.
We give non-trivial upper bounds for the number of integral solutions, of given size, of a system of two quadratic form equations in five variables.
This paper is concerned with the density of rational points on the graph of a non-algebraic pfaffian function.
We consider an irreducible curve in , where is an elliptic curve and and are both defined over . Assuming that is not contained in any translate of a proper algebraic subgroup of , we show that the points of the union , where ranges over all proper algebraic subgroups of , form a set of bounded canonical height. Furthermore, if has Complex Multiplication then the set , for ranging over all algebraic subgroups of of codimension at least , is finite. If has no Complex Multiplication...
In order to study the behavior of the points in a tower of curves, we introduce and study trivial points on towers of curves, and we discuss their finiteness over number fields. We relate the problem of proving that the only rational points are the trivial ones at some level of the tower, to the unboundeness of the gonality of the curves in the tower, which we show under some hypothesis.