Displaying 281 – 300 of 374

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Solving quadratic equations over polynomial rings of characteristic two.

Jorgen Cherly, Luis Gallardo, Leonid Vaserstein, Ethel Wheland (1998)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We are concerned with solving polynomial equations over rings. More precisely, given a commutative domain A with 1 and a polynomial equation antn + ...+ a0 = 0 with coefficients ai in A, our problem is to find its roots in A.We show that when A = B[x] is a polynomial ring, our problem can be reduced to solving a finite sequence of polynomial equations over B. As an application of this reduction, we obtain a finite algorithm for solving a polynomial equation over A when A is F[x1, ..., xN] or F(x1,...

Some Algebraic Properties of Polynomial Rings

Christoph Schwarzweller, Artur Korniłowicz (2016)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article we extend the algebraic theory of polynomial rings, formalized in Mizar [1], based on [2], [3]. After introducing constant and monic polynomials we present the canonical embedding of R into R[X] and deal with both unit and irreducible elements. We also define polynomial GCDs and show that for fields F and irreducible polynomials p the field F[X]/ is isomorphic to the field of polynomials with degree smaller than the one of p.

Sur le groupe unitaire relatif à une involution d’un corps algébriquement clos

Bruno Deschamps (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Dans cet article, nous tentons de généraliser à d’autres situations l’isomorphisme de groupes topologiques qui existe entre le groupe / et le groupe unitaire 𝕌 = { z / | z | = 1 } .Nous montrons que cet isomorphisme existe algébriquement en toute généralité : pour tout corps algébriquement clos C et toute involution c de C les groupes 𝕌 ( C , c ) = { z C / z c ( z ) = 1 } et C < c > / sont isomorphes. Nous donnons ensuite un exemple d’involution c 0 de qui n’est pas conjuguée, dans le groupe Aut ( ) , à la conjugaison complexe et telle que 𝕌 ( , c 0 ) soit topologiquement isomorphe...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 374