Hopf Galois structures on Kummer extensions of prime power degree.
This note extends the algorithm of [hess] for computing unimodular Galois groups of irreducible differential equations of order four. The main tool is invariant theory.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20E18, 12G05, 12F10, 12F99.Given a profinite group Γ acting continuously on a discrete quasi-cyclic group A, certain classes of closed subgroups of Γ (radical, hereditarily radical, Kneser, almost Kneser, and hereditarily Kneser) having natural field theoretic interpretations are defined and investigated. One proves that the hereditarily Kneser subgroups of Γ form a closed subspace of the irreducible spectral space of all closed subgroups of Γ, and a hereditarily...
A local analogue of the Grothendieck Conjecture is an equivalence between the category of complete discrete valuation fields with finite residue fields of characteristic and the category of absolute Galois groups of fields together with their ramification filtrations. The case of characteristic 0 fields was studied by Mochizuki several years ago. Then the author of this paper proved it by a different method in the case (but with no restrictions on the characteristic of ). In this paper...