Differential algebra in a topos
Differential equations in characteristic
Differential Filtrations and Symbolic Powers of Regualr Primes.
Differential Galois approach to the non-integrability of the heavy top problem
Differential Galois realization of double covers
An effective construction of homogeneous linear differential equations of order 2 with Galois group or is presented.
Differential Galois Theory for an Exponential Extension of
In this paper we study the formal differential Galois group of linear differential equations with coefficients in an extension of by an exponential of integral. We use results of factorization of differential operators with coefficients in such a field to give explicit generators of the Galois group. We show that we have very similar results to the case of .
Differential invariants of conformal and projective surfaces.
Differential modules defined by systems of equations
Differential resolvents of minimal order and weight.
Differential rings in which any ideal is differential
Differential rings of meromorphic functions
Differential simplicity and a criterion fornnormality
Différentielles non commutatives et théorie de Galois différentielle ou aux différences
Diophantine approximation in power series fields