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A remark on Tate's algorithm and Kodaira types

Tim Dokchitser, Vladimir Dokchitser (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We remark that Tate’s algorithm to determine the minimal model of an elliptic curve can be stated in a way that characterises Kodaira types from the minimum of v ( a i ) / i . As an application, we deduce the behaviour of Kodaira types in tame extensions of local fields.

An alternative way to classify some Generalized Elliptic Curves and their isotopic loops

Lucien Bénéteau, M. Abou Hashish (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Generalized Elliptic Curves ( GECs ) are pairs ( Q , T ) , where T is a family of triples ( x , y , z ) of “points” from the set Q characterized by equalities of the form x . y = z , where the law x . y makes Q into a totally symmetric quasigroup. Isotopic loops arise by setting x * y = u . ( x . y ) . When ( x . y ) . ( a . b ) = ( x . a ) . ( y . b ) , identically ( Q , T ) is an entropic GEC and ( Q , * ) is an abelian group. Similarly, a terentropic GEC may be characterized by x 2 . ( a . b ) = ( x . a ) ( x . b ) and ( Q , * ) is then a Commutative Moufang Loop ( CML ) . If in addition x 2 = x , we have Hall GECs and ( Q , * ) is an exponent 3

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